In human life it is of great importance to find a person with whom to share life, therefore, when getting that ideal person, questions arise when questioning whether it is true love.

People, by nature, impose a series of characteristics when it comes to finding a partner, they can be physical, personality, various tastes or sentimental, however, when a love is true there are many elements that cease to have effect.

Therefore, in this article, you will be able to know the characteristics to identify true love, so you will know if you are sharing your life with the right person.

What is true love?

Love is really true when the couple feels beyond a simple desire to be with the other person, in this type of love tolerance, respect, commitment is reflected and above all, there is reciprocity in feelings.

In this sense, the mathematicianHannah Fryconducted a study to demonstrate the link of love with the science that studies numerical quantities, with special emphasis on the probabilities that an individual has to find love.

In her book “The mathematics of love”, the author details all the operations that can be performed to calculate the percentages and probabilities that you find love, also, provides small tips for you to find true love.

Characteristics of true love

Differentiating true love from a simple whim or falling in love can be somewhat complex, for this, there are a number of characteristics that will help you identify real love.

Start with self-love

To love another person, you must first love yourself, have confidence and security in all your aspects, whether physical or emotional.

Therefore, by having self-love, you will allow another person to know each part of you more easily and the complexity of the relationship will decrease, because you will be completely sure of who you are and for those reasons that person is with you.

It is gradually being built

A true love is forged gradually while the two individuals progressively get to know the characters, personalities, tastes and defects of the other person.

This is why love relationships go through several stages before being fully consolidated and it is this process that determines if the couple is building true love.

It’s honest and real

Honesty is one of the fundamental pillars in a relationship, it becomes necessary for both to be honest and real in every way.

From there, trust is consolidated and love grows in a good way, since the couple, by being honest, also demonstrates the commitment they have to the relationship.

Likewise, sincerity is imperative when the bond is beginning, so that the two can establish the pros and cons of their relationship.

It is based on trust and respect

The American psychologist Robert Sternberg, describes that true or complete love, according to his study the Triangular Theory of Love , is the one that possesses passion, intimacy and commitment in equal parts.

In this way, the author describes that these elements give rise to the trust and respect that every functional couple should have.

Likewise, it points out that trust and respect are built and strengthened over time, in addition to the actions that are shown as a couple so that the relationship remains solid, avoiding any inconvenience.

He is unconditional and understanding

To determine if love exists and that it is totally real, you will have to be understanding and unconditional with your partner and this must be reciprocated.

Unconditionality is about being there for the other person at all times, supporting them both in happy moments and in difficulties, in addition, being understanding if your partner is going through bad situations and knowing how to encourage them to continue forward.

Does not cause suffering or pain

If between the couple there is abuse or some type of act that deserves suffering and pain, real love is not possible, this is because the relationship is fracturing to the point of being negative and not contributing the good things that the relationship has. live together

To identify a true love, you must take into account the character and possible distortions that may exist in the personality of the other person and that they do not have aggressive pasts.

It’s reciprocal

Reciprocity between couples is about give and take, it is the exchange of feelings, words, emotions and actions that fuels a relationship and the assurance that the other person is in tune with you.

Otherwise, one of the two people will lose interest because they do not receive in return what they show and that is so important for a relationship to work.

is free and independent

Freedom is not lost when having a partner, although it is true that certain conditions change, in the same way both must respect each other’s space.

However, the concept of freedom and independence in a relationship does not mean that each one will do what they want in terms of fidelity and make decisions that affect the relationship, rather, it is about maintaining and respecting each other’s personal spaces. .

Focuses on solutions, not problems

It is no secret to anyone that every relationship at some point will have difficulties, problems, different points of view, among other mishaps that happen due to the simple fact that each person is different.

What is really decisive in true love is knowing how to solve it before the situation advances and damages the affective bond. For this, it is important to know how to communicate concerns and solve problems together.

lasts in time

As time goes by, love strengthens, the bond becomes more solid, both adapt to living together as a couple and it becomes a necessity to be more together every day.

So a love that transcends and lasts for a long time without major complications, is a true love.

It has no limits or distances

It is usual that currently in the world there are a large number of couples, who are distanced for different reasons.

However, the important thing about true love is to create circumstances that keep them connected, keeping the flame of love always alive, as well as communication and loyalty.

How to identify if you are with true love?

There are different traits that show whether a love is true or not, from small things to the most significant details can help you identify if you are really with your true love.

accepts you as you are

An article published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin magazine recounts how researchers conducted a study to determine the behavior of people when they are in love.

The investigation showed that people who are really in love overestimate the personality and physical characteristics of their partner, while they underestimate that of possible rivals.

In this sense, your partner must accept your physical appearance, your feelings and personality, since true love is distinguished from all others by wanting above all things.

respects, values and admires you

Loving someone, beyond being an affective feeling, is that the person with whom you share your life admires you, is happy for your achievements, successes and for the things you do for the benefit of the relationship.

On the other hand, valuing a loved one, is taking care of him, loving him and respecting him as if every day were his last, in addition, with this he makes you know and feel that you are really important in his life.

Worries about your physical and emotional well-being

Showing concern for another person means that it is important in your life and in this case it is one of the ways to show affection.

For this reason, if your partner cares about your health, emotional states, and physical well-being, it is synonymous with fear for your well-being and wants the best for you.

Motivates you to achieve your goals

Support is a fundamental element in a relationship, this is because you always need someone who is motivating you and alive to remind you how valuable you are and what you are capable of achieving, that is one of the qualities of true love. .

He is tender, affectionate and passionate

Demonstrations of affection and feeling loved are one of the things that human beings like to feel the most and in a loving bond, demonstrations of affection make the relationship unify and both feel comfortable being with each other. other.

makes you laugh and enjoy

If the person you have by your side makes you laugh, feel complete and at peace, and you also enjoy their company, the moments and the time you spend together, you are close to real love.

This is because, as humans, wanting to make other people feel good, cheer them up, do things they like and enjoy, shows the affection they feel for you.

Understand what you need and what is important to you

Understanding is one of the traits that sometimes it is difficult for some people to have when they are in a relationship, however, recognizing that it is important or necessary for your life and supporting you is essential to consolidate the relationship.

Likewise, accepting that another may have interests other than yours and respecting it is significant and shows affection.

Communicates assertively

Communication is a key point to determine if it really is true love. Occasionally, communication codes are created between couples that help them to know everything from moods to any type of interest.

Likewise, it is essential that they maintain good communication with you when knowing how to express any emotion, discomfort or any situation that arises.

listens and understands you

In relationships it is important to know how to communicate but also to learn to listen to what the other person has to say.

Listening carefully, paying attention and understanding each other’s concerns is imperative, so that difficulties or problems can be solved, and respecting personal decisions.

Does not judge or criticize you

There is a very thin line between suggestions and criticism, therefore, if the person you love judges and criticizes you excessively it is because he does not have the necessary interest to be with you.

While it is true, as a couple it is essential that you are sincere, the process of getting to know each other will make each one learn how to communicate certain types of judgments to the other, without hurting their feelings.

It’s always there when you need it

That a person is in the hardest or most difficult moments makes it special and it is the meaning of sharing life with someone else, that is, having someone who will be there for you no matter what, as long as you need help. your unconditional support.

Respect your spaces

A true love is the one that understands that in sentimental relationships, whether they are married or living together, each one should have their space to dedicate time to personal or personal interests.

Respecting and understanding you will make the relationship not become monotonous, in addition, it will show you that he is capable of respecting your spaces and fully trusts you.

You have freedom to be and do

In this, trust and commitment are also considered as fundamental pillars in the relationship and in the demonstrations of true love.

Having freedom within a stable relationship is something very complex, but not impossible, and it can be achieved if the love is real.

In this sense, beyond the jealousy, problems or differences that may arise, the freedom to do what you want should prevail as long as it does not harm the other person.

Celebrate your achievements as your own

Your true love should be happy about your goals achieved and achievements, this is essential to feel that that person cares about you and that your professional or personal advances are also of interest to him.

He knows how to recognize his faults and forgive yours

In relationships, you must learn to forgive, overcome and move forward, because getting stuck in a problem will only weaken the sentimental union.

Therefore, accepting that they have been wrong, apologizing and also forgiving you for a mistake you have made, shows that despite any mistake that person loves you and is willing to make amends to be with you.

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