What is mictasol?

Mictasol® is the name of a commercial line product, whose composition is structured by the chemical substances phenazopyridinehydrochloride and norfloxacin, which individually have analgesic and also antimicrobial characteristics, making them essential forrelieving pain and eliminating the presence of bacteria.

Note: Mictasol is a drug belonging to theantibiotic medicinesdeveloped and marketed byAsofarma laboratories. (1)

What is mictasol for?

  • Mictasol® contains phenazopyridine that works as an analgesic and serves as atreatment for chronic andrecurrent acute infections of the urinary system, reducing pain, spasm or burning caused by bacterial infections, is excreted in theurineand distributed through the urinary mucosa. On the other hand, norfloxacinis a broad-spectrum antibioticthat manages to reduce the synthesis of microbial agents in its cellular structure or DNA, preventing their expansion and eliminating them. (2)
  • It is used to treat:
    • Urethritis.
    • Prostatitis.
    • Cystitis.
    • Epididymitis.
    • Gonococcal blenorrhagia.
    • Nephrolithiasis.
    • Cystopyelitis

Dosage and routes of administration of mictasol

Mictasol® is a medicine whose presentation is in the form of a box with tablets of 400 mgof norfloxacin and also 100 mg of phenazopyridine, with an oral administration route. The most recommended doses of mictasol® are the following:

  • Adults: It is recommended to administer 1 tablet of 500 mg once a day , with plenty of water to promote better absorption and avoid dehydration.

side effects of mictasol

Mictasol® is a well-tolerated medication in the body of most patients, so its adverse reactions turn out to be mild and less frequent, however one cannot be uninformed about them. The most well-known adverse effects of mictasol® are the following:

  • Photosensitivity in the skin.
  • Colitis _
  • Itching.
  • Anemia.
  • Syndrome

Important: It is necessary to stop treatment with this medicine if the adverse effects persist, in order to see a specialist doctor.

Contraindications and warnings of mictasol

Mictasol® is contraindicated for a certain population of patients, since the interaction of the metabolites of this drug can worsen their health if caution is not exercised about its use in a particular treatment. Therefore, it is not recommended for these cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to active ingredients.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnancy and lactation .
  • Renal insufficiency.

Avoid if you have:

  • Convulsive seizure.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.


  • It is preferable to use this medicine with a prescription or doctor’s prescription.
  • The drug should be kept out of the reach of children.
  • Keep the drug reserved in a dry place.
  • Keep the medicine stored at room temperature.

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