Sex goes beyond reproduction. For many, sex represents an extremely pleasurable activity , especially if it is practiced in a couple.
Sex involves intimacy, physical contact, and a certain amount of trust between both parties. But, beyond its emotional benefits, sex has been attributed other advantages.
Sex helps and strengthens the person from different angles, as we are about to explain to you.
Health benefits of sex
A relationship is supported by many pillars, but they can be generalized into two large halves.
The physical half, which is the affection and physical pleasure that sex provides, and the emotional half, which corresponds to communication, trust and respect.
However, both halves are not completely isolated. Sex has powerful psychological, emotional, and physical effects that benefit the couple or individual.
Below, we mention some of them.
1. Strengthens the immune system
A sexually active life (more than twice a week) also raises your defenses.
The immunological benefits that sex provides were corroborated by a study published in the journal Neuroimmunomodulation .
The study showed that orgasm and sexual stimulation (whether during masturbation or sex) elevate certain cells of the immune system, such as leukocytes.
It was also found that couples who have sex regularly (once or twice a week) have a higher amount of immunoglobulins A (antibodies).
Type A antibodies are the first line of defense against microorganisms, they are found in abundance in mucous membranes, such as the oral and respiratory tracts.
2. Control blood pressure
Having sexual intercourse raises systolic and diastolic blood pressures. It also does this during orgasm, where it rises even higher, then quickly returns to normal.
Sex can be a benefit for those who have trouble controlling their blood pressure.
First, stimulation of neuroendocrine systems. These release anti-inflammatory molecules that decrease the inflammatory state in the circulatory system (common in hypertensive patients).
Second, it is a moderate intensity exercise. Aerobic cardiovascular exercises are recommended to improve circulation, blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Finally, generalized relaxation after an orgasm dilates the blood vessels (the parasympathetic system is stimulated), which lowers blood pressure.
3. Improves cardiovascular health
Sex is an anaerobic activity that, like any other, activates neuroendocrine and cardiac responses that raise blood pressure, blood flow, and heart rate.
The Spanish Society of Cardiology categorizes sexual activity as physical exercise of mild to moderate intensity.
Physical activity prevents the development of arteriosclerosis, very useful for those at risk of developing some (CVD).
As it does? It decreases the generalized inflammatory state, improves the lipid profile (lowers LDL levels and increases HDL levels) and improves the state of circulation in general.
Therefore, the risk of acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes is decreased.
However, there are high-risk patients who, if they show symptoms during sexual activity, should delay it until they are evaluated by a specialist.
These are: patients suffering from unstable angina, severe arrhythmias triggered by exercise, severe heart valve pathology, symptoms of heart failure and patients with symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
4. Decreases the perception of pain
Sexual activity stimulates the release of oxytocin.
Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that exerts a wide range of emotional, social, and physiological effects.
This hormone interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a regulatory system that involves the endocrine, nervous, and immune components of our body.
When activated, the release of the GABA neurotransmitter, responsible for the transmission of painful impulses, is inhibited.
The endocannabinoid system also releases the molecule anandamide which reduces the perception of physical pain. Therefore, this neuroendocrine system is half the reason that the sensation of pain during sex decreases, with oxytocin being the other half.
This would explain why having sex decreases the pain caused by migraines and headaches.
5. Improves bones and muscles
During sex, the pelvic floor muscles contract. They are those that keep the bladder, uterus and other organs in place.
During sex, these muscles intermittently contract and relax from sexual stimulation. This strengthens the muscles and organs it supports.
In addition, physical activity helps the maintenance (homeostasis) of the bones. From the third or fourth decade of life, bone density in the individual decreases.
Women are more susceptible to it, and suffer from a high risk of developing osteoporosis. Physical activities, such as having sexual relations, oppose this progressive degeneration.
6. Helps burn calories
As we have already mentioned, sexual activity is a moderate physical exercise. Like all exercise, you burn calories while doing it.
The number of calories burned varies depending on the person, the sex, their metabolism, the duration of sexual activity and much more.
A study published by the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, used bracelets to monitor the physical activity (whether sexual or not) of 21 heterosexual couples.
However, the number of calories burned during sex was noticeably lower than other activities, but not negligible. They estimated that, on average, a 150-pound man could burn 3.5 kcal during each minute of sex.
Of course, this figure can be raised if the intensity and duration of sexual activity is increased.
7. Reduces the risk of prostate cancer
The anticancer effects that sex provides is through the stimulation of the endocannabinoid system.
It also has an anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effect (that is, it decreases the replication of cancer cells).
Anandamide has been shown to slow growth and decrease the risk of certain types of cancer, such as prostate and breast cancer.
On the other hand, the frequency of ejaculations may be a factor to consider for the development of prostate cancer.
In fact, in a prospective study published in the JAMA Network, he found that men who ejaculated 21 times or more per month had a lower incidence of prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated less frequently.
8. Prevents vaginal atrophy
Vaginal atrophy is a series of symptoms and phenomena that occur in the vagina during menopause, in the years before (perimenopause) or the years after (postmenopause).
It consists of a thinning of the vaginal walls, shortening and narrowing of the vaginal canal, dryness and inflammation. This makes sexual intercourse very painful.
Vaginal atrophy results from decreased circulating estrogen and circulation problems. The sexual act practiced frequently favors cardiovascular health and, therefore, the circulatory state.
Other causes, such as chemotherapy for breast cancer, can cause vaginal atrophy. Stimulation of the endocannabinoid system decreases the appearance of breast cancer or any other malignancy.
9. Increases fertility
A woman’s menstrual cycle is made up of several phases, in which her fertility peaks in some (ovulation and the luteal phase), and in others her fertility decreases significantly.
So a couple, if they want to get pregnant, must have sexual intercourse during that window of time.
During this series of physiological changes, there are physiological changes. For example, the immunological variations that facilitate fertilization.
The journal Fertility and Sterility published a study in which it was observed that the frequency of sex favored the secretion of cytokines, such as interferon gamma and interleukin 4.
These, in turn, favor a regularization of the menstrual cycle.
10. Improves oral health
The immunological benefits that sex offers help to strengthen biochemical barriers in all parts of our bodies, including our mouths.
The mouth is the seat of enzymes, immune cells, and anaerobic microorganisms that prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.
Having sex frequently stimulates our immune system, as we have already described.
11. Reduce stress
Stress causes in our body a plethora of physiological reactions in our body.
It has been proven that stress inhibits the release of anandamide, a mediator of analgesic effects.
On the other hand, the release of oxytocin, serotonin and other neurotransmitters favor the feeling of happiness and relaxation in our body, acting as an antagonist to stress.
Finally, the stimulation of the endocannabinoid system also reduces stress, anxiety, symptoms of depression and much more.
So it is recommended to have sex frequently during the week.
12. Reduces insomnia
Insomnia is caused by a myriad of reasons and has become a problem that affects a significant portion of the population. But, for a sexually active person, this may not be a problem.
During sex, endorphins, oxytocin, prolactin and other molecules are released during sex and orgasm relax our body.
When our body is under stress, tense or anxious, high plasma concentrations of cortisol, the stress hormone, are released.
A study published in 2019 by the journal Frontiers in Public Health observed that the right sex before bedtime favored the quality and quantity of sleep, with no difference between the sexes.
It also favored how quickly a person fell asleep.
Again, this may be due to the peak release of oxytocin and prolactin.
13. Improves skin and hair
The layers of the dermis are extensively vascularized. They must be to achieve constant cell turnover, facilitate the diffusion of nutrients and hormones, drain cellular waste and so on.
As we have already explained, the heart rate and circulation increase during the sexual act.
Another benefit of sex for your skin is that it inhibits cortisol production. The latter, in high concentrations, is harmful to your skin.
Why? First, cortisol inhibits the production of collagen and other structural proteins, essential for your skin. Second, cortisol increases water loss through the skin, leading to dryness.
14. Strengthen the relationship as a couple
Research on the effect of oxytocin agrees that its release favors interpersonal relationships.
It also strengthens memory, confidence, reduces fear and favors the willingness to share emotions and intimate thoughts.
Essential pillars that the couple must ensure if they want to maintain a healthy and loving relationship. In general, sex has a positive effect on your health, physical and emotional.
The lack of trust, intimacy and physical affection becomes a problem that causes arguments and estrangement in many couples.
15. Promotes self-esteem
As we have described, during the sexual act, hormones responsible for happiness, relaxation, intimacy, confidence, and, above all, self-confidence are released.
The ability to engage in sexual acts and fulfill the wishes of the other person raises the person’s esteem and appreciation of himself. In addition, it favors intimacy and union between couples.
Healthy, strong relationships are associated with higher levels of trust, self-esteem, and security.
Enjoying high self-esteem is important for your health. Low levels of self-esteem, and associated conditions, have been shown to increase the susceptibility to infections or other kinds of illness.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.