ToggleWhat is Maslow’s pyramid?
Maslow’s pyramid is an illustrative model that represents the hierarchy of the types of needs of the human beingin the “Theory of Human Motivation” based on the psychology of needs, proposed by the American humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow.
The pyramid shows in an ascending way, five levels wherethey are shown in order of hierarchy, from the most basic needs to the higher psychological needs of man.
Note: At the first level of the pyramid, the basic needs of the human being are located, it goes up in hierarchy as the complexity of the humanneedincreases and itis intended to answer questions about motivationand theneedsof the individual.
Examples of needs in Maslow’s pyramid
Maslow’s theory of the pyramid of needs, shows the different levelswhere human needs are hierarchical and of whichwe give you some examples:
1. Physiological needs
Physiological needs represent the first rung of this pyramid, where that set of Primary and essential needs for the life of peopleand the survival of the human species are grouped. At this level are the following needs:
- Breathe.
- Drinking water.
- Sleep.
- Maintain body temperature.
- Breed.
- Rest.
- Homeostasis (balance in body systems).
To highlight: These basic needs are born with the human being and have a totally physiological component.
2. Security needs
The needs of this second level arise when the physiological needs have been relatively satisfied.
This level occupies the attention of those needs that the individual needs to satisfy to create around him, the sensation of security and protectionthat he needs for his peace and mental health. The following are included in this level:
- Need for physical security against threats from animals, people and atmospheric phenomena.
- Need for work or stable employment.
- Ensure your physical well-being and that of your family group.
- Have private property in terms of housing that ensures protection.
- Need for moral security.
You should know: This level is considered secondary needs and is more related to expectations and living conditions.
3. Social needs
Once the needs of the first two levels have been satisfied, the human Being sets new challenges and objectives that expand his repertoire of needs to be satisfied.
At this level of the hierarchy of needs are those related to life in society and in the communityof human beings. We must understand that man is acompletely emotional being,who needs to relate to other people and join other social groups. In this step we can include the following:
- The need for friendship.
- The need to have a relationship.
- have affection
- The need to group or belong to other social groups.
- The need for participation and acceptance.
Note: For Abraham Maslow, this level’s main objective is to fight against the loneliness of the human being.
4. Recognition needs
At this fourth level of Maslow’s pyramid, the need for recognition is located. In Maslow’s theory, this need refers to thevalue we have of ourselves and the value society gives us.
We have already mentioned that individuals are emotional beings that require affection and this affection is shown through recognition and esteem. When this need is fully satisfied, the human being achieves high self-esteemtag. At this level are:
- Needs for esteem or self-recognition and that of others.
- Confidence.
- Respect and recognition of success.
Important: One of the fields at company level where Maslow’s pyramid is carefully studied is in the area of marketing.
5. Self-actualization needs
In Maslow’s pyramid, the need for self-actualization comprises the highest level and here are those needs that give a reason or purpose to life.
. In addition, the needs of this level
- Development, spiritual, academic and work.
- The morality.
- Being able to solve problems.
- Create a great family.
- The achievement of own ideals.
Key Findings
- The Maslow pyramid is a schematic model that represents the “Theory of Human Motivation”
- This pyramid represents the five levels of human needs .
- The human needs of this pyramid have aphysiological and a psychological component.
- To achieve the integral development of the human being,the levels must be exceeded in hierarchical order.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.