What are mushrooms?
Fungiare multicellular organisms, which survive by directly obtaining energy from other living beings, most commonly, from plant decomposition remains. It is known thatmany of the fungi are not harmfulto humans, except those that arepathogenic in nature and those that produce toxins.
In many cases, having a weakened immune systemcan developmuch more serious infections than if they compromise the health of the individual.
Note: Fungi need moisture to survive and although they do not use light for it, they do need it to reproduce.
What diseases are caused by fungi?
Fungican cause responses in the body due to their presence. They have the capacity to produce certain diseases, which will be mentioned and described below for recognition and identification.
1. Ringworm
Ringworm isan infection of fungal or fungal nature and ishighly contagious. It affects the skin and scalp, where rashes are caused that can be considered mild but are quite annoying.
Note: Creams are used for treatmentand if you do not see results, it is advisable touse antibiotics, especially if the skin cracked and there is a latent possibility of an infection.
2. Athlete’s foot
Athlete’s foot is a rash, which usually begins between the toestag. The rashis usually scaly and annoying,frequently contracted in public or shared pools and showers. It is identified by theappearance of white coloration and softening in the feet , to which topical treatments with an antifungal effect are applied.
Note: In some cases, the use of antibiotic treatments is recommended to combat the responsible pathogens that are involved in the infection produced.
3. Candidiasis
Candidiasis is an infection that occurs in the vagina, from Candida albicans , which causes a rash and itching.
It comes to affect statistics, 3 out of 4 women, at least once in their lives and is very common, especially in reproductive agetag. It produces a whitish and lumpy vaginal discharge, as well as discomfort both when urinating and during intercourse.
For its treatment , ovules and antifungal creams are used , and in many cases it is complemented with an oral antibiotic treatment against contagion that occurs recurrently and must be applied for a long time. (1)
4. Pityriasis versicolor
of the skin, where, clearly, the infectious agent
Pityriasis produces lesionswith excess or loss of skin pigmentation. Especially the skin located on the upper part of the chest or on the back.It is not contagious and lives on our skin without causing disease or spreading. (two)
Note: The treatment applied for this type of skin conditions is topical or, if necessary, the use of oral antifungals, a treatment that is not recommended due to its side effects.
5. Fungal keratitis
This infection is located in the cornea and is usually developed due to the use of contact lenses with insufficient and wrong handling or sanitation. Vision is reduced, tearing and pain occur.
It is an eye infection considered subacute and important, due to its bactericidal nature and its aggressiveness in the mucous tissue. For its treatment it is importantSupervision and professional medical indication , where antifungal drops and oral supplementation are applied.
6. Pneumocystis pneumonia
As its name indicates, it is a type of pneumonia that develops from the presence of a fungus: Pneumocystis jiroveci. It is a serious disease, with a high mortality rate since it causes accumulation of fluids and inflammation , also including infections of the skin, spleen and lymph nodes.
To highlight: He presents fever within his symptoms, accompanied by pressure in the chest and difficulty breathing. For its treatment, a combination of drugs that are usually introduced intravenously and the consumption of corticosteroids is carried out.
7. Histoplasmosis
Histoplasmosis is an infection, which is caused by inhaling sporesfound in bird and bat droppings. The spore comes from a fungus andis spread through the air , normally in cleaning processes or coexistence with areas heavily contaminated with feces of this nature.
It is considered an endemic infection (it affects permanently or at certain periods) and treatment is focused on patients who persist with symptoms after one month, because the disease usually subsides spontaneously.
Note: In case it does not subside, it is when antifungal and antibiotic treatments are applied, depending on the choice of the medical professional. (3)
8. Sporotrichosis
It is a skin infection caused by the fungus Sporothrix schenckiitag. Itusually develops when the fungus enters the body through a puncture wound, causing bumps on the skin and swelling of nearby lymph nodes.
To identify this infection, they usually take tissue samples to examine and begin to apply the corresponding treatment, which consists of the application of antifungal drugs, by injection and orally.
9. Aspergillosis
Any disease that is produced by the Aspergillusfungus is known by this name . Anallergic reaction occurs to its presence and it has the ability to migrate even to the lungs.
The presence of this fungus is quite common in internal and external environments without triggering any effect, but when the immune system is compromised or weakened, the disease is contracted. It is treated with antifungals prescribed by a medical professional and the dose is gradually reduced until it is eliminated. (4)
10. Fungal meningitis
It is a fungal infectionthat has migrated and affected the lungs, brain, and spinal cord. Meningitis is known as inflammation ofThe Meninges , which are the membranes that protect and cover the brain and spinal cord.
Note: Although it is relatively uncommon, there is an increased risk when undergoing a puncture or injection.
Key Findings
- Fungi are very common and dormant multicellular organisms that are usually present in many parts, even in our body, without developing any condition until some trigger activates it.
- Diseases caused by fungi are quite delicate and easily contagious , especially under the vulnerability of not knowing their sources of contagion.
- It is important to know that fungal diseases are easily spread, so the intervention of a medical professional is essential immediately.
- Correct Compliance with the indicated treatment will ensure the reduction of risks and reduction of incidence possibilities.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.