Cholesterol is a lipid that with excess tends to concentrate and accumulate, leading to the appearance of symptoms and complications in the body. It is detected through a blood test and it is important to keep it monitored to reduce risks.

In the following article we will talk more in depth about what high cholesterol is, what are the symptoms that help us detect it and how to reduce the levels. 

What is high cholesterol?

High cholesterol is a buildup in the deposits of the arteries that can limit blood flow and increase the risk of heart attacks. Its values ​​are determined or evaluated from a blood test and are considered high when it is between 200 and 240 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter).

You should know: The test must be carried out after fasting for at least 12 hours, and the analysis carried out is based on lipoproteins. The values ​​of all types of cholesterol (total, LDL, HDL, non-HDL) and triglycerides are obtained, which are part of the lipoproteins and values ​​that must also be evaluated and controlled.

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

High cholesterol produces an alteration and disorder in the organism , which is why it presents certain symptoms that help us to suspect that its values ​​are altered. Among them we can mention: 

  • Headache and blurred vision.
  • Heaviness in the stomach and digestion problems.
  • Dry mouth and swelling of extremities.
  • Loss of balance and agitation due to physical exertion.

How to lower high cholesterol levels naturally?

There are certain methods that allow you to reduce high cholesterol levels naturally, avoiding medical treatments. They will be mentioned below to allow their knowledge and use:

1. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is synonymous with a correct and balanced diet, so you will avoid excess lipids that can increase our cholesterol levels and cause changes in our health.

2. Limit consumption of saturated fats and trans fats

Saturated fats and trans fats are responsible for raising cholesterol levels in our body, increasing our weight and the risk of adverse effects such as heart disease. 

To highlight: These types of fats are usually chemically modified in some foods in order to prolong their useful life. (1)

3. Reduce salt intake

Salt consumption directly affects blood pressure and promotes fluid retention, so although it does not influence cholesterol values, it is a factor that facilitates the adverse effects produced and the concentration of this type of lipid. 

Tip: The recommendation is to moderate the use of salt to season food, as well as products that may have a high sodium content. You can also opt for the consumption of other less harmful types of salt such as Himalayan salt.

4. Moderate alcohol consumption

In the case of alcohol, its consumption can cause the duplication of cholesterol values ​​in our body . It can be HDL or LDL, but this will depend on the food source and the individual’s diet. 

You should know: Alcohol consumption affects lipid profiles due to the influence on your metabolism. (two)

5. Avoid smoking

The carbon monoxide contained in the cigarette produces an effect that is not beneficial to our health because it raises what we know as bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduces the values ​​of good cholesterol (HDL). This, at the same time, increases the risk of suffering diseases and health disorders.

Note: A research study conducted on smokers who were able to overcome the habit, showed that in a matter of one year their LDL cholesterol levels fell by 4% and HDL increased by 5%. (3)

6. Consume fruits, vegetables and whole grains

The consumption of foods of vegetable origin, mainly those that require large amounts of water to develop properly, balance the diet and protect the body from metabolic alterations . In this sense, healthy changes reduce the need to seek medical treatment. (4)

To highlight: Fruits and vegetables such as apple, papaya, pear, blueberries, mango and orange , are foods rich in fiber , which helps us reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Whole grains, for their part, have a nutritional content that allows them the benefit of reducing cholesterol levels in the body, being a clear example rye, oats , barley and wheat , which allow the absorption of cholesterol through phytosterols. , reducing the probability of excesses. (5)

7. Consume foods rich in omega 3

In some studies carried out by the Spanish Heart Foundation , there are recommendations for the consumption of foods rich in omega 3 or, failing that, supplements. (6)

You should know: The beneficial consumption of omega 3 is attributed to the maintenance of adequate cholesterol levels in our body and, in addition to that, slows the production of plaque accumulation in the arteries. 

8. Exercise regularly

Physical activity carried out on a regular basis, allows to reduce high LDL cholesterol levels, also reducing blood pressure and allowing increased metabolism and weight control.

Tip: You can apply brisk walks, cycling, swimming and even tennis matches, thus allowing cardiovascular exercise which benefits control high cholesterol levels.

9. Manage stress 

Stress is an alteration of our organism, which leads to the release of certain hormones that, as a consequence, produce an increase in lipoprotein levels, be they triglycerides or cholesterol. 

Tip: To control stress pictures, meditation is recommended , doing activities that are enjoyed, sleeping properly and doing physical activities.

Key Findings

  • Cholesterol is a lipoprotein that in high concentrations produces adverse effects on the health of individuals.
  • There are two main types of cholesterol, the good HDL cholesterol and the bad LDL cholesterol 
  • To determine that we have high cholesterol levels, a fasting blood test is performed , especially after presenting certain symptoms that alert us to a possible alteration in the values.
  • There are many factors that allow us to reduce cholesterol levels, such as reducing the consumption of fat, salt and alcohol, as well as increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • Being physically active and avoiding smoking will greatly improve the quality of life and regulate cholesterol levels.

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