Both men and women during their lives are prone to suffer from genital warts , since the pathology that generates them (human papillomavirus) is highly contagious and more likely to contract it through sexual intercourse (50 to 70%).
In the following article, we give you all the information about this condition caused by HPV, and how to treat it through home treatments.
What are genital warts?
Genital warts or condylomata acuminata, are small bumps that appear in the genital areas of men or women, caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI), caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
They are characterized by appearing in the dermis of the skin and look like small pieces of cauliflower that can cause itching, but most of the time they do not cause any discomfort.
This disease is associated with the individual’s immune system , so much so that there are people who only have genital warts once, and never have them again, and others who suffer from them several times in their lives.
Important: There is no cure for HPV, so treatment is aimed at removing the wart. A study from the “Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Venezuela” indicates that the treatment for this condition is indicated on the symptoms (genital warts) and not on the causative pathology (HPV).
It is worth mentioning that warts affect approximately 1.7% of the general population and the peak incidence is observed between 20 and 29 years of age.
Home treatments to remove genital warts
Nature, as the protagonist in many natural therapies, offers us on this occasion thirteen ways to treat genital warts . Here we mention them:
Apple vinager
Apple cider vinegar , with its antibacterial and antifungal properties , works by slowly burning and destroying the infected skin, making the genital wart disappear. The irritation caused by the acids stimulates the immune system’s ability to fight the virus that causes the wart.
Tip: The method to treat a wart with apple cider vinegar is quite simple; All it takes is a cotton ball, water, apple cider vinegar, and tape or a bandage; Soak the cotton ball in the vinegar and water solution, then cover the wart with the ball and tape overnight.
Taking into account that hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant and antiseptic properties, it is recommended to carry out the same procedure described for apple cider vinegar.
Note: Hydrogen peroxide in the commercial concentration of 3% does not produce side effects on the skin , however, if you notice allergic reactions such as burning, itching, redness or other abnormal symptoms, stop using it and consult a doctor.
Sodium bicarbonate
Baking soda has antiseptic properties on the skin, especially on wounds in order to prevent infection. For the treatment of genital warts and to enhance its action, it is recommended to make a paste with the combination with vinegar, or with garlic, or with lemon juice.
Tip: Make a mixture with one of these three ingredients, place it on the wart, cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight.
aloe vera
Among the benefits of aloe vera or aloe vera , it is found that it helps activate lymphocytes to combat viral infection, and it also acts by cleaning and regenerating the skin after the disappearance of the wart.
One option is to directly apply the glass , in which case the use of a bandage is necessary. If we choose to use aloe vera gel, with the help of a cotton pad, we perform a delicate massage on the wart.
Note: This procedure should be done once a day, until the condition subsides.
fig leaf
To eliminate genital warts, the liquid or latex that comes out when cutting a leaf of this plant or the fruit is used.
Studies indicate that the fruit’s latex contains anticancer properties , and when applied to HPV-induced warts, has shown potential as a possible cure for HPV-related lesions.
Tip: For its application, you must wet the genital wart with this latex several times a day, until it falls off. Its properties promote the disappearance of the wart.
marigold flowers
Calendula flower extract contains flavonoids, resins, essential oils and salicylic acid , which helps treat viral warts. Calendula creams or oils, or the petals of the flower directly on the skin, help in the treatment of these conditions.
greater celandine
Greater celandine ( Chelidonium majus ), due to its alkaloid content, has antiviral and antifungal properties, and has been used to remove warts for a long time.
Traditionally , the fresh extract of its leaves and stem (latex) is used directly on genital warts, preventing it from touching healthy skin, once a day for several weeks, until its disappearance is observed.
Important: Greater celandine can cause dermatitis. It is recommended to test on a small area of skin before use. Due to its toxicity, it should not be consumed in remedies for internal use.
Verrucaria or heliotropium europaeum , has a harmful alkaloid called cynoglossine, so it should not be handled without any knowledge about it . It is a substance that affects the nervous system, causing paralysis. In more serious cases and very frequently, it usually attacks the liver if it is ingested continuously.
Its use to treat genital warts is done by taking the leaves of this plant , cutting it and placing its juice on the affected area for a few minutes so that it can penetrate and alleviate the ailment.
The thuja is a plant from the cypress family, which, thanks to its astringent effect, is an excellent remedy , causing a healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic action; It is used to treat conditions at the skin level such as warts.
In homeopathy, it is prescribed for any warty lesion. A small amount of the tincture can be applied to the wart, twice a day.
To highlight: In the treatment of children in a pediatric hospital, homeopathic application, including thuja, was found to be effective in treating warts.
Similarly, this homeopathic treatment was effective in cases of plantar warts , caused by HPV, where significant clinical improvement was observed shortly after starting treatment with thuja.
Oregano oil
Oregano is one of the most effective antibiotics and antifungals that nature offers us, making it useful for the treatment of genital warts.
Tip: The application is made through your essential oil, diluting four drops in two tablespoons of water, mix and then apply to the affected area several times a day, until the genital wart disappears.
Podophyllin solution, is a medicine extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Podophyllum species, and has been a medicine used for a long time for the treatment of genital warts. It is a topical toxin that stops HPV cell multiplication.
It is used at a concentration between 10 and 25%. Podophyllin can be applied at intervals up to a maximum of six treatment sessions.
beta carotene
Beta-carotene is part of a group of red, yellow and orange pigments called carotenoids, and acts as an antioxidant that is essential for the good health of our skin. It helps the body to synthesize vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system , obtaining a favorable response against the virus.
In a “Nutri-facts” article , they point out that beta-carotene boosts the immune response to certain infections.
Important: Strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries make it more difficult for the human papillomavirus to affect your body, so regular consumption of red fruits is recommended
The benefits of zinc include that it is a skin astringent and helps the immune system fight bacteria and viruses that invade the body. For the treatment of genital warts, this chemical comes in cream or ointment , and it should be applied only covering your affected part.
Its action on warts is that it removes moisture from the outside in, making it dry quickly and disappear.
Note: Studies indicate that zinc sulfate is a suitable therapeutic option for the treatment of viral warts.
How to prevent genital warts?
Prevention is the key way to avoid infection by HPV, and to suffer the consequences of the appearance of unsightly and annoying genital warts. We mention some of them:
use condom
We already know that genital warts appear when the person (man or woman) is infected with the human papillomavirus . So, this disease is most often transmitted during sexual intercourse.
To avoid possible contagion, in fortuitous sexual relations, it is advisable to use condoms as a protective barrier in the case of men, so that they do not transmit it or become infected.
Important: Not all growths that appear on the genital organs are warts. There are other common infections and skin conditions that may look like a wart, but may be caused by something else.
Maintain proper intimate hygiene
Maintaining adequate hygiene in the genital parts contributes significantly to avoid discomfort and infections. But you have to be careful with this, because excessive hygiene can upset the natural chemical balance of the skin and mucous membranes.
Note: A study found that mothers with HPV transmitted the infection to their daughters through joint washing of underwear and the shared use of other products and personal belongings.
avoid cigarette
The literature indicates that smokers are more likely to get genital warts than non-smokers. This probably occurs due to the fact that smokers share cigarettes on occasions and that is how HPV is transmitted.
Note: Genital warts can take weeks, months, or even years to appear after having sexual contact with someone who has HPV, and you can also have the virus and never have warts.
Avoid promiscuity
Having casual and frequent sexual relations is a risk factor for contracting HPV , and with it the appearance of genital warts.
Fun fact: You can be infected with a class of HPV that manifests warts and have no symptoms (asymptomatic), but you can transmit it to another person, who may develop genital warts.
get vaccinated
Let’s remember that HPV is a virus with multiple strains (200) and around 40 of them affect the genitals. There are vaccines that provide protection against the types of HPV that cause most cases of genital warts. You need to consult your doctor.
Note: The vaccine is only to prevent infection, not to eliminate the virus once infected (a).
Stay under constant medical control
Periodic check-up with a specialist is the most advisable preventive measure , to ensure that you are not infected with this disease as well as other sexually transmitted infections. It should be noted that HPV infection can occur in pregnant women .
Key Findings
- Genital warts come from the human papillomavirus.
- They are highly contagious.
- You don’t have to have sex to get it.
- Genital warts are a symptom of HPV, but you can also be infected and not have warts.
- The vaccine only prevents the spread of HPV.
- There are a variety of home treatments to remove genital warts.
- Not all warts on the genitals indicate HPV infection, they may be a symptom of another type of condition.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.