Lev Vygotsky was a prominent psychologist in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. He was a revolutionary who raised the intrinsic relationship that is available between theknowledge that an individual develops and his development in the social environment.

For its foundation, internalization is the key to everything that is presented about itself, at a cultural, scientific and evaluative level. This development occurs from childhood and is built first at the social level and then at the individual level.

To highlight: It is important to mention that this type of knowledge has been applied in countless investigations comparing its range of effectiveness. Similarly, its pedagogical origin is also compared in studies such as “Reflections on Vigotsky’s pedagogy(1) where social interaction together with individual interaction makes sense.

We invite you then to continue with the article, where we will talk about what scaffolding is, its process and its main characteristics.

What is the Vygotsky scaffolding?

For theCervantes Virtual Centerscaffolding is the process developed during interaction, in which the learner is guided by a mediator through learning. (2)

Note: In this methodology, it is proposed that learning is a more enjoyable and efficient way when working with a person who builds knowledge through their experience in the area.

Being part of the conviction that an individual with greater skill in a field is indicated for training, although it has been shown that it can occur among equals with what is known ascollective scaffolding.

In both systems, the evaluation of the level of previous knowledge, the progress made and respect the autonomy of the apprentice is complied with.

Characteristics of the Vygotsky scaffolding

Scaffolding is a learning situation, where the aim is to transform the novice into an expert by progressively evaluating their progress.

Most of the studies carried out based on the Vigotsky scaffolding, are oriented towards obtaining essential knowledge such as writing and oral development, it is also applied in foreign languages, reading comprehension and everything that has fullness.

Next we will mention the main characteristics of the interpersonal process.

2 levels of development are established in learning

The first level of learning development begins by reflecting on actual development, which is the Individual’s existing knowledge.The second is defined as the potential that can be achieved.

This zone of potentiality is defined as the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and for the investigation of ” Reflections on Vigotsky’s pedagogy “, it is exposed as the correspondence between the existing abilities of the individual and his capacity. (3)

Determine a zone of proximal development

For this, three fundamental characteristics must be taken into account as criteria:

  • Set the level of difficulty: it should be challenging for the learner, but not impossible.
  • Provide Performance with Help: Result-oriented guidance is provided.
  • Evaluate the performance: being the one that promises a better next development, the result of the independent performance is evaluated.

And it is then from them that cognitive development proceeds.

It is a process of interaction between the learner and an interlocutor.

According to ” Assisted scaffolding in reading comprehension processes in university students “, it talks about how assisted learning is and consists of the interaction between an individual experimenting in a domain and a novice so that the latter adapts and gradually appropriates the knowledge .

It is a process that depends on shared interactions and activities.

In the research titled “Scaffolding as a writing acquisition process in transitional children“, it is defined thatdetermined contexts are fostered through interaction and promote confrontation that allows the search for coherence (4)

The learner builds his own knowledge

Vigotsky’s theory is extremely attached to the internalization of the subject,which is why it is constantly revolutionized and restored. It allows the growing authority of oneself.

Note: The socio-constructive perspective that characterizes this learning system establishes the responsibility of the learner and the elements involved in the situations and elements that influence their act of learning.

The modeling of this system for Colomina in 2001 implies autonomy in the control and responsibility of their own learning. Where it starts with the advice of a trainer, but is withdrawn gradually (5)

Can be given collectively

The socio-cultural aspect supplies collectivity components to develop the environment, and this allows the precise mechanisms for progression.

To highlight: The search for collective achievements also seeks to increase confidence in the skills obtained and carry out collaborative learning.

Adjusts to the level of the learner

This methodology begins from the moment that the previous knowledge is evaluated, to evaluate the difficulty of the information that is going to be provided as a tool.

Although he is given the freedom of his responsibility for learning, knowledge adapted to timely and competent information is built.

In a study of scaffolding, according to Castañeda in 1996, it is exposed that the main requirement was to carry out a survey of the apprentice’s knowledge to later apply under which restrictions one works, the sequence of the stimuli that are applied and the alternative but equivalent methods. for the applied methodology (6)

It is temporary, audible and visible

It is considered as the acquisition of concepts through media and with the freedom of self-regulated learning.

For ” The effect of a scaffolding to facilitate learning “, different formats (such as texts, graphics, sounds and animations) are presented, in which the environment allows the learner to have control over the content and set their level of interactivity (7 )

With this, it seeks to motivate them to build their own knowledge but with incentives and recognition.

Vygotsky scaffolding process

The application of this system involves a methodological process that guides us towards its effectiveness. Althoughthis type of model is quite personalized and guided by a previous diagnosis , it is always in search of the best coverage.

Below we describe the functionality of a standard Vygotsky scaffolding process.

Information is prepared in advance

In Vigotsky’s scaffolding, the role of the student is thought of as an integral being and there is a structured and meaningful work environment. He must be the facilitator, take charge of facilitating didactic means and that solve existing doubts or concerns.

Note: In this sense, it is prepared to allow the adequacy of the activities to be specified, to manage frustration when it is the case, the understanding and sense of belonging of the learning process and how it influences the individual.

A high level of difficulty is set

For this, interest and competitiveness are awakened, although it is presented starting with simple problems that then change in complexity.

Morin points out that themost important challenge is to help modify thinking to face the difficulty, the changes it brings with it and how unpredictable the world in general is.

The student must be constantly evaluated

In the investigation of ” Teaching action, effective scaffolding “, it is exposed that Torrano and González talk about how Self-regulated learning is a fusion of skill and will.

Likewise, even if it is autonomous, cognitive processes must be controlled and evaluated in order to have behavioral controland regulate the process in this way. Above all to understand the limitations that are presented.

The educator must support in difficulties

With this, early prevention of difficulties with diagnoses is invoked to give the necessary support. From there, proposals for improvements are established to face them.

Attention to these factors must be linked as an opportunity and must be taken responsibly by the facilitator. The identification of failures is coordinated and resolved by adapting the system to your needs.

Contributions of other researchers in the scaffolding

Scaffolding has been developing as a methodology that provides development both in psychology and in pedagogy. Contributing, above all, the intellectual levels.

Noteworthy: Although Lev Vygotsky was the developer of the scaffolding, researchers such as David Wood, Gail Ross, and Jerome Bruner popularized the strategy through their input.

Bruner and Wood

Bruner and Wood developed their theories from the ZPD, and these investigations adapted the scaffolding term and directed it towards the development of children and how their knowledge evolved, building an interaction between the current and the initial one.

They also considered knowledge as something that can be constantly improved, and encouraged the application of active and collective learning.

Gail Ross

Gail Ross developed an investigation entitled: “The role of tutoring in problem solving.” In addition to focusing on the application of dramatic methods and where he was the center of attention of the class, she to verify that the student had the ability to maintain concentration and, thanks to that, have consistent knowledge.

It also presented the activities in such a way that the children were responsible for solving the tasks, thus turning knowledge into something autonomous.

Key takeaways

  • Scaffolding is the process developed during the interaction, in which the learner is guided by a mediator through learning. Vigotsky’s methodology suggests that learning is a more enjoyable and efficient path when working with a person who builds knowledge through her experience in the area.
  • Lev Vigotsky was a prominent psychologist in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century who raised the intrinsic relationship that exists between the knowledge that an individual develops and their development in the social environment.
  • In the scaffolding, 2 levels of development in learning are established; The first level of learning development begins by reflecting on actual development, which is the individual’s existing knowledge. The second is defined as the potential that can be achieved.
  • In the Vigotsky scaffolding process, the information is prepared in advance, a high level of difficulty is established, the student must be constantly evaluated and the educator must support in difficulties.

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