Making love is very different from the meaning of sex, even though the action is the same. It is a unique human experience, which many young people today are not able to understand. You can’t talk about making love if you don’t know how to love.

It is an action capable of uniting hearts in a strong, honest and quite pleasant way. However, the term no longer exists in a way in the vocabulary of society, just as the true meaning of love may be unknown.

In this article, we will deepen the meaning of making love, so that you nourish yourself with useful information for your partner or the most special person in your life, let’s start.

What is making love?

Making love is about having intimate relationships with a person who causes impact, who inspires that act, beyond being a physical act is also sentimental.

In this sense, making love is very different from sex, the act of which can be achieved without necessarily being in love. Making love, on the other hand, is natural and personal.

In other words, making love is acting as a strong union of ties and feelings that converge between two people who seek to express these deep feelings inintimacy, in the private moments of their partner where they are able to act to please each other, strengtheninglove as a couple.

Recommendations to make love in a pleasant way

There are things to take into account, if you want to make love with the couple in the right way. Seeking to satisfy her but above all, to know what you are doing.

Do it under prior agreement

Making love is something mutual, occasionally in two people deeply in love or already in a relationship, being something intimate, it would not make sense for the couple to do the same act with others.

Therefore, you must agree and be sincere from the first moment on what feeling exists on the part of both people, in this way a full and crucial trust is created to make love.

Keep your mind focused on the moment

Making love is between two people, in that intimate moment, either at night or at an exact time, you should not think about anything or anyone.

Your mind should only be focused on your partner, in their private moment. So you know their tastes, they understand each other and enjoy a long pleasant moment.

It is a time that you should give to your partner and if you want it to be pleasant, focus on it.

Have proper body and intimate hygiene

Making love involves much more than psychological preparation, it is also important physically and at a personal presentation level.

Hygiene is crucial in human life, besides that it presents us as decent and responsible people.

When making love it is important to always be careful, have a good cleanliness, the genitals and other parts of the body shaved and washed.

In addition to helping a more pleasant process, it protects the couple from things like microbes and diseases beyond STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

Wearing lingerie or sexy clothing

This is an ideal way to attractively tease your partner, especially if you are a woman.

Men are impressed with the female physique and beyond the extravagant curves, they are the clothes that the lucky ones can see behind the clothes. Something flashy, sexy and very flirtatious.

It shouldn’t even be sad, since they are alone and in confidence. It really is something that you can enjoy a lot.

Liven up the atmosphere with music and other elements

Here you can let your imagination fly, an ideal environment provides a better experience but you also have to be aware that it works in an erotic environment.

Many young people would think of reggaeton as a musical theme, however it falls short with other genres that in many years have been used for this type of environment, such as Jazz, R&B, Do Woop, among other genres, but these they create a perfect soundstage.

Similarly, a dimly lit environment, filled with carefully placed candles and scents, create a dream place where you meet to woo your partner.

Start with caresses, massages and erotic games

Making love is very calm and patient. It is to excite the couple more and more until the climax, in order to satisfy them and enjoy said act.

You have to go slowly without ceasing to move the person; kissing slowly and carefully massaging the most sensitive parts of the body are some of the factors that can excite our partner at the right time.

In addition to that, one can get more daring with erotic games of which there are many, this could already be done according to what the couple is looking for. The process is to go slowly, in order to enjoy the moment more.

Experiment with sex toys

It should not be considered a taboo, the couple has complete freedom to explore their sexual side as both parties please, toys are not only for single people or lesbian relationships, they can even satisfy a couple in general.

Usually you can start with the well-known vibrators, because of the level of excitement they generate to the woman, but it can also excite the joint couple.

According to anarticle in the Mexican magazineGlamour, “The issue of sex toys should be focused as an alternative to spend an erotic time together and increase their pleasure together.”

Manual and oral stimulation of erogenous zones

We must act in favor of eroticism. You should not directly consummate the sexual act or penetration to make love, you can start working much earlier, with things like mutual stimulation to the most sensitive parts of the body, manually and orally, with caresses and even wet kisses.

Many areas in addition to the intimate, such as the feet, waist, neck, back among others. Although many people may feel differently, it is your task to know the erogenous zone that most excites your partner.

Try different positions

Making love is also enjoying different positions that strengthen the sexual desire of the couple, in addition to that it can help to enjoy for an elongated time the act that both people consume.

In this sense, you can perform very varied positions depending on the comfort that each one achieves during the intimate moment, you have to experiment with it.

Alternate rhythms and speeds

Making love does not depend on being something fast or slow, it is preferential as the couple wishes, although accelerating the pace can be very pleasant, they run with the bad luck of reaching a climax if the couple does not control their stimuli, at Just like being slow, sexual appetite can sometimes be lost, depending on which person it is.

However, it must be varied to enjoy the act in a very indulgent way, like a song that has an opening, a part where it picks up the pace and explodes, ending with something slow and satisfying.

pleasurable positions to make love

As previously said, the positions are quite favorable at the time of making love, and even help to control the person before reaching orgasm, among many of them are the following:


One of the most frequent and used positions by many couples, mainly because it stimulates the woman’s clitoris much more, it does not require much physical effort and is quite enjoyable between both people.

It is common when making love, because it also stimulates a moment of trust and passion. According to the psychologist and sexologistEzekiel Lopez“the spoon is one of the best sexual positions, it is romantic and passionate.”


A favorable position for penetration, generating greater satisfaction for women, who in this case take control of this position, while still being enjoyable for both parties.

Making love in this position creates a long and passionate moment. In addition, the positions of the bodies will achieve a more exciting swing. It is a very romantic position.


Everyone has applied this position, being one of the most common and comfortable to make love, being very pleasant.

It is not difficult to achieve by far, usually everyone starts the sexual act with that position, the man takes control to satisfy his wife, who will be in a 4-legged position, thus taking most of the satisfaction.

Lotto flower

Due to its name and concept, it is considered one of the most romantic sexual positions to make love.

It is based on the typical positions for meditation, with the woman on top enjoying the act of penetration, it is also said that it brings many benefits such as prolonging orgasm or ejaculation in men, helping even those who suffer from premature ejaculation.

The position does not skimp on hugs, caresses and kisses, they come with everything included.

Rocking chair

Again, in this lovemaking position the woman takes control, in a way that is satisfying to the man.

It is a highly recommended position, since the woman controls the speed of penetration and the movement of the penis during the act, however the man also requires concentration to prolong the time in this position.

Clit Missionary

If you already know the missionary position, then this is a reinvention, much more pleasant. It simply consists of the woman lying on her back, the man on top.

While penetrating her, she can stimulate the clitoris and control the rate of penetration with her hip movement. Ideal for making love passionately.


This last position is special since it explores a lot the daring of the couple, to make love in a creative and very fun way, breaking with daily and boring routines.

While the woman is face down, she feels a kind of vertigo which will be accompanied by strong sensations, while the man penetrates from behind, which causes greater pleasure and at the same time can touch the clitoris. Sexual satisfaction is higher than in other positions.

Benefits of making love

Making love not only strengthens the relationship of two people and makes the sexual act pleasurable to its greatest limit, but also helps individuals psychologically in the following ways:

Reduces stress and anxiety

A study from the Psychology page determined that “during relationships, the levels of the cortisol hormone, which is the cause of stress in our body, are reduced”, so making love helps keep the mind distracted from other daily routines such as work , debts and other people’s problems. It is a distraction with an ideal person.

decreases pain

Making love frees you from any physical or even mental pain, due to the level of hormones that are released, one in particular called serotonin or the happiness hormone, helping any individual in a strong situation, this can be achieved even by through masturbation.

Increase concentration

Making love is like a physical and mental exercise, it helps people focus on a goal and achieve it without any mistakes, such as holding the orgasm longer to satisfy the partner and lengthen the act. It requires a lot of attention that is trained if this act is more frequent.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Making love plays a key role in avoiding stress and depression , freeing people from two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

There are studies like the one from Queens University in Belfast where there are very positive results, “Making love three times a week can halve the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke”

Boosts sleep quality

Making love relaxes the mind and relieves tensions, which for people suffering from insomnia is very beneficial, providing them with a better time to sleep, even faster. Allowing a full rest that the person desires.

Protects bone health

Making love has multiple benefits for people’s health, for example it is known that menopausal women who make love every week have twice as much estrogen as those who do not practice it, in the same way their bones are strengthened by the performance of the physical activity involved in the act.

It is also known that contact with another body causes lymphocytes to increase considerably. These are responsible for protecting us against common diseases such as the flu. And so there are many other great benefits.

Decreases the risk of prostate cancer

A man who maintains constant relationships and even that includes the act of masturbation, has less risk of suffering from prostate cancer, since it does not remain at rest, but is active, causing it to stop growing and generate a malignant tumor. in the future.

The risk is minimal, even after the age of 50, it is considerably reduced. In fact, the incidence of this disease is higher among celibate populations, as is the case with monks.

Improves mood and state of mind

Making love maintains positive energy, which causes people’s gray days to always be illuminated, moving away from any problem in the current world or even social problems, it is something inexplicable, but it really happens.

Strengthens the relationship

Finally, making lovestrengthens trust and affection between two people, which will not be reflected in simple moments, days or months, but for years. It is a natural but unique act, few are lucky enough to experience this wonderful act, so making love is necessary with that person you want so much in your life.

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