What is contumax?

Contumax® is a drug of synthetic origin that uses macrogol 3350 (1) as its active principle , a chemical compound that belongs to the line of osmotic laxative-type medications, which acts to improve bowel movements and evacuations.

To highlight : This medication is manufactured by the company named ASOFARMA . (two)

What is the contumax used for?

  • Contumax® works as an osmotic laxative medication , which helps to regulate intestinal motility thanks to the fact that it helps to retain water in the feces, improving its consistency and favoring the evacuation of fecal matter accumulated in the large intestine, in favor of the patients’ health .  
  • It is used to treat: 

Dosage and routes of administration of contumax

The presentation of contumax® is in a box with a 255 g bottle of powder for solution, a box with a 510 g bottle of powder for solution, a box of 30 sachets with 17 g of powder for solution and a box with 15 sachets with 17 g of powder for solution. The administration of this medication is orally and the suggested dose may be as follows:

  • Adults: One sachet of 17 g of powder per day, for 7 to 14 days.
  • Patients 3 years and older: 10 g per day, for 7 to 14 days.

Note: In both cases the medicine must be diluted in 250 ml of boiled or purified water, juice, coffee or tea and it is suggested to take it in the morning.

Contumax Side Effects

The use of contumax® can cause some of the following adverse effects in certain patients :

  • Possible allergic reactions due to contact with any component of the formula.
  • Possible nausea and abdominal swelling. 
  • Cramps and flatulence may occur.

Important: If during treatment with contumax® any of these symptoms or another not included in this list appear, please discontinue use and notify your doctor.

Contraindications and warnings of contumax

Treatment with contumax® is contraindicated in patients with the following circumstances:

  • Hypersensitivity to any of the formula’s components.
  • Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.
  • Children under 3 years.
  • It is not indicated in pregnancy and lactation .

You should know: Provide all the information regarding your health status to your doctor, before starting treatment with contumax®.

Avoid if you have:

  • History of allergic reactions to macrogol 3350.
  • Suspected intestinal obstruction.


  • This medicine must be administered with prescription or medical prescription.
  • This pharmaceutical product should be avoided in the presence of symptoms suggestive of intestinal obstruction.
  • Do not exceed the dose recommended by your doctor.
  • This drug may have an action after 48 to 72 hours after starting treatment.
  • Caution should be taken with patients who present with diarrhea during treatment with contumax®, due to possible dehydration.
  • Keep this medicine out of the reach of children.

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