The use of products such as yeast dates back many years, mainly for making bread, increasing its dough and carrying out a fermentation process , since it has live microorganisms.
However, there is another product called baking powder , which is not organic and is still used in many baking recipes, but there are other elements that can be substitutes for it, which we will explain in this article.
ToggleWhat is baking powder?
Also called chemical leavening, baking powder is an artificial leavening agent whose structure is made up of baking soda , cream of tartar (an acidic agent) and also a drying agent called starch.
Baking powder is very common in confectionery and pastry recipes, its difference with traditional yeast is that it acts much faster in increasing the volume of dough, baking powder being an excellent medium for making cookies. and tarts.
Note: One study mentions the following: “Chemical leavening agents such as baking powder are a group of inorganic salts that are added to dough and react to produce gases that form the nuclei for developing the texture of cookies or cakes. ” . (1)
What can replace baking powder?
Baking powder is not an expensive product but it usually runs out quickly. To save time , a very brief evaluation has been made of baking powder substitutes, whose chemical reactions are similar and even better.
Therefore, here are 10 substitutes for baking powder:
1. Baking soda
Baking soda is considered a very pure type of leavening agent (as opposed to baking powder), since the gases it forms in baked goods give them a considerable rise in dough and a fluffy texture, in fact a teaspoon of baking soda is 4 times better than baking powder.
This is possible, since sodium bicarbonate is a chemical agent that reacts with acidic products (such as honey, vinegar or lemon juice), producing carbon dioxide in the gluten matrix of the dough and when this happens it must immediately bake the prepared food.
Important: If the recipe you are making does not have an acid product , do not use the baking soda, as it will have an unwanted bitter taste , which does not happen with baking powder.
2. Carbonated water
This is also known as sparkling water, as it contains carbonic acid in its chemical composition that can be easily broken down into water and carbon dioxide that releases the bubbles, which make the masses lighter and fluffier.
To highlight: A very important fact that differentiates carbonated water from other products is that it contains a good number of minerals , adding calcium, potassium and magnesium , which are very important nutrients for bones. Which makes it very different from baking powder.
3. Harina leudante
This type of flour is widely used in confectionery, even more than baking powder, it is a refined flour famous because it comes with a leavening additive and a teaspoon of baking powder in its composition, which results in light doughs with a separate addition of sodium .
Self-raising flour has a lower degree of gluten than bakery flour, which is ideal for making good bread doughs (with a softer and crunchy texture), apart from other foods such as cupcakes, biscuits, cookies and muffins.
Note: A self-rising flour label states the following: “The addition of salt is intended to enhance the aromas and give color to the crusts . ” (two)
4. Egg whites
“Never throw away the egg whites” is a very true phrase since these remaining elements of the egg contain a large amount of B vitamins, folic acid, riboflavin and minerals such as potassium, calcium, copper and potassium. How is its use used to replace baking powder?
It is used with recipes that require baking , for example the preparation of the meringue for the lemon pie, it is used as a leavening agent with a stick mixer with a pastry technique called “snow point” , until they foam and increase the volume of the dough with a better texture.
5. Lemon
This acid was previously mentioned with sodium bicarbonate, but we will explain more why it is used in certain recipes. Firstly , lemon juice provides vitamin C and potassium , very important nutrients.
Secondly, lemon replaces the use of a teaspoon of baking powder when only a teaspoon of baking soda is used, because both make a good reaction and in recipes that call for some citrus juice, it can give a better flavor and texture.
Important: It is recommended to use an exact portion of lemon juice , to prevent a bitter taste in food, the idea is to obtain light and suitable masses to send to the oven.
6. Molasses
Molasses or cane syrup is a sweet liquid that, apart from being a substitute for baking powder, is also used as an alternative sweetener that provides iron, calcium, magnesium and other types of nutrients that are very relevant in diets.
To highlight: Molasses can be used with previously mentioned ingredients such as egg whites and self-rising flour (or also baking soda), especially for recipes for cupcakes or pancakes made with mixers, obtaining a sweeter flavor with an excellent batter .
7. Vinegar
Vinegar or acetic acid is a product used as a seasoning for various foods with excellent properties, standing out as an antioxidant with polyphenols , which contributes to relieving heartburn and improves the absorption of important minerals.
Regarding being a substitute for baking powder, vinegar is combined with products such as sodium bicarbonate, as it has a very adequate ph (acidity level) (exactly at a maximum of 3.4) it mixes well with the bicarbonate, making eruptions of bubbles (favoring the increase in the volume of the mass).
8. Yogurt
Yogurt is a fermented dairy food, which is rich in a huge amount of B complex vitamins and has calcium, magnesium and protein in its structure, which even favor the immune system.
How do you apply yogurt as a substitute for baking powder? Simple, there are recipes like sponge cakes, which are made with a base of self-rising flour and yogurt (especially Greek ) because of its fats, it helps to provide greater texture and flavor, this also applies with baking soda as a base.
9. Buttermilk
Also known as whey, this is a dairy product that is obtained after the production of cheeses and butters, having a high nutritional value in its composition , where proteins and considerable levels of sugar stand out.
Buttermilk is mixed into recipes (without baking powder) such as biscuits or pancakes, which have self-rising or vinegar bases . This whey gives elaborate doughs more consistency or an airy texture, especially if baking soda can be included in your recipe.
Note: An analysis highlights that: “Whey is characterized by its sensitivity to various fermentations. Its richness in sugar, its pH (6 to 6.5) and its temperature make it a favorable medium for the development of lactic acid bacteria and protect food” . (3)
10. Milk sour
Lastly, a product similar to buttermilk is sour milk, a dairy product made with elements in physical bodies such as proteins, which add lemon juice or vinegar to be cut, in effect, an acid agent.
You should know: The sour milk is a dairy product with a certain level of sweetness and acidity, which if mixed with a base of bicarbonate of soda (just like yogurt) gets a reaction when combined with moisture and acid, generating tasty bubbles of carbon dioxide, a good option to replace baking powder.
Key Findings
- Baking powder is an artificial leavening agent used in baking.
- It can be replaced with products that cause chemical reactions similar to those of the powder itself.
- Pure baking soda is 4 times more favorable to replace baking powder.
- Dairy substitutes for baking powder are yogurt, buttermilk, and sour milk.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.