Constipation is a very annoying condition that manifests itself mainly in the inability for the large intestine to function normally and is associated with other discomforts such as abdominal pain.
In the following article, we give you all the information about this symptom and the natural foods that you have available to treat it.
What is constipation?
According to an article in the Revista Médica de Costa Rica y Centroamérica , constipation or constipation is a disorder of intestinal habit subjectively defined as a decrease in the evacuation frequency of feces that are too hard or difficult to expel. (1)
In this sense, constipation is a symptom and not a disease in itself , and it is commonly associated with abdominal discomfort or pain. To treat constipation, the use of natural laxatives is appropriate, especially those contained in fruits.
Note: If this symptom is not adequately treated, it can give rise to other pathologies in the more serious intestinal tract.
What are the best fruits for constipation?
To prevent or treat constipation naturally, the use of some foods such as fruits is indicated for their laxative power in the daily diet. We mention some of them:
1. Papaya
Papaya or milky, is a fruit with a high content of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which allows it to facilitate the transit of feces in the intestines and is also very rich in water. Undoubtedly, this food cannot be missing from the diet.
Noteworthy: Studies indicate that dehydration and low dietary fiber intake contribute to constipation. (two)
2. Plum
Another fruit with a high content of soluble and insoluble fiber is the plum. It has been used since ancient times as a laxative, relieving the effects of constipation . It has been estimated that 100 grams of prunes provide 5 times more fiber than fresh plums.
Note: Insoluble fiber, slightly fermentable, is the one that increases the fecal mass to a greater degree. (3)
3. Orange
Regarding this fruit, the orange juice is not the one that exerts the laxative effect, but thanks to the fiber contained in the orange bagasse. Thus, it is convenient to consume this fruit together with its pulp.
In relation to the benefits of Kiwi , it also has an interesting contribution of dietary fibers and water, essential elements when controlling digestive function. For every 100 grams of this fruit, it is estimated that there are 2.85 grams of fiber.
Note: The consumption of 25 to 30 gr/day is recommended, with a ratio of 3 to 1 of insoluble fiber over soluble.
5. Pineapple
The juice of the pineapple fruit contains enough water and dietary fiber to combat the symptoms of constipation in the intestinal tract.
The juice of this fruit acts as a natural laxative, it is easy to prepare and digest, and it also contains other enzymes such as bromelain, which helps in the digestion of food. (4)
6. Pear
This fruit is also appreciated for its high water content and dietary fibers, essential to improve intestinal transit.
But in addition to this, the pear has a compound called sorbitol, which is a polyol, a sugar alcohol that can cause a slight increase in the frequency of bowel movements and a softer stool consistency. (5)
7. Apple
Thanks to the fact that it has an intestinal regulating property , its richness in dietary fiber is used, which is present in the skin of the apple (insoluble fiber).
Also the apple, is a fruit very rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that is not absorbed in the intestine. Pectin has the property of retaining water, and slows down intestinal transit, as well as increasing intestinal bolus. To this we must add that it is an excellent source of water.
8. Fig
The fresh fig taken on an empty stomach works as a mild laxative, ideal for treating constipation problems, since it is an excellent source of dietary fiber from its edible part and water.
Note: In people with blood glucose problems, it is not recommended to consume this fruit due to its high amount of sugar.
Key Findings
- Foods such as fruits to treat constipation stand out for their high content of dietary fiber and abundant water.
- If constipation is not treated promptly, it can give way to other more complicated pathologies.
- Fruits for constipation improve the texture of intestinal feces, facilitating their expulsion.
- Papaya, plum, orange and kiwi are some of the most effective fruits to combat constipation naturally.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.