There are many benefits that zinc has to offer our health. The human body needs zinc for the synthesis of DNA.

Likewise, zinc is used by the body to carry out immune function, speed up metabolism and keep it functioning.

Similarly, zinc serves to regulate growth and even reduce inflammation that prevents many age-related diseases.

As you can see, there are many more reasons why your body needs zinc to function as it should.

Not only that, but also to improve health and have a healthy hormonal environment, among other things.

In this article we tell you everything you need to know about zinc, what it is, what it is for, why your body needs it and where to get it.

What is zinc?

Zinc is a mineral, called an “essential trace element” since it is needed in very small amounts for human health.

Since the human body does not store excess zinc, it must be consumed regularly as part of the diet.

The most common dietary sources of zinc include foods of animal origin such as red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs, among others.

Zinc deficiency can cause short stature, growth problems, reduced ability to taste food, hormonal imbalances, and the inability of the testicles and ovaries to function properly.

Health benefits of zinc

Zinc is vital for our immune system, to synthesize DNA, promote healthy growth during childhood, balance our hormones, prevent disease and heal wounds, among other benefits.

The following are some of the many benefits zinc has to offer our health.

1. Strengthens the immune system

According to the prestigious medical journal Web MD , zinc has gained a lot of popularity for its potential effects in curing colds and flu or viral illnesses.

Some studies have found that zinc supplementation can shorten the length of a cold and may reduce the number of upper respiratory tract infections in children.

2. Strengthens the nervous system

A study published by the NHS suggests that zinc plays an essential role in the nervous system.

The study concluded that the effects of zinc are manifested throughout life, from the development of a fetal brain to the progression of neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, during old age.

The function of zinc in the central nervous system is quite diverse, and it promotes its homeostasis.

When there is a deficiency of zinc the central nervous system can be affected in a wide range of molecular functions and pathological results, such as neurodegenerative diseases.

3. Regulates blood sugar

On the other hand, a study published by the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences found that zinc helps with numerous beneficial effects in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

This is due to its effects at the molecular level on glycemic control, meaning that it has the potential to regulate blood sugar.

4. Strengthens the bones

Zinc is necessary to produce the collagen protein strands on which the calcium-phosphorus compound that makes up our bones is deposited.

For this reason, zinc is key to bone health and strong bones. It is also necessary for the production of enzymes that break down and recycle worn-out bits of bone protein.\
In addition, calcium absorption depends on zinc, which is why , low levels of zinc in the body have been closely linked to osteoporosis.

5. Regulates thyroid function

The benefits of zinc for hormonal health and fertility are due to the fact that this mineral plays an important role in the production of hormones.

Zinc naturally increases testosterone, which has necessary functions in both the male and female bodies.

This mineral also affects female sex hormones and is even involved in the creation and release of eggs.

In a clinical study published by the Journal of Renal Failure, it was concluded that zinc is necessary for the production of estrogen and progesterone in women, which support reproductive health.

This means you can reduce your risk of experiencing menstrual problems, mood swings, early menopause, infertility, and even certain cancers.

6. Maintains the metabolic system

Zinc also helps build muscle mass, which promotes a healthy, fast metabolism.

Zinc benefits muscle mass because it helps increase the amount of testosterone in the body.

When muscle mass increases, resting metabolism also increases, causing the body to naturally burn more calories.

7. Controls dopamine production

A study published in Science Daily found that zinc plays a very important role in the production of dopamine.

In this study, a zinc treatment was carried out on a control group. When the experiment ended, it was found that the total amount of dopamine neurotransmitters increased in the group that took zinc.

8. Promotes night rest

Zinc plays an essential role in neurotransmitter function and aids in the metabolism of melatonin, a key sleep hormone.

So zinc has a sedative effect on the nervous system and is believed to aid mental recovery after stress.

In fact, a study led by Rondanelli in 2011 tested the effect of zinc in patients with insomnia and found that zinc had a beneficial effect on sleep quality.

For that reason, consuming zinc helps you sleep throughout the night, making it a great and safe sleep aid.

9. Accelerates healing

Because it supports the production of collagen, the protein that makes up connective tissue, this mineral can help people recover from burns, ulcers, wounds, and other types of skin damage or injury.

10. Delays aging

Zinc has many effects to delay aging, especially because it stimulates the immune and antioxidant defenses against aging and age-related diseases.

The anti-aging benefits of zinc include: cell protection against oxidative stress and prevention of skin aging.

11. Improves skin and hair

Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss and slow wound healing.

Zinc plays an important role in the growth and repair of hair tissue. It also helps the sebaceous glands around the follicles to function properly.

12. Protects male health

Zinc is a key mineral for the male body to produce testosterone. Because of this, low zinc levels can affect erectile dysfunction, sperm count, and male fertility.

How to consume zinc?

There are many ways to consume zinc, as it comes in many forms: supplements, animal-based foods, and plant-based foods. Here are some foods rich in zinc:

in legumes

Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans contain substantial amounts of zinc.

In fact, 100 grams of cooked lentils provide around 12% of the daily zinc requirement. However, they also contain phytates, anti-nutrient compounds that inhibit the absorption of zinc and other minerals.

This means that the zinc in legumes is not absorbed as well as zinc from animal products, a good way to reduce the amount of antinutrients is to soak the legumes for at least 24 hours and then rinse thoroughly in cold water. .

in nuts

Eating nuts such as walnuts, pistachios, cashews, and almonds, among others, can increase your daily zinc intake. In addition, nuts contain other healthy nutrients, such as other vitamins and minerals.

Cashews are the nuts with the highest zinc content. A 28-gram serving of cashews contains 15% of the daily requirement for zinc.

In whole grains

Whole grains like wheat, quinoa, brown rice, and oats contain enough zinc for a plant-based food.

However, like legumes, cereals contain antinutrients.

In fish and shellfish

Fish and shellfish are very healthy and low-calorie sources of zinc, since they are low in fat and high in protein, especially white-fleshed fish and shellfish.

Oysters are the shellfish with the highest zinc content and contain particularly high amounts, just 6 oysters providing 291% of the daily requirement for zinc.

Other types of seafood such as crab are very high in zinc and 100 grams provides 69% of the daily zinc requirement.

Small shellfish such as shrimp and mussels provide 14% of the daily zinc requirement per 100 grams.

However, in general, some women should be careful with certain shellfish, for example shrimp during pregnancy, as they may have allergies.

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