The human being and society have been enormously concerned with configuring individuals ofgreat expectations. These expectations are usually accompanied by ahigh level of demands, both personal and external.

Man, by genetics, is a sensitive being and vulnerable to excessive pressures and more in those situations with a high level of demand and that he cannot control.

This leads topsychological manifestationsof a peculiar phobia: atelophobia. It means then that this phobia is aboutthe fear of imperfection.

In the following article, we present the necessary information so that you know what this condition consists of, its characteristics and how to address it.

What is atelophobia?

Athelophobia is a condition in which an individual isobsessed with being perfectin different areas of his life, and presents anextreme fearof not reaching perfection in any of his actions, ideas or beliefs.

Important: According to experts, it is beneficial to try to be thebest person possible, but when there is ahigh level of demandwith little chance of complying, it becomes ahealth problemfor the individual.

The word atelophobia, comes from two Greek words: the prefixatelowhich means imperfect andphobiawhich means fear, so it literally means fear ofimperfection, but can take the form offear of failure.

This conditionprevents action, lowers productivity, weakens your physical health and impairs yourability to interactwith others. So the individual with atelophobia would find the idea of doing something wrong, perhaps even paralyzing, frightening.

Note: Atelophobia is often referred to asperfectionismand is also considered a specific phobia.

Causes of atelophobia

Thecauses of this phobia are given from withinthe individualand others are caused by the intervention ofexternal agents. Here are the most common ones:

strict education

Those parents with a demanding character and Perfectionist Teachers of obsessive behaviors and intolerance to imperfection and who encourage the highest grades, can trigger mental disorders in the future, where the coercive practice includes punishment, fear and fear.

Genetic factors

In atelophobia there is the possibility of a biological or genetic predisposition , since the personality traits of the parents are somewhat perfectionist.

Note: It can also be due to Human Nature , because Overly sensitive people may have difficulty, because the natural instincts to worry predispose these people to be more prone to this phobia.

Perfectionist Personality

Toperfectionist person is usually very strict, methodical and critical of herself and others.

In this situation, they seek to succeed in everything they do , and they set themselves goals and objectives with Very High Standardsand this leads them to fear failure. This fear of failure usually turns into atelophobia.

They believe that if they let others see their shortcomings or failures, they will reject them. This perfection is a way of protecting yourself from criticism, rejection, ordisapproval from others .

Important: A study establishes that the Perfectionist Personality implies a Tireless search for unrealistic and difficult goals, either by personal imposition or by a perception that others expect that of the person. (1)

Traumatic Experiences

For example, when they have had very strict parents or suffer bullying and criticism at an early age, where the person has felt undervalued or criticized excessively, whether in the family, school or social environment.

symptoms of atelophobia

The symptoms of atelophobia are closely linked to various types of associated psychological disorders such as depression or anxietytag. We show you the most common ones below:

Anxiety and extreme fears

Situations such as anxiety attacksare typical of atelophobia. The person is restless, nervous, concerned, fearful or panicked about what is about to happen or may happen, due to thehigh level of demand imposed.

Fun fact: A study was able to confirm that Insane Perfection directly affects test anxiety and that women showed more anxiety than men in university exams. (two)

Another study revealed the positive relationship between perfectionism , fear of failure and depressive symptoms . (3)


Some types of symptoms of this disorder include a high degree of irritability directed towards themselves and sometimes, although minimally, towards others.

This situation occurs due to the state of physical and psychological impotence to solve the problem or also the fact of facing criticism and prejudice from third parties.

Note: The fear of failure, of not meeting agreed goals and objectives and the consequent fear of being sued by third parties, can cause states of irritability.

Lack of concentration

The individual withfear or panic of being imperfect, loses control over the cognitive process, including the process of attention and concentration.

The person with atelophobia focuses their efforts on specific goals, detracting from the importance and attention to other activities, including their health.

Rapid breathing and sweating

Note: When the threat is gone, these states tend to abate.


This is also caused by the incessant state of alarm that is created in the body as a result of atelophobia.


Stress and anxiety caused by atelophobia can cause an increase in blood pressure and other alterations in the body, triggering and intensifying tension in the brain, which can manifest in the form of migraines .

nausea and vomiting

Note: A study between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout indicates that concerns about perfection showed medium to large and medium positive relationships with general burnout and burnout symptoms. (4)

On the other hand, a study entitled “The relationship between perfectionism and eating-related symptoms in adolescents: a systematic review” , relates eating disorders to perfectionist concerns. (5)

Treatment for atelophobia

Undoubtedly, the therapy for this type of situation will mainly be based on Psychological intervention and, in extreme cases, the complement with prescribed drugsby specialists. Here we discuss the following treatments:

Cognitive restructuring therapy

Said therapy, gives as a result after the intervention, that individuals learn to change some distorted ways of thinking , which lead them to experience emotional discomfort, such as states of anxiety and depressiontag. The challenge for the patient is to face the phobia.

Note: A study reveals the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders. (6)

Self-gratification and self-esteem therapy

These therapies are aimed at improving the perception and appreciation that one has of oneself.

With this, it is sought to understand that the individual has greater value than what other people manifest, it is very important, in order to have a solid , positive, own and real perspective of our Individual Capacities .

Prescription drugs

The medication contributes to reinforce the intervention with psychological therapies , especially in those cases where atelophobia has become a psychological disorder, such as depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive pathologies. These medications must be taken through aspecialist .

Key Findings

  • Atelophobia or atelophobia is the fear of being imperfect.
  • It is considered a specific phobia caused by education, traumatic experiences or genetic factors.
  • It triggers psychological pathologies such as depression and anxiety.
  • It is treatable through science, with psychological therapy and prescription drugs.

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