Sexual relations must be carried out with the utmost responsibility, agreement and clearly with awareness, given the possibility of transmitting diseases or even unwanted pregnancies.

In this sense, in the following article we will explain the contraceptive methods specifically for men, indicated to prevent the possibility of getting pregnant in women, as well as their correct uses or effects that these may have.

Contraceptive methods for men

There are several contraceptive methods indicated only for the use of men, several have a high degree of effectiveness but with certain measures that must be taken into account. We present the most important ones:

1. Condom

The condom or condom, is one of the most famous methods used by men , it consists of the use of a latex sheath, which is placed on top of the penis when it is erect before penetrating the woman.

Its greatest advantage lies in being the only method that prevents pregnancies and transmission of sexual diseases. Its disadvantages can vary, since these latex can break (if they are of unreliable quality), if you are allergic to this material you cannot use it (this can also affect a woman even during the act) and pressure can be felt in the penis when the condom is tight.

Note: A medical study mentions that “The correct and constant use of latex condoms for men reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)” . (1)

2. Vasectomy

It is a permanent contraceptive method . It is a surgery that consists of cutting the vas deferens, those that allow the passage of sperm to mix with semen, making the man infertile, this being its most notable advantage.

However, it cannot prevent sexually transmitted diseases, and the process cannot be reversed, should a couple wish to have children. It is a method that must be used with prior mutual agreement and for people of legal age. It should be noted that you can have certain complications such as slight bleeding in the scrotum.

Important: A study highlights the following “It must be offered as a permanent contraceptive method, so couples, or the individual, should have their reproductive desire satisfied at the time they opt for this contraceptive method” . (two)

3. Male birth control pill

Recently in 2019, the contraceptive pill for men was released to the public, the one called dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) , specially manufactured to prevent the production of testosterone and stop the development of sperm in a period of 28 days.

Despite this advance, it is still an experiment since it has certain effects such as the development of acne, decreased sexual desire and erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is not yet on the list of male contraceptive methods approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

To highlight: According to a study of this method, it is mentioned that “DMAU combines a male hormone, testosterone and a progestin. Consequently, it can “trick” the body into thinking that testosterone levels are adequate.” (3)

4. Topical gels

This is another contraceptive method in an experimental phase, it is a topical gel that reduces sperm production, spreading it on the upper part of the arms and shoulders. It contains progesterone and testosterone, in addition to reducing sperm production, it seeks to maintain hormonal balance.

However, the investigations of this method have been slowed down, since it is known that it can be very efficient in a maximum period of 20 weeks, but it is unknown what kind of side effects may exist.

5. Hormone injection

This hormonal injection for men is shown to be a great alternative, since it seeks to be done directly in the vas deferens, in order to avoid the passage or production of sperm , for an exact time not determined.

To highlight: Among its benefits, it is known that it allows the passage of seminal flow without sperm and does not affect sexual activity. It is said that they may share similar side effects to female contraceptives.

6. Non-hormonal injection

This last method is the most famous and is expected to hit the market . This injection, called a vasalgel, is injected directly into the vas deferens and is not permanent (as opposed to a vasectomy).

It can even last up to 13 years, being its greatest benefit, in addition to being reversible. There are no known side effects to date.

Key Findings

  • Contraceptive methods are means used by men to avoid fathering children and sometimes sexually transmitted diseases.
  • There are only two methods approved by the World Health Organization, being the condom and the vasectomy.
  • The condom is the only method that prevents pregnancy and disease at the same time.
  • There are several methods being tested, such as the hormonal injection, the birth control pill, and topical gels.

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