The melon fruit offers enormous and interesting natural therapeutic properties to combat some diseases, many of them from a bad lifestyle.
In the following article, we give you the necessary information about the properties and benefits of melon and know how to take advantage of them.
Health benefits of melon
Many of the benefits of this fruit come from its extraordinary chemical and nutritional properties, which we mention below:
1. Strengthens the immune system
Among the main benefits of this fruit is that it reinforces the immune capacity of the human organism. Among its nutritional components is vitamin C, a micronutrient with antioxidant properties, capable of reversing oxidative damage. (1)
Other antioxidants present in the melon fruit are lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin, compounds that can fulfill protective functions for the body’s cells.
Note: An edible portion of 100 grams of melon contains about 24% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
2. Promotes cardiovascular health
Another of the benefits of this fruit is its vitamin C content that helps reduce total cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of atheromas in the walls of veins and arteries, avoiding the probability of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. (two)
Additionally, its interesting content of folic acid helps in the formation of red blood cells, cells of great importance for the oxygenation of the organs.
Important: 300 g of rindless melon provides 75% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and, together with oranges, is one of the fruits with the highest folic acid content. (3)
3. Fight free radicals
Free radicals are molecules that are produced in the body to fight viruses and bacteria , but when they are produced in excess, they damage healthy cells in the body, accelerating their deterioration and premature aging.
Vitamin C, contained in the melon fruit in its antioxidant function, helps the body to eliminate this excess of free radicals, delaying both cell damage and premature aging of the organs. (4)
4. Improves digestive and kidney functions
Due to its high water and micronutrient content , it helps in the process of transformation and assimilation of food in the digestive tract, avoiding constipation.
Likewise, the water contained in the melon favors diuresis (urine excretion), efficiently activating the renal function of the organism.
To highlight: Melon has a slight laxative effect, helping to facilitate the passage of feces through the intestines.
5. Helps eliminate toxins and waste from the body
Melon, with the help of its high water and mineral content, favors the processing and elimination of toxins resulting from the body’s metabolic process.
This elimination of waste is carried out mainly through urine , making the availability of water in the body essential, a natural element that melon provides with great sufficiency.
Note: Through bowel function, the body also eliminates toxins, so efficient digestive function is important.
6. Promotes eye health
The melon fruit contains retinol, a vitamin whose main function is to produce the pigments of the retina of the eye, in addition to promoting good eyesight, especially in dim light.
Important: Melon has high levels of beta-carotene , an ingredient that is related to the proper functioning of the eyes, since it prevents the formation of cataracts.
7. Keeps bones and teeth healthy
The organism requires certain micronutrients to maintain its strengthened bone mass. In this sense, eating melon helps in the consumption of vitamins and minerals that favor the maintenance of bones and teeth.
This fruit contains calcium, an important mineral to maintain bone hardness, as well as an important supply of vitamin C, which is a nutrient that participates in the synthesis of collagen, as well as being a protein that is part of the collagen structure. of bones and teeth.
Important: 100 grams of this fruit provide 41% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and 7.5% of folic acid.
8. Improves skin health
Another of the benefits of eating melon is that it helps to preserve the health of the skin. The important contribution of vitamin C, with its antioxidant property, prevents premature aging of skin cells, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles.
In addition, this vitamin is an important element in the synthesis of collagen , a protein that allows the firmness and elasticity of the skin. (5)
9. Prevents some types of cancer
Another antioxidant present in the melon fruit is β-carotene , a pigment found mainly in yellow-orange and green fruits and vegetables.
This compound is attributed anticancer properties in the case of breast, skin, colon and uterine cancer, although the scientific evidence in this regard is still insufficient.
melon properties
Melon contains chemical and nutritional properties that favor its natural therapeutic action, which we describe below:
1. Vitamins
Among the properties of melon, it is in content of the following vitamins: vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 ( niacin ), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B9 (folic acid).
Note: The most representative vitamin is vitamin C, registering a content of 25 mg per 100-gram portion of shelled fruit.
2. Minerals
Another of the properties of melon is its mineral content such as: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium , zinc, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. The most representative mineral is potassium, which with a portion of 100 grams of edible fruit, provides 320 mg.
How to consume melon?
To enjoy the benefits of this fruit, it is recommended to consume it directly without processing, since in this way it preserves its chemical and nutritional properties intact.
The melon can also be consumed in juices, but we must take into account that by adding sugar, we are adding carbohydrates to the diet, and in this case its intake would not be recommended for patients with diseases such as diabetes.
Key Findings
- Melon is rich in vitamin C, an important antioxidant element, as well as lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin.
- It is a fruit rich in water, helping to keep the skin hydrated and favoring kidney and liver function.
- Melon is one of the fruits with β-carotene content , a pigment with anticancer properties.
- It is a low-calorie fruit, ideal for diabetics that also promotes weight loss.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.