What is espraden?

Espraden®is a synthetic compound drug made from aluminum hydroxide, dimethicone, magnesium hydroxide andmetoclopramide hydroxide, which produce anantacid, antifoaming, antiemetic and prokinetic effect.

To highlight: This drug has a commercial patent from the company calledDegort’s Chemical. (1)

What is espraden for?

  • Espraden® is effective inrelaxing the smooth muscle fibers of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to promoting better intestinal transit and other annoying symptoms, produced by differentconditions of the digestiveand intestinal system.
  • It is used to treat:
    • Gastritis and esophagitis.
    • Gastroduodenal ulcer, hiatal hernia and acrophagia.
    • Dyspepsias, meteorism and gastric hyperacidity.
    • Gastric reflux, nausea, aerocholia, vomitingand gas. (2)
    • Decreases the increase in acidity in the stomach. (3)
    • Improves gastric emptying. (4)
    • Other disorders or diseases, which respond favorably to the administration of a gastric prokinetic associated with a combined antacid.

Dosage and routes of administration of espraden

Espraden®comes asmetoclopramide hydrochloride 10 mg, magnesium hydroxide 200 mg, aluminium hydroxide 200 mg, dimethicone 50 mg and is administeredorally. The dose to be supplied during the treatment, will depend on the pathology to be treated, however, by way of information it is done as follows:

  • Infants and children up to 3 years: 1 mg to 2.5 mg every 8 hours whose duration is according to medical recommendation.
  • Children from 3 to 6 years: 2.5 to 5 mg every 8 hours whose duration is according to medical recommendation.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years: 5 to 10 mg every 8 hours whose duration is according to medical recommendation.
  • Children over 12 years of age and adults: 10 to 15 mg every 8 hours, the duration of which is according to medical recommendation.

Espraden Side Effects

Espraden® can cause certain Adverse reactionsin some patients, including:

  • Urticaria.
  • Dizziness.
  • Insomnia or drowsiness.
  • Gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands in men due to hormonal imbalances).

Important: In the event of any contrary effect, it is necessary to suspend the use of the drug and see your doctor or professional in the pharmacy specialty.

Espraden contraindications and warnings

Treatment with espraden® is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active metabolite.
  • Pancreatitis (an inflammation in the organ of the pancreas).
  • Intestinal occlusion (a sudden blockage of the passage of food into the colon).
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal system.

You should know: It is important that you provide your doctor with all the information regarding your health history , before starting treatment with espraden®.

Avoid if you have:

  • Medication with other drugs without consulting the doctor, such as psychotropics and antihistamines.
  • Acute appendicitis.
  • Peptic ulcer, irritable or spastic colon.


  • This medication must be administered with a prescription.
  • In case of pregnancy, medical supervision is recommended.
  • Do not take this drug if you have to drive or operate heavy machinery.
  • Keep this medicine out of the reach of children.
  • Keep it in a dry and cool place.

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