Over time, we have understood how the social environment influences the learning and behaviorof individuals. Lev Vygotsky was one of the leaders of this type of methodologies, of their approach and understanding.

All theseimportant contributions that society hason personal development will be reflected in the following article, where we will address the characteristics of sociocultural learningand the ways to apply it directly in education, where they seek to see results to certain certain objectives.

What is sociocultural learning?

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky was considered the father of this theory ofhuman developmentand learning, due to his emphasis on theinfluence of community on the shaping of individual behavior. In fact, he consideredlearningto be a necessary process for the correct organized cultural development.

Note: Although his theories remained unfinished due to his premature death, his research was well founded, so much so that based on it today continues to work forcognitive development, wherelearning is asocialprocess to a large extent.

In this sense, this learning is not only based on the figure of the adults in the environment, but also onbeliefs and attitudes that directly influence the development of teaching, where from what Vygotsky baptized as “intellectual adaptation tools”, children use their basic mental skills to adapt to the culture where they live.

What are the characteristics of sociocultural learning?

In this psychological foundation, there are certain aspects that characterize its effectiveness. They will be mentioned below for a better understanding of sociocultural learning:

1. Focuses on the individual’s social environment

The main focus of this type of cognitive development is on the environment surrounding the individual in question. As we mentioned earlier, it is not only adults with direct kinship who have influence, but the entire social environment and cultural beliefs.

To highlight: The interactions that exist within the child’s development zone are those that achieve the construction of the individual and his behavior tag. Vygotsky really believed that the environment in which children grow up will determine the way they think and act.

2. Establishes a zone of proximal development

The zone of proximal development or ZPD, is defined by Dr. Roberto Corral as a a psychological vision of man focused on how the elements of a space are related , these being: the subject that learns, the system that is learned and the subject that teach.

You should know: :In this research, entitled ” “The concept of the zone of proximal development: an interpretation” (1)  he talks about how consciousness is essential for the evolutionary result as tools to learn to act with reality.

3. Language and speech are fundamental to learning

The notion of these elements and the intervention they have during the learning process is essential. Even the the personal way in which the individual communicates is is a characteristic that is influenced by the environment, since it is something highly linked and immersed in aspects of daily life.

4. The teacher must be a mediating entity

The teacher becomes one of the elements mentioned above: the subject who teaches tag. It happens that the child cannot be considered as an isolated element of his sociocultural environment, so it is precisely the teachers as mediators whoare in charge of introducing and leading the learning .

Important: The ability to integrate into the group and the information guide, together with the support that is used to give it to the student , is necessary for the correct intellectual development.

5. Social interaction determines cognitive potentiality

Piaget’s model is precisely the one that proposes a balance between cognitive development and its explanatory key, , which is based on social development that conceives the appearance of morality, affectivity, operational logic, etc.

To highlight: All the exchange that social social interaction entails entails, , allows the formulation of social, historical and cultural aspects. (two)

In this sense, Albert Bandura, among the great influencers of of Social Learning, , denotes the cognitive factor, during which we are capable of able to observing the results of our actions and capable of transforming our own experience into knowledge.

6. Learning in one culture may not be extrapolated to another

It happens that when growing within certain elements belonging to our culture, that makes other other cultures seem inadequate or incompatible , so they are not extrapolated or suitable for the intervention of other societies.

How to apply sociocultural learning in education?

Sociocultural learning theory is applied as a methodology in the classroom to to obtain objective results, thus understanding the real level of development and the ability to apply it at a potential level. Next we will explain how it works in education:

1. Design activities that include student social interaction

The use of group tools The use of group tools is encouraged , such as collaborative work so that in the presence of advanced students they can support others and promote empathy and solidarity.

Note: Allowing the individual himself to Negotiate and get involved with his environment will influence the construction of knowledge and behavior.

2. Include experimental and problem-solving activities

The teacher’s role as a guide and guide when doubts arise will broaden the experience of seeking answers whenever questions appear throughout their lives.

Important: They must intervene in the creation of interest and the need to learn, to ensure that participations are effective and assertive.

3. Encourage collaborative study in teams

Cooperative work is contemplated sustaining the importance of it for sociocultural theory, whichallows to establish the understanding that the existence of society and the need to share and coexist, is conditioning for the development of higher psychological processesthat allow to create distinctive individuals.

4. Encourage dialogue and participation in discussions

The construction of knowledge that influences social interaction will be related to the incentive for the intervention of dialogues and discussions that promote security and assertive exchange of ideas.

You should know: In the research entitled ” “The importance of dialogue in teaching” (3)it is possible to understand how human manifestations of this nature will allow the achievement of objectives through which the guided structuringtowards certain elements is required. the is required.

It then helps to develop:

  • critical thoughts.
  • reflective practice.
  • Arguments.
  • Attitudes and skills.

5. Promote research and information search

Fostering learning and inquiry is a complex process, it allows a way to generate conceptual and argumentative changes. It also allows the validation of the tools that an individual must use among his means, ways, strategies for the the incorporation and construction of new paths and the approach to reality.

To highlight: : In the article on ” “Inquiry: an innovative strategy for learning” (4) they talk about how this process is linked to the logical processes for the development and verification of knowledge, ending up becoming their own instructional methodology.

6. Link the cultural environment with the content taught

Culture is an influence on learning, so learning to use and engage with it will be of benefit to the imparters tag. Cultural elements will reflect beliefs andValues , for which awareness must be raised as they will design learning environments.

Note: It is then determined that the environment is a critical component among the main implications, for which it is necessary to be aware and try to adapt for its efficient operation.

7. Incorporate the representatives in the educational process

Thanks to what would be the support of the student’s sociocultural environment, among which the parents or representatives belong, ,the scope of really significant advances in this complex process is allowed, always seeking a greater benefit for all.

You should know: The scaffold application intervention, developed by Gail Ross, focuses on during construction during the first years of life thanks to the guidance received during their intellectual development.

Key Findings

  • Sociocultural learning highlights the influence of the community on shaping individual behavior.
  • Sociocultural learning is also based on beliefs and attitudes, which directly influence the development of teaching.
  • The main focus of sociocultural learning is on the Theenvironment that surrounds the individual in question.
  • Sociocultural learning theory is applied as a methodology in the classroom to obtain objective results.

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