Sometimes we desire things that are difficult to possess, such as well-defined bottoms. Many people, when summer arrives, want to have the buttocks of celebrities like Shakira.
So, more and more people opt for surgeries to improve their buttocks, but it is not necessary to go after expensive operations to look great, when we have at our fingertips a variety of exercises that can help you achieve your goal.
We invite you to try the following exercises and tips to enlarge the bottom, in this article.
exercises for pump
These exercises are essential for health, not only for aesthetics, since thanks to having strong buttocks we can protect our lower back, since the muscle helps improve the stability of the body.
That is why gluteal exercises play one of the most important roles in keeping our muscles strong and active.
Next, we will leave you our favorite fitness tips:
1. Squats
This is one of the best exercises to lose weight and build more leg strength as it also greatly improves the mobility of the body.
- Position your body correctly by slightly opening your legs.
- Lean your rear end back when you come down to feel the weight shift to your heels.
- Then slightly contract your stomach to protect your lower back during all movements and do a slight bend.
- Don’t bend your back. Look forward and open your chest. Then repeat the process.
2. Deadlift
The deadlift consists of lifting a bar with weights from the ground up to the area of the hips. And it is an excellent exercise to train. If you don’t have a bar, you can opt for a pair of dumbbells or water bottles.
- Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your feet pointing out.
- Bend your knees and keep your back straight.
- Start descending with thighs parallel to the ground and lower legs vertical.
- When going up, you must keep your back straight by raising your shoulders and hips at the same time.
- Keep your back straight, head up, and bend your legs to release the bar.
3. Jump squats
These squats are very effective for increasing strength, mainly in the glutes, quadriceps, and calves. In addition, it helps to perfectly maintain mobility and balance.
- Stand with your feet and shoulders apart.
- Start by doing a regular squat and jump as high as you can.
- When you land, lower your body back into a squat position. Make sure you land with your feet firmly on the ground.
4. Sumo squats
Sumo squats are very similar to the original squat and work the gluteus medius and inner thighs.
- Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart and you have to turn your feet out.
- Put your hands together on your chest, push your hips back, and squat down while keeping your back straight and your upper body lifted. Push through your heels and engage your inner thighs as you return to your starting position.
- If you want to challenge yourself even more, you can use a pair of dumbbells.
5. Pistol Squats
These squats differ from the rest in that they are performed on one leg. This exercise will test the strength of different areas of your body, it will stabilize your legs and, fundamentally, the buttocks.
- Place your feet together parallel.
- Extend one leg in front of you and suspend your heel off the ground. Raise your arms out in front.
- Keeping your spine straight, bend your supporting leg and, in turn, lower your body, continuing to extend the other leg in front of you.
- Bend your supporting knee as you position your leg extended and parallel to the ground. Straighten supporting leg to return to upright position, keeping extended leg straight.
- If your lower back is weak, bend your front knee, extending it as far as necessary, leaving your heel on the ground.
6. Bridge
The bridge is an extraordinary exercise to strengthen the hamstrings and glutes. By doing it correctly, you will be improving the stability of the hip and lower back muscles.
- Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, bend your knees, and rest your feet on the floor under them.
- Push your lower back toward the floor by squeezing your abdominal and gluteal muscles.
- Raise your hips in a kind of hip thrust to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
- Try to pull your belly button in towards your spine and do as many repetitions as you like.
7. Side lunge
The side lunge is excellent to add to our training because, according to the magazine Men’s Health , this exercise helps us correct posture and improve coordination.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Step to the side with your left leg, then bend your left knee, pushing your hips back and down until your left knee is bent approximately 90 degrees.
8. Lunge raising the knee
The side lunge is a very effective exercise for the quadriceps, as well as the glutes, calves, groin, and hip flexors.
- Grab a dumbbell with both hands and bring it up to your chest.
- Push your chest out and step back, lowering your back knee toward the ground.
- Use your front heel to push up like a step up, driving your back knee forward and toward your chest, extending your arms overhead.
- Then, reverse the movement to return to the position.
9. Scroll Lunge
This exercise engages the muscles of the hips, buttocks, and thighs. You can do this exercise with sliding discs along with our steps:
- Stand up with your feet apart, resting the ball of your left foot on the paper plate or sliding disc.
- Bend your right leg as you slide your left foot back.
- Keep your front knee behind your toe and bring your back leg slightly bent.
- Slide your left foot back at start time, pushing toward the plate.
- To gain control of your foot on the plate, keep your weight on your front leg.
10. Side scrolling
The lateral shift works the quadriceps as well as the hamstrings, thighs, and glutes.
- Put your feet shoulder-width apart. You must lower the hips and bend the knees as in a squat.
- Shuffle your feet to your left by stepping to the same side with your right foot.
- Then, do the same but sliding to the right.
- If you are a beginner, you can start with low repetitions and, as you get used to it, you can do more.
11. Hip abduction
Hip abductors are considered essential, since they attribute great help in our day to day because it helps when we have to stop and walk. This exercise is ideal for training them.
- Lie on your side and fold your arm under your head as if you were using a pillow.
- Make sure your hips are flexed forward.
- Your body should be in a long position and your feet, head, and pelvis should be in line as well.
- Keep your feet together and twist your top knee up.
- Repeat the movement as many times as you can before switching sides.
12.Bird dog
The bird dog is an exercise that, if we do it regularly, strengthens the muscles of the hips and back.
- Start on the mat in a four-legged position and bring your knees under your hips, your hands should be under your shoulders.
- Put your shoulder blades together, raise your left leg and raise your right arm.
- Tuck your chin into your chest so that you are looking at the ground by stretching the back of your neck. Hold this position for 3 seconds.
- Lower your back to the starting position and raise your left arm and right leg. Hold this position for another 3 seconds, then return to the starting position.
Recommendations to tone the butt properly
The exercises we have seen above are very effective for getting a well-defined buttocks, but you will need to do it together with other things if you really want to achieve it. Luckily, we have some tips ready:
Exercise regularly
The benefits of exercise are multiple and help people of all ages, whether children or adults, either by increasing defenses, preventing excessive weight gain, burning fat, and even increasing good cholesterol. You can do it at the gym or in your own home.
stretch muscles before training
Forming the habit of stretching will provide you with multiple benefits, since stretching lengthens muscle tissue and increases its flexibility, which will allow you to do strengthening training with better mobility, thus making a very effective workout.
Use weights in the routine
Weights are a great addition to your routine, they work most muscles amazingly. In case you are a beginner, it will help you gain strength and progress to tone your entire body and, at the same time, burn fat.
Remember that you won’t necessarily get bulky, as for that you would have to exercise too much and if you train enough, you could even burn the desired fat quickly.
perform cardio
Cardiovascular exercise is essential if you want to lose weight, get fit and even prevent heart attacks.
“Magic” diets are not healthy at all if you want to burn fat, it is best to always follow a healthy diet and perform exercise routines. You can train between 3 and 5 days a week between 30 and 60 minutes.
Do not rush routines
Sometimes we get anxious to see the results of our training, after a long training plan, and when we realize that there have not been great results yet, we tend to speed up our routines to make the training even more intense.
This is not recommended, since we can suffer tears if we are not used to exercising, also it must be taken into account that each metabolism works differently.
eat properly
We should not eat well simply for the sake of losing weight, but we should do it because it reduces the risk of contracting diseases and also allows us to sleep better, increases defenses and acquires more energy.
stay hydrated
Drinking water is important to stay healthy and lose weight, since when our body does not receive the necessary amounts of water, we retain fluid, which causes swelling.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.