ToggleWhat are warts?
The “Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology“, states that the word wart “is used in a broad sense to refer to any benign tumorthat protrudes, should be restricted to cutaneous-mucosal infections produced bythe human papillomavirus (HPV)”. (1)
Thus, as thelesions that occur on the skindue to other pathologies such asdiabetes (granulomas), sun exposure (actinic keratosis), among others and that denote some morphological resemblance to warts, should not be identified as such.
Home remedies to remove warts
Nature again gives us itstherapeutic options to eliminatethose annoying warts on the skin. Here are 15 different options it offers:
1. Baking soda
Baking soda isan effective antiseptic, which is applied topicallyto living tissue to exert that action. Its effect is enhanced when mixed with apple cider vinegar or garlic or lemon juice.
2. Garlic
Tip: A few slices of garlic without crushing as a poultice on the wart, help to get rid of it in a few days.
It should be noted that, in a bibliographic review on ” Antimicrobial and antifungal activity of allium sativum in stomatology” , the properties of allicin are described as a powerful antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral. (two)
3. Apple cider vinegar
The main component for the benefits of apple cider vinegarIsacetic acid , with a powerful biological effect, which helps to eliminate pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. It has been used traditionally for cleaning and disinfection, in the treatment of warts.
To highlight: An article on “Antiseptics and disinfectants”, talks about the properties of acetic acid as a bactericide or bacteriostatic . (3)
4. Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that contains more oxygen than normal in its formulation, hence its oxidative capacity against microorganisms.
In this sense, the wart survives in a stable habitat. If that stability is altered, then it dies, and hence theoxidizing effect of hydrogen peroxide.
This is better supported by a bibliographic work on “Antiseptics, Fundamentals of use” , where the mechanism of Antimicrobial Action of hydrogen peroxide is explained. (4)
5. Greater celandine
Its main therapeutic component is the latex of its stem or leaves, which contains alkaloids. This latex is a caustic substance, which burns or burns the skin, and is considered an effective remedy against warts, as long as it is used properly.
6. Calendula
Note: Keratolytic or callicidal drugsareused to remove warts from the surface of the skin. Among the most used keratolytic ingredients is salicylic acid.
7. Fig leaf
In the case of the fig tree ( Ficus carica ), the latex released by both the stem and the leaf is highly irritating and effective in burning warts. Just put a drop of this latex on the warts.
In this sense, a clinical trial on “Comparative study of the efficacy of the fig tree in the treatment of common warts (Verruca vulgaris) versus cryotherapy” concludes that therapy with fig latex is beneficial for the treatment of warts without side effects. (6)
8. Aloe vera
The benefits of aloe vera or aloe vera for the skin are innumerable, thanks to its Power to regenerate cells , the application of the crystal from this plant activates the immune system through its lymphocytes, fighting viral infection.
9. Lemon
The main component of lemon is citric acid , which behaves as an antiseptic and rubefacient, dries and burns the wart, making it soften and ends up falling off.
10. Castor oil
Traditional medicine has used the combination of castor oil with sodium bicarbonate, a mixture used as an antimicrobial and antiviral product, which can help eliminate warts. Apparently, its direct application controls the infection and prevents it from spreading to other parts of the body.
Note: The acid present in castor oil irritates warts and leads to their disappearance.
11. Verrucaria
Verrucaria ( Heliotropium europaeum ) is a plant that has traditionally been used to treat conditions such as warts; hence its name. But you have to be very careful with its use, since it has a harmful alkaloid calledcynoglossine,underit should not be handled without any knowledge about it.
12. Radish
Like lemon, radish contains vitamin C or citric acid , which acts as a natural antiseptic, gradually destroying wart tissue.
13. Thuja
This plant has an astringent property , causing a healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic action on the wart.
To highlight: A study corroborated the effectiveness of the extracts of this plant on plantar warts, shortly after starting the treatment. (7)
14. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil, known as Melaleuca alternifolia, is obtained from fresh leaves and branches by distillation. It hasantiseptic, antifungal and antibiotic properties , and it is also healing.
In this sense, an academic paper on “Study of a phytotherapeutic formulation for topical application with essential oil of the Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)” , describes in detail the properties of this oil, especially its Terpinene-4-ol compound . . (8)
Tip: It is used by applying a drop of oil directly on the wart at night and covered with gauze, it should be removed the next morning.
15. Onion juice
The sulfur contained in the onion bulb inhibits the proliferation of virusesand prevents their spread to other parts of the body. It alsostrengthens the immune system to fight HPV, in addition to facilitating the elimination of dead cells and promoting healing.
Wart Removal Considerations
Precautionary measures should be taken, when treating warts, be they of any kind, due to the complications it can bring. We mention some of them:
Avoid cutting and scraping them with sharp objects
The virus that causes the wart lives inside it, it is its habitat. If we cut them, we scrape them with sharp objects, what we are doing isreleasing the virus so that it spreads , since the fluids or skin flakes of the wart reach other areas of the body or even other people.
Avoid applying chemical and corrosive substances
Non-medicinal (and even some medicinal) or corrosive chemical substances are characterized by being too irritating to human skin. This is how we recommend not using substances not indicated for the treatment of skin conditions, and consult your doctor to evaluate options.
Home treatments are effective with consistent use
The Achilles heel of home treatments is that their effectiveness depends to a large extent on the perseverance of the patient. The insistent and constant use of these therapies guarantees the success of its results.
Genital warts should be treated by specialists
Genital warts , due to their characteristics and location, must be treated with medical supervision and indicationtag. In these cases, it is advisable not to self-medicate.
Go to the doctor in case of changes and pain in the area
Warts have their own characterization, because they come from multiple strains of HPV from which they come. When visualizing a wart, ask a specialist to detail its characteristics, and in case of observing unexpected changes,Consult your doctor immediately.
Key Findings
- Warts are small growths caused by the human papilloma virus.
- They do not represent a health hazard.
- They are Annoying injuries and sometimes they can become unsightly.
- They are easily contagious.
- They must be evaluated by a specialist.
- There are many natural options to eliminate them.
- The key is in the constancy of the patient.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.