What is miconazole?

Miconazole is ageneric antifungal medicine, the active substance of which is miconazole nitrate. Its mechanism of action is based oninhibiting the interaction or biosynthesis of fungiin the body, because it alters fungal cell permeability.

This drugcomes in different presentations, mainly in vaginal creams, lotion, solutions or eggs, with amountsfrom 200 mg to 1500 mgof the active substance and with oral administrations or with applications on the mucous walls. All dosages and medicationsdepend on the patient and the type of infection.

Note: One study adds that: “Miconazole nitrate isan agent with a broad antifungal spectrumwhich inhibits the growth of yeast, fungi and Malassezia furfur, as a bactericide against gram-positive germs.” (1)

What is miconazole for?

Miconazole is prescribed forinfections in the dermal layersand even the mucous walls, where pathological agents act more easily, so we present the specific functions of this drug:

1. Skin infections

These are infections that occur on theskincaused mostly by bacteriasuch asCandida Albicans or yeastssuch asMalassezia, which cause conditions such as cutaneous candidiasis, tinea corporis, athlete’s foot or pityriasis versicolor.

To highlight: Miconazole creams are recommended for these cases (whose application is twice a day), which relieve the symptoms that occur such as irritation, burning, pruritus (a kind of itching) and spots.

2. Vaginal, anal and scrotal candidiasis

These are a series of infections are caused by Candida , which are located in the areas of the vagina, the mucocutaneous walls of the anus and also in the organ of the penis, which can be transmitted frequently through unprotected sexual intercourse. .

You should know: The use of the drug miconazole is recommended, in the form of creams or vaginal tablets in the case of women, in a 14-day treatment to relieve itching, vaginal discharge and red skin rashes on the glans.

3. Oropharyngeal and intestinal candidiasis

Miconazole is prescribed for conditions that occur when Candida makes contact in the mouth area , specifically in the lining of the mouth, causing injuries, inflammation of the gums and bleeding in this oral area.

Note: A mycosis can also occur in the gastrointestinal system , specifically in the intestine, causing stomach heaviness, heartburn , strong-smelling diarrhea or constipation.

Miconazole Side Effects

This drug may present certain unwanted side effects , although they appear less frequently and are more a response from the immune system to eliminate the infectious fungus. Therefore, one must be vigilant in case of witnessing:

  • Skin itch.
  • Headache.
  • Pelvic pain or discomfort.
  • dry mouth

Important: A study mentions the following information: “Treatment with miconazole  should be stopped immediately if the patient experiences an intense episode of headache, irritation, and hypersensitivity.” (two)

Contraindications of miconazole

Miconazole is also contraindicated for a number of people, for medical and patient safety reasons, since the reactions that occur in them are not desirable. Therefore, miconazole cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active principle.
  • Liver failure.
  • Keep away from the reach of children under 6 years of age.
  • Acute porphyrias (nervous system disorders).

To highlight: One study mentions that: ” The administration of miconazole is not recommended mainly during the first trimester of pregnancy . ” (3)

Key Conclusions

  • Miconazole is an ideal Antifungal Drug to complement treatments against infectious fungi and bacteria.
  • It is recommended for candidiasis and skin fungal infections .
  • Miconazole has side reactions such as pruritus, itchy skin, and dry mouth.
  • The use of miconazole is not recommended in children under 6 years of age and also in the first trimesters of pregnant women .

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