What is adepsique?

Adepsique® is the name of a complex commercial medical product, which contains the chemical formula of 3 essential active ingredients : amitriptyline , diazepam and perphenazine , which provide characteristics of efficacy in the treatment and control of symptoms that occur in depression . , anxiety , agitation, restlessness and dementia disorders.

Note: adepsique® is part of the line of antipsychotic drugs, manufactured and distributed by Psicofarma laboratories . (1)

What is adepsique for?

  • adepsique® acts as a powerful antidepressant, thanks to the components that exert a precise mechanism of action. Amitriptyline works as a sedative of the nervous system by blocking neurotransmitters in the neuronal membrane (communicator of the organism and nerve impulses); diazepam serves to sedate and also numb muscle tissues, by increasing the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA ( gamma amino butyric acid ) in the central nervous system and brain . Finally, perphenazine is responsible for blocking dopamine, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Together they form a highly recommended tricyclic antidepressant. (two)
  • It is used to treat:
    • Depression.
    • Sleep disorders ( insomnia ).
    • Anxiety.
    • psychomotor arousal.
    • Highly negative thoughts.

Dosage and routes of administration of adepsique

adepsique® is sold in a box, containing 10 tablets up to 30 tablets or 90 tablets of 15 mg of all the active compounds of the drug (amitriptyline, diazepam and perphenazine), with a mostly oral route of administration . The most recommended doses of adepsique® are the following:

  • Adults: It is recommended to administer 1 to 4 tablets a day, depending on what is indicated in the prescription.
  • Children over 12 years of age: Only 1 tablet is recommended at least two or three times a day, without exceeding what is stipulated.

side effects of adepsique

Adepsique® is a very powerful medicine, but it can cause certain adverse reactions if consumed in excess and without the help of a specialist. Therefore, the following most common effects during its use should be known:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Hypomania.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Orthostatic hypotension.

Important: Discontinue administration if side effects are prolonged, including if harmful chemical dependency develops during drug treatment.

Contraindications and warnings of adepsique

adepsique® is not indicated for a certain population of patients, including those who may suffer from depression and anxiety , but with certain adverse diseases that can interact in a very negative way with the drug. Therefore it is not recommended in cases of:

  • Hypersensitivity to active metabolites.
  • Pregnancy and lactation .
  • Patients with psychosis.
  • Alcohol poisoning.

Avoid if you have:

  • Open angle glaucoma.
  • Prostatic hypertrophy.
  • Gastrointestinal obstructions.
  • coma states.
  • Edema cerebral.


  • This drug should always be used under a strict medical prescription.
  • This medication should be kept out of the reach of children.
  • It is advisable to reserve this pharmaceutical product in a dry place.
  • Keep at room temperature.

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