After every breakup, there is a stage of emotional mourning for the loss and the feelings that are unleashed from it.
There are multiple reasons why a relationship stops working, from infidelities, to abuse and progressive loss of love between the couple.
However, it is not bad to die, in the following article you will know the main reasons why love ends and how to overcome the rupture so that it is a process of personal growth and not suffering.
Reasons why love ends
Feeling love for a person can start unexpectedly, but to stop feeling this feeling there are several reasons that can degrade the emotion of being with the other person, to the point of wanting to end the bond.
The initial infatuation fades
The beginning of relationships is one of its best stages, this is due to the constant desire to be with that person and the excitement of being with someone who makes you feel loved.
However, this infatuation can be diminished, either by loss of interest, by some behavior that one of the two has not liked or simply because they realize that they are not for each other.
Boredom of monotony
The monotony begins when the couple begins to repeat the same chores, behavioral patterns and daily activities to the point of getting bored.
That is why the emotion is lost because of the constant routines, the lack of interest, detachment begins and there are no reasons to continue with the affective bond.
Infidelity in a relationship is one of the main breaking points, this is added to mistrust, respect is lost and love ends.
If one of the two people is unfaithful, it is an indication that something is wrong with your partner, so you are looking for the affection or attention you need from other people.
Mistreatment and abuse
The Psychological Center for Behavior Therapy in León, Spain, published an article in which it reports that when there is physical, verbal, psychological or sexual abuse in a couple, it is because there is no longer any kind of love on the part of the attacker.
Generally, the female sex is the most vulnerable to these types of abuse and mistreatment, however, they can also happen to men.
It is important to note that when a person attacks another in any way, it is because they no longer feel the same empathy as before, this can occur due to emotional or psychological imbalances or infidelity.
Therefore, any type of abuse must be controlled from the beginning, to avoid tragic events, therefore, this is one of the main reasons why a relationship must end.
Lack of commitment in the relationship
When starting a stable relationship, it is necessary that both commit to being faithful, loving, respecting, supporting each other, among other aspects that are typical of a sentimental union.
However, when something goes wrong, the relationship begins to fracture because you don’t feel fully committed to sharing your life and interests with another person.
Inadequate communication
Lack of communication becomes something harmful to relationships, if verbal abuse, shouting or a partial lack of communication between the two are added to this, it is likely that the union will break.
That is why the lack of communication, whether it is talking about some type of problem until it is resolved or making the feelings towards the other person known through words, contributes to the decrease of the affective bond and the end of the relationship.
Unmet expectations
When expectations are not met, disappointment is generated, this particular feeling in turn leads to mistrust, so it is a cycle that gradually destroys love.
Although it is true, when sharing life with another person there are many expectations that are generated, plans and goals for the future, however, when time passes and the relationship does not progress, conflicts and problems begin.
physical distancing
Intimacy and physical contact between two people is extremely important, because it is the way in which the two people who love each other show affection.
If the couple for some reason must distance themselves or that closeness no longer exists, the relationship usually begins to be affected and it is one of the main reasons why individuals decide to separate.
Economic problems
A person with economic problems feels constant stress and anguish for not being able to solve the situation, also, when a couple goes through economic problems, problems of insecurities and low self-esteem often arise.
In this sense, monetary difficulties bring tension and despair between the affective bond, which can damage it until it breaks.
How to overcome when love ends?
The emotions that come from affective loss are some of the strongest that human beings can feel.
However, there are a series of recommendations that when put into practice will make you feel better, you will overcome the loss much faster and you will be able to resume your life again.
Accept it and assume it
Psychologists from the Santo Tomás University , Chile, conducted Research on coping and psychological well-being of people after going through a breakup.
The researchers concluded that people who end a relationship take negative positions by not accepting or facing the situation, this affects them psychologically because they create illusions that everything is fine, so they do not assume the problem.
Therefore, it is imperative that you accept and assume what you are experiencing so that the emotional process you are going through is more bearable and you can overcome this situation as soon as possible.
Express feelings
ToStudy published by the Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues revealed that women are more vulnerable and explicit when expressing their feelings after a love breakup compared to men.
As for men, affective losses are shown in the form of stress, however, they respond better and faster to coping with these experiences, overcoming them more effectively than women.
In this sense, whether you are a man or a woman, it is important that you do not repress your feelings because talking about the situation or expressing yourself in some way will help you face the loss and you will overcome it more easily.
Recover the positive of the relationship
You must put aside the negative and take the small positive details that that person shared with you, the way you grew up, you became stronger sentimentally and the good memories must prevail.
This will help you internalize that rescuing the positive things you have experienced brings you well-being, comfort and with that you begin to accept that it was a cycle of life that was presented to make you a better person.
Keep distance
The well-known psychologist Walter Riso, recounts in his book “I already said goodbye to you, now how can I forget you” , that the chances that you will look for an excuse to find out about your ex-partner are quite high, however, this is one of the main things that you should avoid
Therefore, you must stop persecuting that person so that your mind can experience the grieving process for the affective loss that you are experiencing and thus you can overcome it faster.
It is about having the strength of conviction, self-worth and dignity, but if you keep your distance you can overcome what you are feeling around the separation.
Forgive your own and others’ faults
Blaming yourself for the breakup will only make you feel worse, there is nothing good about it, but if you start to forgive your ex-partner even if you are no longer together and free yourself from all guilt, you will heal faster, the suffering will fade away and you will be able to resume your life.
Get rid of negative feelings
Negative thoughts and feelings such as resentment, hatred and even wanting revenge are normal to feel after a breakup, because you feel hurt and belittled.
But, this does not give you the peace and tranquility that you need to overcome the affective loss, therefore, by freeing yourself and transforming all those bad feelings, you are giving way to all the good energies that will make you feel better.
Recreation with physical and social activities
Both sports, exercise and social gatherings are excellent activities for you to clear your mind and overcome everything that happened, this will also help you feel better about yourself and strengthen your self-esteem, making problems remain in the past.
Let time pass
As time goes by, you will accept more and more the pain caused by the breakup, you will experience the feeling of tranquility and harmony, you will be able to resume the things you like to do and little by little you will be strengthened.
That is why it is important to leave everything in time so that you can heal correctly and not make the same mistakes again.
Keep your mind busy
This does not mean that you fill yourself unbridled with work until exhaustion, you can rather read books, learn to play a musical instrument, resume a hobby of your choice, travel or meet new people.
The important thing is that you focus on yourself and your well-being, especially on doing the things that you put aside to spend time with your old relationship.
Reflect and improve for future relationships
You should take any difficult circumstance as a positive experience, this, in addition to helping you grow personally, will improve the mistakes you may have made before or the reasons for the breakup and thus you will be able to avoid them in your next romantic relationship.
Lean on family and friends
Friends and family, being your closest loved ones, are the right people for you to express your feelings and help you overcome lost love.
The advice that they can provide you and their unconditional support are the two main characteristics that you need to continue forward, so take refuge in the people who want the best for you.
Don’t lose faith in love
Not because you have experienced a toxic relationship or a traumatic breakup can you stop losing faith in love, rather, you must fully trust that if the relationship ended it is because The True Love that corresponds to you has not yet arrived.
For this reason, hold on to that small hope of finding love again, meanwhile focus on being a better person so that your next love experience is more lasting and complete.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.