What is compound eskapar?

The compound®eskapar is a combined medicine, composed of two active ingredients that arenifuroxazideandmetronidazole, which together belong to the line of medicineswith antibacterial and antiparasitic effectto combat microorganisms that cause infections at the gastrointestinal level.

To highlight: This medicine is manufactured by the company namedARMSTRONGLABORATORIOS DE MÉXICO, S.A. de C.V. (1)

What is compound eskapar for?

  • The compound®eskapar is made toeffectively eliminate susceptible parasites, bacteria and microorganisms,which can cause infections in thegastrointestinal tractin humans.
  • It is used to treat:
    • Luminal and extraintestinal amoebiasis that is associated with intestinal bacterial infection and its symptoms. (2)
    • Intestinal giardiasis that is associated with intestinal bacterial infection and subsequent symptoms. (3)

Dosage and routes of administration of the compound eskapar

The presentations of eskapar compound® are in capsulesthat contain 600 mg metronidazole and 200 mg nifuroxazide and in suspension that contains benzoyl metronidazole equivalent to 5 g of metronidazole and 4 g of nifuroxazide per 100 ml. The route of administration in both casesis oral and the dose as a guide can be as follows:

  • Capsules: 1 capsule every 12 hours with meals, for 5 to 10 days.
  • Suspension: 3 to 4 teaspoons a day.

Compound eskapar side effects

The therapeutic treatment with eskapar compound® Can cause some of the following adverse effects in certain people:

  • Possible allergic manifestations due to contact with any component of the formula.
  • Headache, nausea and coated tongue.
  • Metallic taste, vomiting , diarrhea and abdominal pain.
  • In prolonged treatments, reversible neutropenia, dysuria, cystitis and polyuria may occur.
  • Vertigo, ataxia, confusion, insomnia and irritability.
  • In some cases there may be the presence of seizures and peripheral neuropathy.

Important: If any of these symptoms or another not included in the list appear during treatment with eskapar compound®, please stop using it and notify your doctor.

Contraindications and warnings of the eskapar compound

Treatment with eskapar compound® is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the formula.
  • During the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • During the Breastfeeding
  • In children under 2 years of age.

You should know: It is important that you provide your doctor with all the information about your health history, before starting treatment with this medicine.

Avoid if you have:

  • History of hypersensitivity with metronidazole and nifuroxazide.
  • Severe liver disease.


  • Pharmaceutical products such as eskapar compound®, must be administered with a prescription or medical prescription.
  • This medication should not be mixed with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Metronidazole drugs should be administered under medical surveillance to patients with Central Nervous System Diseases .
  • Keep this medicine out of the reach of children.
  • Store this drug in a cool, dry place.

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