Parsley tea is made from the leaves of Petroselinum sativum (smooth-leaf parsley), a medicinal herbaceous plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family.

Due to its chemical composition, the parsley leaf prepared in tea is widely used for the treatment of fluid retention, kidney diseases and some gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation and gas.

In the following article, we give you important information about the benefits of this drink and how to prepare it.

Health benefits of parsley tea

The benefits of parsley tea come from the chemical components of the parsley leaf of the Petroselinum sativum variety , as mentioned above. Next, we share with you the most powerful benefits of this wonderful herb:

1. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Parsley tea, due to its content of polyphenols and flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E, contributes to the reduction of the amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood, a compound that can cause heart diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Similarly, parsley is rich in polyphenol which is a compound that helps lower triglyceride levels in the body. It also contains coumarins, another flavonoid that has effects on the cardiovascular system, both in arterial and venous territory.

2. Lowers blood pressure

Parsley tea contains flavonoids (such as apiin), which contribute to the diuretic action, favoring the excretion of sodium and water and increasing the reabsorption of potassium , increasing its concentration in the blood.

The recommendation is to drink a glass of tea with lemon on an empty stomach to prevent hypertension, since both work as diuretic agents, which are substances that help eliminate retained fluids that often cause high blood pressure.

Important: Care must be taken with excessive consumption of this tea, as it could be dangerous, resulting in hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia consists of an increase in the serum potassium concentration, which can cause cardiac and neuromuscular alterations.

3. Reduces cholesterol

The increase and accumulation of triglycerides in the circulatory system leads to the thickening of the arterial walls causing arteriosclerosis, which increases the risk of suffering a stroke, heart attack and heart disease. In addition to this, excess bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood increases these risks.

This natural drink combined with lemon (to enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamin C), helps to correct excess LDL cholesterol.

Note: To keep them under control, the use of parsley is recommended, a powerful antioxidant that contributes to the purification of the organs, controlling triglycerides and cholesterol .

4. Protects against oxidative damage

Parsley contains vitamins C and E which are powerful natural antioxidants, they act by protecting the body’s cells from oxidative damage, preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

It also contains flavonoids, components that help combat oxidative stress, a process that is associated with the development of cancer (1) .

On the other hand, the vitamin A contained in parsley is involved in physiological functions such as the transport of oxygen to the tissues, collaborating in the normal functioning of the immune system and in the reduction of oxidative stress in our cells.

To highlight: In an article entitled “Flavonoids: general notes and their application in the food industry” , it is established that “flavonoids have also been shown to act as antioxidants, depending on their molecular structure and the amount and position of their hydroxyl groups” (2) .

5. Stimulates intestinal transit

Considered a digestive plant, its consumption is especially recommended both in tea and in salads, to prevent intestinal spasms and slow digestion.

Consuming, for example, an infusion of parsley before meals, will help us to have a good digestion. In addition, its rich fiber content favors the regulation of intestinal transit, avoiding the risk of constipation.

Note: Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, elements that promote pleasant digestion and, thanks to its fiber content, helps to regulate intestinal transit.

6. Detoxifies the body

The leaves and roots of parsley have a diuretic action in case of urinary tract infections, it also treats the formation of stones in the excretory tract, as long as it is accompanied by fluid consumption during the day.

Parsley stimulates the proper functioning of the renal system , improves the circulatory system and eliminates toxins from the body. Taken as a tea, it acts on urinary tract infection by fighting pathogens that damage the bladder.

To highlight: In an article on “Therapeutic properties of parsley” , it is mentioned that “it has been proven that the leaves and roots of parsley work as a diuretic in case of urinary tract infections and prevents and treats lithiasis (urinary tract washing therapy). , as long as it is accompanied by fluid intake” (3) .

7. Fight anemia

Thanks to its iron and ascorbic acid content, parsley tea helps in the treatment of anemia. It must be taken into account that for the body to absorb iron, vitamin C is required.

This tea, by providing both nutrients, is very useful in the treatment of anemia.

8. Reduces menstrual pain

Parsley tea can be a great ally to reduce pain and cramps during the menstrual period, thanks to its antispasmodic action. The essential oils contained in the parsley plant, such as apiol and myristicin, consumed in excess, give it emmenagogue (stimulates menstruation) and vasodilator properties (4) .

Important: It is important to take into account that pregnant women should avoid excessive consumption of parsley, as it has a certain oxytocic effect (contracts the uterus), which could predispose to abortion.

9. Improves respiratory conditions

Parsley contains properties that help process the mucus created in the respiratory system. Its vitamin A content has the function of regulating the production and activity of T lymphocytes, immune cells necessary so that neither viruses nor bacteria harm our body.

On the other hand, the B complex vitamins present in parsley participate in the formation of DNA and the proteins involved in the immune system. Vitamin B6 deficiency reduces cellular immunity in healthy elderly people.

Its replacement normalizes the body’s natural defenses. With this, it avoids respiratory infections, bronchitis, allergies, among others. Similarly, parsley tea strengthens the immune system because it is rich in vitamin C and contains antibacterial properties.

10. Helps lose weight

Parsley, due to its medicinal properties, contributes to the reduction of body weight, due to its diuretic, cleansing and fat burning action. On the other hand, it reduces gas and lowers the level of bad cholesterol.

Note: It can be consumed in green juice, blended with vegetables and taken during the day in the form of tea.

The feeling of heaviness is due to fluid retention in some cases, so drinking parsley tea can help you. It also provides fiber, so it improves digestion and prevents the accumulation of fat, while preventing gas and inflammation.

11. Purifies the breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a condition that causes embarrassment and anxiety to those who suffer from it. It is caused by the odor given off by bacterial residues, the decomposition of food particles, as well as poor oral hygiene.

In this sense, parsley is one of the home remedies used to suppress bad breath since it has substances with antiseptic properties, in addition to the presence of active compounds such as eugenol and chlorophyll, which help to refresh your mouth.

Note: You can simply chew a few sprigs of parsley after the meal and get the benefits of chlorophyll, a substance that helps fight bad odor from the mouth.

The combination of ingredients in this drink is suitable for eliminating bad breath in the mouth and the presence of the bacteria that cause it.

12. Reduces the risk of cancer

Parsley tea contains a substance called myristicin, which works by helping to prevent and inhibit the development of cancerous tumors (5) .

To highlight: An article entitled Parsley (petroselinum crispum): chemical compounds and applications) , states that “among them parsley, they have a large amount of phytochemical compounds or phytonutrients, and it is possible that many of them prevent normal and healthy cells from forming.” become cancerous” (6) .

In another study carried out on animals, it was concluded that “parsley showed a better hepatoprotective effect than FHP, against the harmful action of paracetamol” (7) .

Parsley tea properties

The properties are related to its chemical composition, which comes from the fresh parsley leaf and stem, which we will talk about below.


For every 100 grams of parsley, it stands out for its high content of iron and ascorbic acid, of which it contains more than the recommended daily amount.

It contains significant amounts of other vitamins such as A or beta-carotene, and others from the B complex, beneficial for the nervous system . Of these, B9 or folic acid stands out, and B2 or riboflavin.

It also contains vitamin K. With only 7 grams of parsley, the recommended daily intake amount is supplied. It participates in the formation of bones, in the functioning of the liver and blood coagulation.


In just about 100 grams of chopped fresh parsley, we can find approximately 800 mg of potassium, 180 mg of calcium and lesser amounts such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium .

Potassium helps nerves and muscles communicate, allows nutrients to flow into cells, helps move waste products out of cells, counteracts some of sodium ‘s deleterious effects on blood pressure.

Calcium helps in the formation and protection of teeth and bones and also helps prevent osteoporosis.

Phosphorus is effective in increasing cognition processes, improves digestion, improves intestinal transit, relieves diarrhea and constipation, and keeps kidneys healthy. Maintaining the minimum daily level of phosphorus in the body helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth.


A cup of parsley leaves to prepare a beneficial tea contains 22 calories.

How to prepare and consume parsley tea?

This recipe is to prepare a liter of tea, which you must distribute on an empty stomach, before each meal, and before bed. The amount you take before bedtime and on an empty stomach should be warm or hot.


  • parsley leaves
  • Water
  • Lemon juice
  • sweetener to taste

Preparation and consumption:

  • Boil 1 liter of water and place 5 tablespoons of chopped parsley.
  • Let boil for 20 minutes.
  • After letting it brew, you can strain.
  • Add lemon and sweetener to taste.
  • serve hot

Key takeaways

  • The parsley leaf prepared in tea is widely used for the treatment of fluid retention, kidney diseases and some gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation and gas.
  • There are various benefits that parsley tea has for our health, among them, it lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, stimulates intestinal transit, reduces the risk of cancer, purifies the breath, helps to lose weight, improves respiratory conditions, fights anemia, decreases menstrual pain, among others.
  • The properties of this tea are related to its chemical composition, which comes from the fresh parsley leaf and stem. It has vitamins such as A, B9, B2, folic acid, as well as vitamin K. In minerals, it is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. And a cup of this tea contains only 22 calories.
  • When preparing a liter of this tea, we recommend distributing it on an empty stomach, before each meal, and before bed. The amount you take before bedtime and on an empty stomach should be warm or hot.

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