There are several risks during pregnancy that women are exposed to. One of the best known, common and with a high morbidity rate is preeclampsia, together with postpartum hemorrhage and infections.
Preeclampsia is then a clinical picture with different risk factors that can trigger it, although even then its appearance is not completely clear.
In the following article we will learn what preeclampsia is, the known reasons why it usually occurs, the symptoms that characterize it, and the treatments to follow in case of its existence.
What is preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia according to a study carried out at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona by Cararach entitled “ Preeclampsia. Eclampsia and HELLP syndrome ” , is defined as the onset of chronic hypertension after the 20th week of pregnancy.
In this sense, it is a disease typical of the gestation period, which, although the symptoms can be treated, is only cured when it ends.
Inadequate treatment can end the life of both the pregnant woman and the fetus, which is why it is of high risk and can even slow down the development of intrauterine growth. It is one of the main reasons for extreme prematurity.
Causes of preeclampsia
Although the causes that produce preeclampsia are not fully determined, there are certain factors that influence the appearance of this disease. They will be mentioned and described below to understand the reasons for their appearance.
Inflammatory and cardiovascular disorders
The definition and main symptom of preeclampsia is hypertension, so conditions in the cardiovascular system are one of the most genuine reasons for its appearance, often being accompanied by edema, although not constantly.
There are investigations dedicated to the link between preeclampsia and cardiovascular diseases, where scientific studies and clinical cases demonstrate their intrinsic relationship and how the antecedents show the interconnection between them.
autoimmune problems
Autoimmune genes seem to be present in excess in women who suffered from preeclampsia and had their placentas studied. In fact, in the same line of research it had been considered that in alterations of the autoimmune system, it happens that the body considers the placenta an invading agent, therefore the mechanism affects the pregnancy.
The idea that the modification of an enzyme in our body is what produces this defense mechanism is even being studied.
Placental abnormalities
A research article from Ginecol Obstet Mex states that preeclampsia always appears after an alteration in the process of placenta formation, perhaps due to some deficiency and the well-known decrease in blood flow in the uterus and placenta during pregnancy. gestation process.
Hormonal changes
Hormonal production and secretion, especially in an imbalance in the levels of thyroid hormones, are those biomarkers that can identify susceptibility to preeclampsia, especially in recognition at the genetic level.
Scientific studies such as the one carried out by Roten et al , demonstrate the association and concurrence of the aforementioned, even considering the enzymatic and genetic influence in the process.
genetic problems
Over time, preeclampsia has been considered a placental disorder originating from genetic traits, where the interaction of these multifactorial elements produces this disease, considered a public health problem.
In the research focused on Genetics and preeclampsia , all the analyzes and genetic components that are taken into account for the prevention of this clinical picture are mentioned, counting that both maternal and paternal genes influence.
Another of the factors that directly and proportionally influence the development of preeclampsia during pregnancy is the type of diet that pregnant women take, especially in previous periods.
As they are hypertensive disorders, even the WHO has detailed recommendations for their prevention and treatment. In the Spanish Magazine of dietetics and nutrition , the recommendations where it enters are evident:
- Avoid excessive consumption of salt.
- No alcohol.
- Do not eat game food.
It is a risk factor, due to the complications that can occur both in pregnancy and in the mother specifically. It is not directly related to pregnancy problems, but it does seem to be directly linked to the increased risk of preeclampsia.
In the investigation of ” Overweight and obesity as risk factors for preeclampsia “ , a study was carried out in different cases, obtaining a 64% relationship between the increase in body mass and complications with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Advanced age
The myriad of complications that can occur in pregnancies of advanced maternal age are reported in different studies where these controversial associations can be determined.
In this sense, spontaneous abortion, fetal death, preeclampsia, gestational hypertension are part of the established diagnoses, referring to the relationship with age in pregnancy.
A study entitled ” Association of maternal age with gestational complications “ , carried out an analysis of comparative data where it determined that in the period between 20 and 29 years of age it is the control where there is less risk of maternal mortality.
Symptoms of preeclampsia
Preeclampsia, although it presents hypertension as a triggering and determining factor, involves different manifestations that will be described below, in order to recognize this clinical picture and treat it sufficiently in advance, if necessary.
High blood pressure
It is the most characteristic symptom of this pathology, and it usually appears, as we mentioned earlier in the article, after the 20th week of gestation. It is quite persistent and returns values greater than 140/90.
This symptom disappears after delivery and in the Clínica Las Condes Blog , Lorena Quiroz, an obstetrician-gynecologist, explains in an article developed on Hypertension in pregnancy , that it is a problem that occurs in approximately 3 to 5% of pregnant women.
Intense headache
The more severe the preeclampsia, the more intense the headaches will be. They can occur in conjunction with breathing difficulties, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light.
Increased blood pressure, which is the force the heart exerts against blood vessels each time it pumps blood, is reason enough for a headache.
One of the determining factors for the diagnosis of preeclampsia is the level of protein in the urine. It is equal to or greater than 0.3. It is also, together with hypertension, the reasons for the modification of vascular permeability.
vision changes
Preeclampsia causes vision changes, which in some cases can evolve with their intensity. Among them are:
- Photophobia
- Blurry vision
- temporary blindness
- Blinking lights
In fact, there are studies that measure the severity of this symptom with those produced by an inadequate and adverse consumption of Viagra, since this also affects blood circulation since these are responsible for transmitting the nerve signals that go to the brain.
Abdominal pain
It usually occurs in the upper abdomen, below the ribs, and on the right side (right upper quadrant).
Many times it can be confused with heartburn problems, digestive discomfort or movements of the fetus, but it is important to pay attention to it because it is one of the warning signs of the presence of preeclampsia during pregnancy.
breathing difficulties
Anxiety , dyspnea or breathing difficulties are sometimes accompanied by chest pain. It usually means that blood pressure has skyrocketed and is a symptom that must be addressed immediately to reduce existing risks.
vomiting and nausea
Abdominal pain is sometimes quite intense, which leads to vomiting and nausea as a consequence. Many times its origin is in the liver and from there it radiates to invade the entire abdominal area.
Although vomiting and nausea are common during pregnancy, attention should be paid when they persist after the first trimester as they are associated with symptoms of preeclampsia.
Low platelets
Low platelet syndrome is known as HELLP (H: hemolysis EL: elevation of liver enzymes and LP: low platelets) , which translates as a severe complication of the state of preeclampsia. It is a clinical picture that brings with it symptoms similar to those mentioned above, but with complications.
Added pictures of fever and production of a small amount of urine. It is also only treatable and the cure comes after the term of the pregnancy.
Treatment for preeclampsia
As we have previously mentioned, preeclampsia has only one way to be cured, but there are treatments that reduce the symptoms that occur. Below we mention the most common and effective.
adequate nutrition
Improving our diet will keep us healthy and our body will be in better condition to face any health condition. Certain types of specific foods that have beneficial effects for our body and pregnancy are also recommended.
In an article by the Aleteia organization entitled “ What can I eat if I have preeclampsia during pregnancy? ” , it is mentioned that taking into account the consumption of potassium , omega 3 acids, magnesium and calcium is flattering.
Medications under medical indication
The consumption of corticosteroids, always under prescription and medical supervision, are the ones that help control blood pressure levels and are also useful for the treatment of HELLP syndrome . It must be prescribed to ensure that it is the only treatment in action, avoiding complications or adverse reactions in the body.
When the case of preeclampsia is quite aggravated, the woman is admitted to be able to control, above all, the possibility of complications such as seizures.
In addition to this, with intravenous treatment they usually apply steroid intravenous drugs to accelerate the maturation of the lungs and to be able to proceed with the delivery, taking care that there is a correct development.
labor induction
The doctor in charge, in severe cases of preeclampsia, can bring forward the delivery even if this means probable complications for the baby, but the risk of complications for the mother is high, so the decision is made to induce labor. It can be scheduled between week 34 and week 37 of gestation.
Caesarean section
Many doctors prefer to use a cesarean section, to avoid possible complications during the delivery process.
All the destabilizations that occur in the body during pregnancy produce a high risk at the time of the baby’s birth and therefore a cesarean section is recommended to reduce the possibility of morbidity.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.