The human being has different ways of learning the basic and complex things of life, and even of the different types of professional areas. Many that are seen in everyday life, others in educational areas such as universities and colleges.

However, we are all different, therefore we have our own comforts on how to study and learn. Many read, many observe and analyze, others write and memorize or some hear to remember.

Next, in the following article you will learn about one of the forms of learning that exist: auditory learning, an interesting topic that is also very present in our lives, perhaps it is your preferred means of learning.

What is auditory learning?

Auditory learning is part of the different styles known about learning, among them is visual andkinestheticAuditory learning is characterized by presenting experiences with the sense of hearing and speech, therefore it is a method where information is retained through listening and speaking.

Note: Although it requires more of the imagination of the individual, since it is not the same as visual learning, it tends to be very useful inlearning with other artistic and cultural areas, such as music and different types of languages.

Characteristics of auditory learning

Auditory learning does not have a complex process to understand or practice. There are different characteristics namely, to at some point recognize auditory learning, at the same time it will help you decide if it is your preferred learning method and with which you feel most comfortable:

It is acquired using the sense of hearing

Auditory learning works thanks to our hearing system, a simpler way to capture, analyze and retain information. The Technological University of Mexicoin an article on auditory learning, mentions that “You learn easily with auditory learning by paying attention to what is said or narrated by people and teachers”(1).

It constitutes speaking and listening to learn

Auditory learning is characterized by listening and speaking, mostly in classrooms there are people who retain information more easily through dictations or explanations provided by teachers.

In this sense, once again the Technological University of Mexico mentions that “People who are more auditory tend to remember information better by following and recalling an oral explanation” (1)

It allows to capture and focus what happens in the environment

Auditory learning allows the human ear to focus the mind on a specific environment to memorize it, the same happens with words or any type of experience, such as conferences and exhibitions.

So, auditory learning works in conjunction with our mind and our visual environment, making our senses stronger.

Allows oral information to be retained

Auditory learning is characterized by the virtue of retaining key and specific words, which help the human being to remember in the future.

It often happens that people remember any experience or topic for specific things, words, phrases,among other elements. Only this is possible in auditory learning.

Allows to locate sounds and moderate the intensity

Auditory learning is a powerful method, sounds exist everywhere,See voices, environmental sounds, animal noises among others. Depending on the best conditions that a person finds with his hearing.

Therefore, it is not just a question of hearing, but of listening attentively, for the same reason our ear is capable of moderating the qualities of sound, capable of locating them and adjusting their intensity.

Requires concentration ignoring external sounds

Auditory learning, having positive results, its effective understanding, must be trained daily, with a high and necessary concentration.

It happens a lot that when we study we don’t turn on the television or the radio, because the programs and external noises distract us to the limit.

The same thing happens when someone is talking to us and we must avoid hearing external noises, such as conversations from other people or from the environment. Sometimes it’s hard to avoid, that’s why itrequires practice in the concentration part.

Contributes to language learning

Auditory learning has a unique and fundamental role in learning the various languages that exist in society.

Yes, you must also learn to write in different languages, but the modulation and pronunciation only comes from the auditory form and this is the best way to learn it.

Facilitates the explanation of ideas

is used to a certain number of words, some because they are the ones that catch our attention and we are willing to explore them.

These words are ideas for a project, an exhibition and stop counting. Auditory brainstorming is immense by human vocabulary.

Enhances auditory memory

There are people who have the facility to remember according to what they hear. For example,there are those who remember words according to the lyrics of their favorite song, others can remember different situations depending on what someone says or counts at a certain moment.

Finally, when in a classroom, teachers give examples from everyday life, so that students grasp the topics faster and memorize them automatically.

Involves the analysis and deep reflection of what is heard

The more you listen, the more you start to think and make your own judgment. You don’t even need to talk, you can think about your opinions and criticisms.

Everything is done at exact moments, when you start to hear conversations or any situation that surrounds you, you can go deeper and ask yourself many questions, analyzing every detail and trying to answer different unknowns. Auditory learning has the advantage of stimulating human worship.

How to reinforce auditory learning?

Auditory learning is vast and certainly quite useful, however it requires some hard concentration practice to get used to it. For this reason, we will teach you the recommended methods so that you can reinforce it:

Read out loud

It is not only about retaining information but also how to share it with the world, so it is important to read aloud. It is said that“Reading aloud builds awareness between word and sound, a powerful development for reading success.”

Therefore, when you get used to reading aloud, you tend to retain any type of complicated and long information more easily. In addition, you learn to distribute it with other people through conversation and speeches.

Record information of interest in audio

It is a basic and quite useful method. Above all, it is something that is studied in journalism.

People nowadays often record presentations, personal practices and lectures precisely to retain the most important parts that have caught their attention, and beyond having them, they can be slowly rewinded, analyzed and better understood.

Like young students who take the time to record classes and presentations in their different classrooms, with due permission above all.

You don’t even need to buy a voice recorder, nowadays the phone is the best tool to record audios and make your life easier, a unique method of auditory learning.

Listening to music while doing an activity

Auditory learning does not fall short of this, people often listen to music when studying, as it helps to further stimulate the brain to understand certain topics.

To highlight: Not any type of music, in fact, classical music is considered the best for studying or memorizing.

In this sense, it is said that the Mozart effect is proof of this, in fact according to the Allegro magico page page ““There are studies where it was shown that adolescents who listened to Mozart’s sonata performed better in reasoning tests than adolescents who are listening to something else or who have been in a quiet room”(2)

Participate in debates, conversations and assemblies

It is important to listen to other people’s opinions, to learn more about the world and about society, as well as the way of thinking of different people.

Therefore, participating in debates and activities where you are involved in speaking and sharing your point of view is of the utmost importance and greatly stimulates the lexicon of the human being.

Note: There are the well-known Model United Nations at the college and university level, for these purposes, it is extensive auditory learning.

Use metaphors to remember terms

Forget about a complex process to remember difficult and tangled words. With auditory learning, these words do not have to be memorized exactly,metaphors are often created in order to replace something that we do not understand at first.

However, it is usually a great job for memorization, either because we hear it frequently or because we ourselves mention these words and they are very present in our vocabulary.

Importance of auditory learning

Auditory learning is present in all moments of our lives, we tend to hear, recycle various information and analyze it during the day or night. It is a method of effective understanding of various topics, which helps us to be able to work, live, think and study.

Auditory learning, however, requires on our part, we must know what we want to hear, what we want to learn, what we want to hear from someone, because words mean a lot to human beings, beyond just writing.

For this reason it is important to reinforce it daily, put into practice everything that is heard and begin to analyze it.

Key takeaways

  • Auditory learning is part of the different styles known about learning, including visual and kinesthetic. It is characterized by presenting experiences with the sense of hearing and speaking, therefore it is a method where information is retained through listening and speaking.
  • There are different characteristics to recognize auditory learning, among them is that it is acquired using the sense of hearing, it constitutes listening and speaking to learn, it allows oral information to be retained, it allows to locate sounds and moderate their intensity, it contributes to the learning of others. languages, among others.
  • To reinforce this type of learning, we recommend reading aloud, recording information of interest on audio, listening to (appropriate) music while doing an activity, participating in debates, conversations and assemblies and finally using metaphors to remember terms.
  • It is important that in order to reinforce auditory learning, concentration is practiced a lot to get used to not getting lost in external noises when listening to a conversation, a class, etc.

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