Gastrointestinal diseases are a recurrent problem, in a population that frequently does not have an adequate diet and also have habits that do not favor digestive health and among these diseases is peptic ulcer.

That is why we present the following article, to share information where we explain what a peptic ulcer is and what its causes are.

What is a peptic ulcer?

The medical conceptualization of peptic ulcer or gastric ulcer , consists of a lesion of the mucous layer in which sores appear in the esophagus, stomach and in the first part of the small intestine (duodenum), in which case they are called duodenal ulcers, produced mainly due to the presence of some bacteria and exposure to certain risk factors. (1)

Note: Peptic ulcers are classified as type I, type II and type III , essentially according to their location.

It is important to know that in order to make an accurate diagnosis of this disease, it is necessary to perform an endoscopy of the upper digestive tract , which is requested by the treating physician.

What causes a peptic ulcer?

Here are the most common causes that can give rise to peptic ulcer:

1. Stomach infection

One of the most common causes of gastric ulcers is an infection caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the lining of the stomach.

Highlights: Helicobacter pylori can initiate damage to the protective lining of the stomach and small intestine, causing gastric acid to produce an ulcer. (two)

2. Drugs

Another cause that can trigger a peptic ulcer is the consumption of certain drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. (3)

You should know: Despite their benign appearance, peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers are considered malignant in a percentage between 5 and 10%.

3. Cigarette, alcohol and spicy food

Other substances that trigger peptic ulcer are cigarettes, alcohol consumption and spicy foods.

In this sense, the harmful substances of the cigarette generate relaxation in the muscles of the esophagus , causing gastric reflux problems and esophagitis , starting the appearance of peptic ulcers, for which smoking is recognized as a risk factor and increases its complications. . (4)

Note: For its part, excess alcohol causes increased acidity of stomach juices , further increasing the chances of the appearance of peptic ulcer and the consumption of spicy foods, even though they do not generate the appearance of this disease, can worsen your condition.

4. Stress

People with peptic ulcers very often suffer from states of stress , not because stressful states directly cause these stomach injuries, but because this emotional condition induces a decrease in the body’s defenses. (5)

To highlight: This is how the bacteria Helicobacter pylori can go into action by attacking the gastric mucosa , allowing stomach acid to damage the mucosa.

What does it feel like to have a peptic ulcer?

With the appearance of peptic ulcer, a series of annoying symptoms occur that allow it to be identified and which we will now mention:

1. Abdominal pain and feeling of fullness

Among the symptoms to highlight in the suffering of peptic ulcer, is abdominal pain commonly called stomach pain , and the feeling of being bloated, as a result of the sores present in the walls of the upper digestive system , its contact with irritating substances and the inflammation produced.

2. Heartburn, nausea and vomiting

Other manifestations that are associated with abdominal pain is heartburn due to increased pH in the stomach ,

Likewise, nausea and vomiting may be the result of a peptic ulcer mechanism to block the passage of food through the digestive tract.

You should know: Nausea and vomiting are defense mechanisms of the body , to expel harmful substances that can cause damage to the digestive system.

3. Fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss

Another consequence of suffering from peptic or gastric ulcers is that due to abdominal pain, nausea and frequent vomiting, they create in the individual a state of total loss of appetite , consequently bringing general fatigue and progressive weight loss. bodily.

How is a peptic ulcer cured?

For your peace of mind, there are a series of therapeutic strategies and others aimed at modifying certain behavioral habits related to poor nutrition and managing stressful situations, to prevent and treat peptic ulcer , which we mention below:

1. Medicines recommended by a specialist

One of the first interventions to apply to mitigate abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting is the use of pharmacological therapy aimed at reducing these symptoms.

For this, the patient must go to a specialized consultation with a doctor, who after carrying out some tests and requesting some complementary studies, will indicate the appropriate pharmacological therapy for his situation.

2. Avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy foods

This point reflects a behavioral change in lifestyle, which many people have mistakenly led up to now.

Important: It is necessary to avoid certain consumption habits that cause the development of peptic ulcers, eliminating triggering substances and foods that worsen this disease, replacing them with healthier consumption habits.

3. Manage stress

It is also proper to control emotions and manage stressful situations to prevent them from weakening the immune system and giving way to peptic ulcers.

Note: Carrying out regular physical activity, joining relaxation activities such as meditation and yoga or performing breathing exercises are strategies that favor your digestive and gastrointestinal health.

Key Conclusions

  • Peptic ulcer consists of an injury to the mucous layer of the digestive tract, in which sores appear in several of its portions.
  • Peptic ulcer is mainly caused by the presence of some bacteria and exposure to certain risk factors.
  • Peptic ulcer requires specialized tests for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Peptic ulcer is treatable with pharmacological therapy and change towards healthy eating habits.

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