Human intelligence is not only limited to numbers, letters, spaces, objects or the world of personal relationships, but also includes an additional ability and that is torelate to the environment that surrounds us, that is, with flora and fauna. This type of intelligence has been called naturalistic intelligence.

In this article, we will explain whatnaturalistic intelligence consists of, we will mention what its outstanding characteristics are and we will tell you how you can develop it.

What is naturalistic intelligence?

According to the postulate made by the American psychologistHoward Gardner(1) on the types of intelligence in the human being and his “Theory of Multiple Intelligences(2), naturalisticintelligencerefers to the “ability to distinguish, classify and use elements of the environmentobjects, animals or plants”. (3)

In this sense, naturalistic intelligencedevelopsin the urban, suburban and rural environmentand includes the abilities of individuals of the human species forobservation, experimentation, reflection and questioningof the environment that surrounds it.

This abilityis developed by human beings, since we have the ability to reason about whathappens in the ecosystem with which we interact and inturn benefit.

Note: Likemathematical logicalintelligence andlinguistics, naturalistic intelligence uses abstract thinking and is also closely related tospatial intelligence.

How can naturalistic intelligence be developed?

To develop naturalistic intelligence, some strategies are conceived, which we mention below:

1. Take trips to other places

One of the strategies that is commonly used is to know other geographical spaces , both natural and those where there has been the intervention of the hand of man.

To highlight: This will allow differentiating spaces according to their predominant characteristics in terms of forms of cohabitation, interrelationships between species, among others.

2. Observe and explore natural environments

Another capacity to develop in naturalistic intelligence is to learn to rationalize what you observe , to conceive of its individual characteristics as well as that of the ecosystem, and this is achieved through curiosity about what is found in these natural environments.

You should know: Some of the outstanding scientists in the field of observation and exploration of nature were the botanist Charles Darwin (4) and Alexander von Humboldt. (5)

3. Investigate about flora and fauna

One of the characteristics of naturalistic intelligence and for which it stands out, is that human beings must necessarily have contact with nature, in order to get to know first-hand the animals and plants that coexist in the same environment, both natural and artificial.

Important: It is propitious to consult the available literature on the insects that you see daily in your house or the plants that are in a flowerpot, look for example their classification, taxonomy among other characteristics, since this will help to enrich the naturalist intelligence.

4. Have pets

This corresponds to the sensitization of the human being, for the preservation of other species of fauna. Having and caring for pets will make you understand that they have a different way of life, so you will understand their behavior .

Note: At this point, naturalistic intelligence is connected to Intrapersonal Intelligence .

5. Carry out contact activities with plants and animals

Carrying out collective activities, for example reforestation, seed dispersal and encouraging the creation of areas for the protection of some animal species against hunting, could be good strategies for the development of naturalistic intelligence.

To highlight: It is appropriate then to carry out camping or camps, visits to zoos and aquariums among many other activities, which are also integrated into interpersonal intelligence .

6. Promote care for the environment

Encouraging the practice of activities that prevent the contamination of natural spaces and/or carrying out activities for the preservation of the ecosystem, Constitute a way of learning to stimulate the naturalistic ability of our brain.

Where does naturalistic intelligence apply?

Naturalistic intelligence is practically carried out in all the spacesof the environment where we live, be they urban or rural. Generallywe begin to develop it from childhood and cultivated through continuous learning.

Note: In rare cases, this intelligence becomes the profession for conservationists, ecologists, agronomy, biology, biotechnology, tourism, botany, veterinarians, educators, and many others.

On the other hand, naturalistic intelligence can be applied in complex geographical spaces such as jungle areas or in much simpler spaces such as the garden of our house.

Key Findings

  • This ability is developed by humans.
  • This intelligence makes it possible to detect, differentiate and categorize aspects linked to nature.
  • Naturalistic intelligence is cultivated from childhood and is strengthened through learning.

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