In all its forms, pain is annoying. Even more so if it is persistent and worsens during certain times of the day, worsening your quality of life.

This is common in colitis, which is inflammation of the large intestine, or colon. This, in turn, is a very broad term that encompasses different classes such as nervous colitis or irritable colon.

Relieving the symptoms of colitis (abdominal pain and bloating), particularly after eating certain foods, may require different approaches with the best, natural remedies that do not involve medication.

Note: If you want to improve your quality of life, there is a wide range of home remedies designed to relieve the sensation of pain, which do not require much preparation or excessive expense.

1. Carrot juice.

In addition to the multitude of benefits of carrots due to its vitamins and minerals, it is also rich in soluble fiber.

Many people have the misconception that you should eat less fiber if you suffer from colitis or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) , as it leads to gas production in your large intestine. Therefore, to constipation and distension of the abdomen.

But that is caused by the high consumption of foods made with whole wheat flour or grains. The soluble fiber in carrots, on the other hand, stimulates bowel movements.

Carrot juice or even raw carrot consumption has beneficial effects by relieving the classic symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Note: Studies report that patients who adhere to a diet rich in foods rich in soluble fiber, such as carrots, show a reduction in abdominal swelling after weeks.

To prepare the juice, you must first wash the carrot and remove its most superficial layers with a knife or potato peeler.

Then put it in the blender or a food grinder with a little water. After a minute or enough to liquefy the vegetable. Strain the product to remove any physical chunks.

2.Aloe vera.

The benefits of aloe vera , also known as aloe vera , against a large number of diseases have made it a home remedy highly recommended by thousands.

Consuming aloe vera juice prepared from its juice promotes intestinal motility, increases the release of water into the intestines , leading to relief from constipation and favoring the excretion of less solid feces.

In addition, eating aloe vera provides us with anti-inflammatory elements due to its flavonoid content that can reduce intestinal sensitivity and abdominal inflammation.

3. Licorice root.

Licorice Root (1) is historically recognized as part of the effective natural remedies against the “burning” sensation caused by gastritis, abdominal pain and even respiratory diseases.

Due to its high number of anti-inflammatory components, it reduces the sensitivity of the intestine and has a good laxative effect by favoring the softening of feces.

It can be consumed in the form of an infusion by crushing the dry root and adding boiling water, letting it rest for 10 to 15 minutes, then filtering the remains and obtaining a delicious healthy drink.

Tip: It is recommended to drink the drink 3 to 5 times a day, after meals.

4. Apple and papaya.

Both fruits have important anti-inflammatory effects.

They are excellent probiotics by improving the intestinal flora . Although colitis is not caused by infectious agents (bacteria or viruses), a healthy intestinal environment is favorable to reduce the symptoms of colitis.

Papaya contains a high number of enzymes, such as papain, which prevent constipation and stimulate intestinal transit without much discomfort.

The apple has similar properties. It also contains malic acid, which favors the health of the liver and gallbladder, both essential for the digestion of fats, which cause abdominal pain.

Tip: The intake of these fruits in solid form is recommended. You can prepare large slices of papaya or apple as part of a nutritious snack.

Alternatively you can prepare a natural papaya or apple juice to replace the harmful sodas. The important thing is to get the best experience from eating these fruits.

5. Apple cider vinegar.

Known among natural remedies as one of the most beneficial vinegars , its consumption has been linked to intestinal benefits.

Apple cider vinegar contains a high number of antioxidants and vitamins, which favor the protection of the colonic mucosa and benefit many other organs.

It could be said that the components of apple cider vinegar have an indirect effect by improving health in many aspects, which could have been affecting our health.

Note: You can consume a tablespoon of vinegar diluted in water in the morning on an empty stomach. Another method is by including it as a salad dressing.

6. Chamomile tea.

Tea infusions are world-renowned for improving intestinal health.

Chamomile tea is anti-inflammatory by controlling the cells and macromolecules of the immune system (such as Leukotrienes) that cause discomfort and chronic pain at the time of digestion, reducing cramps.

Another of the benefits of chamomile tea is to promote intestinal transit, as it combats gas production (thus avoiding flatulence) and reduces diarrhea.

In addition to the direct effects on our intestinal system, chamomile tea is a relaxant; decreases anxiety and even depression.

Note: A better lifestyle, both mentally and physically, reduces intestinal ailments and promotes a better quality of life.

To prepare it, it’s just a matter of boiling water with chamomile sprigs in it, bringing it to a boil, and turning it off.

Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes and drink our delicious infusion. You can use sweeteners such as honey. Avoid using sugar to sweeten your drink.

Tip: A cup of tea is recommended after meals and, especially, before bed.

7. Rice water.

Although, at first glance, it looks like those natural remedies without support, rice water is recommended to treat intestinal conditions, not only colitis, but also gastritis.

Reduces intestinal motility (thus avoiding that feeling of discomfort). It favors, in many ways, intestinal health.

Increases the reabsorption of fluids and electrolytes , avoiding dehydration that occurs when losing them during diarrhea caused by colitis.

You will need to:

  • Half a cup of white rice.
  • 4 cups of water.

Pour the cup of water into a saucepan, add the rice and let it boil for approximately 15-20 minutes. Let cool, strain and serve in a glass.

8. Fennel

Fennel is part of the Umbelliferae, which act as home remedies. It is a tall plant with yellowish flowers and feathery leaves.

Note: It can be found in the form of essential oil, as a dried root to drink an infusion (fennel tea), powder. It is also marketed, both dry and fluid.

For colitis, fennel is beneficial as it is rich in flavonoids, which are molecules known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It has antispasmodic properties, that is, it prevents the contractions of the smooth muscle of the intestine , which is the mechanism by which abdominal pain occurs.

Reduces gas production and consequent swelling. It also favors evacuation, fighting against the symptoms of colitis.

Fennel tea is prepared by boiling its seeds in water, half a liter for every two tablespoons, for about 3 minutes. Let stand, strain and drink when it is still hot or lukewarm.

Important: It is recommended to take sips and not consume it immediately. By spacing the intake of tea, you increase its beneficial effect.

9. Linseed.

Flaxseed is worldwide recognized and praised for its great effects, both on the stomach and intestines.

Flaxseed is rich in bioactive agents that reduce inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, regenerate it and promote the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria due to its probiotic effects.

Among the substances that make it up we find fiber, phenolic components and polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linolenic acid. All these important when creating a natural therapy to combat the symptoms of colitis.

To highlight: In experimental studies, flaxseed favored the regeneration of the colonic mucosa in rodents with ulcerative colitis.

Flaxseed can also be found as an edible oil. and be added to your meals. Of course, in moderate amounts.

There are also its solid presentations, as it is whole or previously ground. If you want to take it whole, pour a cup of water in a saucepan or pot, place the seeds in the water. Let it boil for five minutes and filter it. Wait for it to cool down and serve with honey.

If you plan to drink it ground, simply add a tablespoon of the ground mixture to a glass of water and let it steep overnight. The next morning, fasting, drink the water with the flaxseed.

Repeat the procedure daily.

10. Castor oil.

Castor oil , also known as castor oil (2) , may not be the most heard natural remedy like aloe vera, but it does help to lessen the effects of constipation, whether occasional or prolonged.

Important: The consumption of this is not recommended if you suffer from colitis due to the sensitivity of your large intestine. Therefore, we can apply castor oil in another way, such as topical use.

For this, pour a cup of hot water into a bottle. Take a flannel or clean cloth, and moisten it with castor oil and place it on your abdomen.

11. Coconut water

Coconut water is the product found inside green coconuts. As the coconut matures, this water is replaced by “coconut meat.” It should also not be confused with coconut milk.

Coconut water is mainly consumed as a drink to treat symptoms related to diarrhea, the dehydration it causes and reduces inflammation of the colonic mucosa.

It is composed of a mixture of electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and magnesium, which favors digestion and promotes intestinal motility.

Important: You should avoid consuming coconut water if you are pregnant or lactating, if you suffer from high potassium levels or kidney problems in general.

How to prevent colitis

It is important to mention that not all colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine (as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease is), despite its name.

Irritable colon or nervous colitis is an excessive sensitivity of the large intestine, but without accentuated inflammation of the colonic mucosa.

However, both can be exacerbated by psychological factors, such as excessive stress or anxiety, which, over time, diminish your mental health and quality of life.

Note: Nutritional factors such as an inadequate diet favor the intensity of colitis. Excessive consumption of foods rich in fat, insoluble fiber that favors constipation, soft drinks or high sugar content that promote poor intestinal health.

It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of:

  • Caffeine in general.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Chocolate.
  • Dairy products.
  • Tobacco and alcohol.
  • soft drinks

Finally, from the mental point of view, we recommend regular exercise, yoga therapies, or even therapies with a specialist to manage stress, lose weight and even acupressure.

In short, a lifestyle characterized by

  • sedentary lifestyle
  • Foods harmful to your health.
  • Constant stress and/or anguish (common in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic).

They worsen the feeling of discomfort or pain that characterizes colitis.

Among the symptoms of colitis are abdominal pain throughout the region, cramps, constipation, or diarrhea and you suspect that it may be colitis.

Note: The symptoms of nervous colitis (and the different types of colitis) should not be confused with those of other gastrointestinal conditions such as gastritis.

We recommend that you contact a specialist before starting any treatment with home remedies. Although these solutions are universally classified as beneficial, the specialist can gauge the severity of your condition.

Key Findings

  • Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine or colon. This term in turn encompasses its derivatives such as nervous colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Colitis is a disease that can be caused not only by your eating habits, but also on many occasions, by the state of your mental health and lifestyle.
  • Some of the most common ways to relieve pain and minimize intestinal inflammation are ingesting teas such as chamomile or fennel and consuming foods rich in soluble fibers such as carrots and flaxseed.
  • There are other gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, whose symptoms are similar to colitis. That is why before taking any home solution, we recommend you consult a specialist and verify your condition.

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