Corn is a yellow cereal widely consumed in Latin America , because it is used for different food preparations in those nations, turning out to be a very favorable food for the body, thanks to the benefits it brings to health.

That is why the following article will mention the benefits of corn for health, in order to include this food in our daily diet. In the same way, its nutritional properties and its form of consumption will be explained.

What are the health benefits of corn?

As already mentioned, corn is a cereal that provides great benefits to the human body, thanks to the fact that it contains properties that strengthen the body and protect it from serious diseases. Some of its benefits are:

1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Corn is a food with a significant level of folic acid, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells. It also contains a high fiber index , this reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Important: A study carried out at the Hospital la Fuenfria in Madrid (Spain), determined that fiber helps reduce the absorption of fat in the intestine or its formation in the liver, and prevent heart disease. (1)

2. Boosts brain functions

An investigation carried out by the Department of Agriculture of North Carolina in the United States, explains that corn improves the cognitive cells of the brain, strengthening the person’s memory and greatly preventing Alzheimer’s. (two)

3. Helps control glucose and cholesterol levels

Corn is characterized by being rich in niacin (Vitamin B3) and fiber, which helps regulate these values ​​in the body, reducing fat in the body. It also has carbohydrates to raise glucose and combat hypoglycemia.

To highlight: The National Health Service of the United Kingdom, carried out an investigation on cholesterin, where this value is increased by fatty foods, corn being a cereal without fat (each 100 gr has 1.2 fat), and can help control these levels in a more balanced way. (3)

4. Fights free radicals and cellular aging

A research paper on the antioxidant components of corn mentions that this food contains carotenoids and anthocyanins, which are components that protect cell health, thus preventing aging since their functions are aimed at combating free radicals. (4)

5. Promotes pregnancy and lactation

Corn is a cereal rich in vitamin B1, which favors pregnant or lactating women , since a study in the United States proves that this nutrient is essential for the growth, development, and functioning of the body’s cells. being ideal for the gestation and growth process. (5)

6. Regulates digestive processes

Digestive processes can be regulated with the consumption of corn. A study carried out in Venezuela verifies that fiber is a component that contributes to softer and more voluminous stools, thus benefiting the gastrointestinal health of people with better digestion. (6)

7. Helps prevent anemia

A study published by the National Institute of Health of the United States, proves that iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells , which allows the transport of oxygen in the body and fights anemia, which makes corn beneficial since it It has a high content of this mineral. (7)

8. Improves eye and skin health

Finally, corn is a cereal that provides lutein and zeaxanthin . A study on these 2 antioxidants mentions that they help protect against age-related eye diseases, as well as improve skin health by protecting the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. (8)

corn properties

Corn is a food that has a series of nutritional properties , which contribute to the benefits it brings to health, which is why the vitamins and minerals it possesses will be mentioned below.

1. Vitamins

Corn has an outstanding proportion of nutrients, vitamins A, C, B3, B6, B7 and B12 being among the main ones. These help considerably to strengthen the body and correctly fulfill its functions.

2. Minerals

In the same way, corn is rich in several minerals since it contains a good amount of them, these being iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc , phosphorus and potassium, which are necessary since they help regulate the different bodily processes.

What is the way to consume corn?

Today there are different ways to consume corn, especially in Latin America, where people usually use it to extract flour and prepare varieties of dishes such as tacos, arepas, quesadillas, tortillas and any other preparation in which this food is used as an ingredient . major.

In the same way, corn can be eaten raw in a shelled way where it is added to soups, salads and other foods that require it in this way. It is also common to eat it in the form of a cob, where it is roasted and eaten directly without being added to any type of preparation.

Note: On the other hand, corn oil is another way of consuming this food , where a study by the American Nutrition Society states that said oil helps lower cholesterol levels due to its healthy fatty acids and phytosterols . (9)

Key Findings

  • Corn is a yellow cereal widely consumed in Latin America , due to the gastronomic culture that exists in Latin countries.
  • This cereal provides scientifically proven benefits , among which the prevention of eye, skin, and brain diseases and protection from oxidative damage stand out.
  • The properties of corn are quite significant, providing good amounts of vitamins A, C, B6, B7 and B12, as well as minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus or potassium.
  • The ways to consume corn are very varied, since there are different ways of preparation and consumption in different countries.

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