Acne is one of the most common skin conditions within the general population, being one of the main diseases that generate bullying in those who suffer from it, due to the appearance that the skin takes when affected by acne.
In the same way, acne is also one of the most frequent causes of depression and low self-esteem , especially in adolescents, who are the most likely to suffer from this condition at the skin level.
For these reasons, below, you will learn what acne is about, its most common causes, and the 12 most effective recommendations to avoid it in this 2021.
What is acne?
Acne vulgaris is a skin disease that occurs mostly on the face, although it can also appear on the neck, shoulders, and back.
Note: The proliferation of this condition is mainly due to the Propionibacterium acne bacterium , which alters the normal cycle of skin regeneration.
In this sense, this health condition develops due to the excessive production of fat or sebum from the sebaceous glands , this causes the hair follicles and pores to become clogged, thus generating inflammation and infections that result in pustules and comedones. characteristic of acne.
causes of acne
The appearance of acne has multiple causes, the Mexican Journal of Dermatology published an article, where it states that one of the main reasons for the proliferation of acne is due to a poor diet , especially due to the excessive consumption of sugars and dairy products.
However, there are other common causes that we mention below.
Hormonal changes
Sudden changes at the hormonal level can affect the balanced production of sebum in the skin, this, in turn, is caused by clogging of the pores , thus causing small infections that worsen as time goes by if they are not treated medically.
Note: People between the ages of 11 and 30 are the most likely to suffer from acne and oily skin, especially on the face, due to the different types of hormones that begin to act and the changes that the body goes through. organism in these stages of development.
Clogged hair follicles
The hair follicles are the small openings found in the skin through which the hair grows. These get clogged when there is poor hygiene and the sebum accumulates to the point of causing inflammation, infections and in certain cases, pain in the area where the hair grows. is found.
Excessive production of fat
The hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands , leads to the abnormal production of sebum and fat in the skin, which generates the obstruction of the pores, hair follicles and therefore acne.
Its causes are generally associated with hormonal changes , poor diet, and incorrect or deficient hygiene at the body level.
A study published by the journal Science Immunology reveals that acne proliferates thanks to the accumulation of sebum in the skin, that is, the fat produced by the sebaceous glands .
Therefore, when said substance is generated in excess or the skin is not cleaned properly, the bacteria of the species Propionibacterium acne begin to lodge , thus generating inflammation, redness and later the appearance of acne.
Important: Adolescents and people with extra oily or mixed skin types are the most prone to acne due to excessive sebum production in different areas of the face, thus causing bacteria to increase the production of harmful fatty acids for the skin. the skin.
Genetic factors
The Nature Communications magazine published an article where it indicates that genetics influences the development of severe acne , also, there is the possibility that it is transmitted from one generation to another, due to the different traits and the type of skin that it possesses. a certain family.
Note: Researchers found that there are cases where people have differently shaped hair follicles, making them more likely to harbor acne-causing bacteria more easily.
How to avoid acne?
While it is true, acne is a common skin condition that anyone can experience at various stages of their lives.
Note: The use of masks, creams, undergoing medical treatments and routine changes can favor sudden changes in the health of the skin and prevent the development of acne.
1. Keep your face clean with a suitable soap
Currently, there are various types of soaps based on, commonly, oats, aloe vera, clay and even salicylic acid, which will help you keep your face clean and free of excess fat.
Tip: In the current cosmetology market, you can get soaps made with purely natural ingredients and others with some chemical components, so you can choose the one you prefer and that suits your needs.
2. Avoid handling existing grains
Poor handling of comedones , pimples or pustules that appear as a result of acne causes them to become even more blocked, inflamed and in certain cases, the infection that causes acne to dissipate through healthy skin.
Important: You should avoid touching and removing these lesions without the help of a professional specialized in skin diseases.
3. Consume water constantly
To avoid acne, it is imperative that you increase your water consumption , this is because this vital liquid helps to cleanse and expel through urine a large amount of toxins that may be affecting your skin, therefore, maintaining it properly hydrated , it will make skin cells stay healthy.
Tip: The skin is made up of 72% water, for this reason, we recommend you consume 2 to 3 liters of this liquid daily.
4. Avoid Exfoliating Too Much
Exfoliating the skin , is a common easy treatment that consists of desquamating the epidermis , that is, the outer or superficial layer of the skin, to eliminate excess fat and impurities that are lodged in said organ.
Important: When it comes to severe acne, anything used to cleanse the skin, be it masks, natural or manufactured exfoliants, must be approved by a professional , since the excessive use of exfoliating products, in addition to causing skin irritation , usually increase the production of fat.
5. Use moisturizing facial creams
In addition to abundant water consumption , it is necessary that you apply moisturizing creams and masks as part of the treatment to avoid acne, thus helping your skin to regenerate properly.
Aloe vera has many benefits for the skin, in the same way natural oils , and for this reason they are the ingredients most used for the preparation of these products, where masks and creams stand out for their easy application, different properties and benefits.
6. Use sunscreen
Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays causes dryness, premature aging and burns that can directly affect the areas affected by acne, in addition, sunbathing without protection increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, which increases the appearance of fat on the skin.
Important: The sun protection factor must be equal to or greater than 50 so that you are properly protected from UV rays.
7. Use facial products that do not clog pores
The Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology recommends the use of cosmetics that are fat-free , non-irritating, and non-comedogenic, that is, they do not clog pores or accelerate the production of comedones.
It is important that you always keep in mind that the most recommended are masks or products that are verified by health agencies.
Tip: It is recommended that you consult a dermatologist so that he determines and informs you of your skin type, so you will know which product, soap, cream, scrub or mask, is the ideal one to prevent or combat acne.
8. Avoid constantly touching your face
The constant contact of the hands with the face increases the chances of suffering from acne, especially when you do not have good hygiene. This is because, when you touch your face, you are spreading microorganisms, bacteria and dirt that you may have on your hands. hands and that can negatively affect the health of your face.
Tip: We recommend that you use antibacterials and wash your hands continuously, in addition to the use of cleaning wipes to avoid contaminating your face from external bacteria.
9. Exercise regularly
Exercising or playing sports, in addition to improving your physical condition, helps the body burn fat , eliminate toxins present in the skin through sweating, and regulate blood pressure and flow.
All this, in order to improve the circulation of red blood cells through the different systems of the organism and thus directly benefit the healing of your skin, in case you already suffer from acne or avoid it.
10. Keep items you use on your face clean
Regularly, bacteria tend to lodge in the instruments used to apply makeup on the skin, in addition to the non-disposable cloths or fabrics used to clean excessive sweating from the face.
Important: It is imperative that you constantly clean and disinfect these items to prevent the proliferation of germs across your face, and wash your hands when applying any mask, toner, or skin care product.
11. Avoid stress
Stress and different types of anxiety are frequent causes of acne due to the constant state of tension that the body faces, poor diet due to lack of time and hormonal changes , directly affect sebum production, thus generating acne.
To do this, you need to avoid situations that cause you stress . Plan work schedules, organize your time and dedicate spaces for your personal and recreational enjoyment.
12. Rest and sleep properly
The human body needs to rest in order to replace the energy used during the day. Insomnia or the few hours of sleep, keep your body in a constant state of stress, in addition to altering the normal course of the organism.
For these reasons, in case you have trouble falling asleep, you can take natural infusions to sleep and relax, which will help you rest so that your body can resume its functions and thus prevent future skin diseases.
Key Findings
- Acne has multiple causes, these can be due to hormonal changes , genetic or hereditary conditions, and excessive oil production in the skin.
- Skin diseases usually appear during puberty , due to the physical, hormonal and personality changes that the individual goes through at that age.
- It is important to keep the body hydrated and the face clean , to prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from reproducing and damaging healthy areas of the skin.
- Performing physical activities , eating healthy, avoiding stress, constantly using sunscreen , as well as masks and cosmetic products for the face, will help prevent and reduce the appearance of acne.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.