The menstrual cup is one of the most innovative tools for women in the menstruation process, as well as providing incredible benefits to the ecosystem and being a much more hygienic alternative for users and their bodies.

In the following article we will talk more in depth about what the menstrual cup is, how it is used and what are the existing advantages and disadvantages.

What is the menstrual cup?

The menstrual cup or vaginal cup is an alternative product or tool for feminine hygiene in the period of menstrual bleeding. It is a method that is not disposable and made from rubber or medical or surgical silicone, which allows it to be soft and flexible when introduced.

Note: There are different options with materials and different sizes (sizes) of menstrual cups, so it is important to understand that we will not always feel comfortable with the first cup we experience. (1)

How is the menstrual cup used?

There is a certain methodology that influences the use of the menstrual cup , to maintain the necessary care and to know what the recommendations are through the standardization of the product and the user experience.

1. Insert it folded into the vagina

The way to insert the menstrual cup will always depend on the preference of the users, but there are certain recommendations such as: bend it in a C or V shape to facilitate the introduction.

Important: It is necessary to take into account that if it is the first time that the menstrual cup is going to be placed, it should be done in a comfortable and clean space such as the bed: avoiding doing it in the shower because the cup can come out of our hands and become contaminated by have contact with the ground.

2. After 12 hours, remove and empty

The maximum time that the cup can be kept inside the body is 12 hours , although the amount of blood that is expelled during the menstrual period influences, which varies in each woman. (two)

3. Wash with soap and water

The cleaning of the cup can be every 2 or 4 hours , depending on the emptying rhythm that is determined by each woman. It is recommended to wash with lukewarm water and if soap is applied, it must be neutral because otherwise the material of the cup may be affected and end up being counterproductive for its estimated useful life of 10 years.

4. Sterilize and store at the end of menstruation

Sterilization is a method that is carried out to eliminate the microbial load of the product. It is done before and after using the menstrual cup, immersing it in boiling water for approximately three minutes.

Note: There are different methods and times depending on the technique: if it is directly in the kitchen, microwave or inside the sterilizing glass.

What are the benefits of the menstrual cup?

The menstrual cup brings with it incredible benefits, ranging from saving money to reducing the risk of spills and accidents, which are very prone to the use of sanitary towels, for example. These main advantages will be mentioned and described below:

1. It saves money in the long run

According to studies carried out, a woman with an average bleeding flow consumes approximately between 11,000 and 12,000 sanitary pads or tampons throughout her life. Which, not only produces an excessive waste of money, but also increases in incredible amounts, the exposure to polluting substances when disposing of them. (3)

To highlight: This generation of waste and unnecessary expenses can be reduced through the use of the menstrual cup, which is also much more hygienic than other existing alternatives, such as reusable towels.

2. Its use lasts for 12 hours

As we previously mentioned, the use time that the menstrual cup can be prolonged inside our body is 12 hours, so there will be no need to get up in the middle of the night to change anything, allowing a long and peaceful sleep without risk. to accidents and spills.

3. Does not cause vaginal dryness

This is influenced by the material used to make the menstrual cups. It is important to mention that to introduce the cup it is not recommended to apply any type of lubricant other than water.

4. It is comfortable and safe to use

The menstrual cup, through the experiences reported by the users, demonstrates great satisfaction when using it , especially since having enough practice, comfort reduces many period discomforts.

Important: It is relevant to mention that the use of menstrual cups completely eliminates the feeling of coming down , since the flow is deposited directly in the cup without touching the vaginal walls.

What disadvantages does the menstrual cup have?

Like any product on the market, there are certain disadvantages that are important to mention to take into account. These will be described below.

1. It can take time to adjust to use

Not all bodies are the same, so for some people there is a mindset that is reluctant to accept new alternatives in the evolution of product development.

Also, not all women are willing to try, and get used to certain changes. It can take months for that to happen and it is important to keep in mind that there is no single cup: there are different options and a variety of materials and sizes.

2. Its handling can be uncomfortable

The introduction and manipulation of the menstrual cup can be somewhat tedious and annoying , as long as the technique that best suits the user has not been well defined.

3. Not all are safe

It is very important to always be cautious enough, to only use menstrual cups that have support and veracity for their production.

Important: They must be verified by the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) and ISO Standards , complying with quality standards and that they are really made with the corresponding and hypoallergenic material.

4. It can be difficult to wash in public bathrooms

Depending on the conditions of public bathrooms, it may seem like a great challenge to empty and wash the menstrual cup, due to the care that must be taken, especially so that it does not come into contact with anything that could produce a microbial load.

Key Findings

  • Menstrual cups are a novel tool for the care and hygiene of the female cycle.
  • They are made with rubber or surgical silicone approved by the FDA so that they are safe products for use.
  • It produces a decrease in expenses and incredible polluting agents that will favor the environment.
  • Thanks to the use of menstrual cups, the contact of chemical substances and body fluids with the skin is reduced, because the blood is retained inside the cup.
  • It must be sterilized before and after its monthly use, avoiding the use of soaps that may affect its material and its useful life.

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