ToggleWhat is the distental?
Distental® is the name of a type of drug,with intestinal spasmolytic propertiesthanks to the substance of the formulapinaverio bromide, which also works as apain relaxant in the smooth muscle of theintestine (in case of irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel, nervous colitis, functional cholopathies and alterations of intestinal motility).
Note: This drug belongs to the line of medicines developed and distributed byMAVI laboratories. (1)
What is the distental for?
- The distental® serves as a relaxant of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, toreduce pain and certain alterations. Thanks to the function of pinaverio bromide by blocking calcium channels, formed by proteins that when released are responsible forinitiating complex motor processessuch as muscle contractions or release of certainneurotransmitters. (2)
- It is used to treat:
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- Alterations of intestinal motility.
- Colitis nervosa.
- Irritated colon.
- Functional cholopathies.
Dosage and routes of administration of distental
Distental® comes as a box of pinaverio bromide 100 mg tablets, asadministered orally. The most recommended doses of this medicine are as follows:
- Adults: Administer 1 tablet of 100 mg of pinaverio bromide, at least three times a day with meals included and plenty of water for better absorption. The use of tablets in the paediatric population is not estimated.
Side effects of distental
Distental®, like several drugs in its line, can cause certain adverse effects, however, to date there is no information on reactions that require anemergency suspension of the drug. Therefore, the most common reactions are:
- Headache.
- Nausea.
- Puke .
- Drowsiness.
Important: If the adverse reactions or symptoms harm the patient’s health, the use of this drug should be discontinued to see a medical specialist.
Distental contraindications and warnings
Distental® is not indicated for certain patients with sensitivity or specific conditions, which can interact very negativelywith the drug treatment if precautions are not taken. Therefore, it is not recommended in these cases:
- Hypersensitivity to pinaverium.
- esophagitis .
- Pregnancy and lactation .
- Duodenal ulcer .
Avoid if you have:
- Gastric ulcer.
- Renal insufficiency.
- Liver failure.
- It is preferable to use this drug with a prior medical prescription.
- Patients with sensitivity to pinaverium should be especially careful, since they could present pruritus, diarrhea or dry mouth.
- Keep the drug out of the reach of children.
- Reserve the product at room temperature.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.