Today, we have many options from nature to nourish and care for our body.
Vegetable species such as broccoli or also called broccoli , participate in the care of our health due to the large amount of vitamins and trace elements that they provide.
In the following article, we give you all the information you need to know about broccoli, its nutritional contribution, and the great health benefits that this food provides.
What benefits does broccoli have for health?
The benefits of broccoli that we mention below come from its chemical and nutritional properties:
1. Supports Heart Health
One of the main causes of heart health problems is directly related to excess cholesterol in the blood.
To highlight: Among the benefits of broccoli, is its content in antioxidant compounds such as sulforaphane, benzyl-isothiocyanate or indole-3-carbinol, responsible for preventing the oxidation of bad cholesterol, reduce the damage caused by free radicals , avoiding the risk of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. (1)
This action prevents the formation of fatty plaques (atheromas) on the walls of veins and arteries , facilitating blood flow in the body and thus avoiding the appearance of circulatory pathologies, being considered a cardioprotective food. (two)
Note: Broccoli as a food is rich in vitamin C, since it provides 145% of the recommended daily intake (RDA), for every 100 grams of edible portion.
2. Reduces the risk of diabetes
Due to the reduction of fat in the body due to antioxidants, broccoli consumption decreases insulin resistance, a factor that causes diabetes. This occurs due to the action of its antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene.
To highlight: Likewise, eating broccoli provides sulforaphane , a chemical component with antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic properties. This compound would also be related to the inhibition of glucose production in cells, therefore the consumption of broccoli is ideal for diabetics. (3)
3. Fight anemia
Broccoli has a high iron content , a mineral that, together with vitamin C, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells.
This property helps prevent iron deficiency diseases, such as iron deficiency anemia. (4)
4. Helps detoxify the body
In the metabolic processes of the organism and the activation of the immune system in defense of the human body, free radicals are produced in excess, poisoning the organism and causing damage to healthy cells.
To avoid this, antioxidants are used, molecules that have the property of neutralizing excess free radicals. Broccoli provides vitamin C and selenium, compounds with this natural property.
5. Strengthens the bones
Because broccoli has trace elements , it has the ability to strengthen our musculoskeletal system. This vegetable contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc , essential minerals to protect and develop bones. (5)
But it also contains vitamin C , a micronutrient that is directly involved in the production of collagen. This is a protein that is in the structure of the bones and gives them flexibility.
Note: Broccoli consumption helps prevent or mitigate the symptoms of gout caused by uric acid, due to its low purine content.
6. Improves intestinal transit
Another of the benefits of broccoli is that it has insoluble dietary fiber and water , which add volume to the stool and help food to pass more easily through the stomach and intestines.
Note: Broccoli has 2.6 grams of vegetable fiber per 100 grams of edible portion, therefore it is advisable to integrate the consumption of this vegetable into the daily diet in people suffering from constipation.
7. Protects eye health
Among the health benefits of broccoli is its content of vitamin A or retinol , a nutrient whose function is to produce the pigments of the retina of the eye, allowing us to observe in dim light. Broccoli provides 69 μg of vitamin A per 100 grams of edible portion.
Tip: The best way to cook this food is steamed, since this way it preserves its nutrients almost intact.
8. Keeps skin healthy
The high content of vitamin C is another of the benefits of broccoli, helping to protect the skin from damage caused by UV light from the sun.
This vitamin also contributes to wound healing processes in the skin and protects it against pathogens.
To highlight: Let’s remember that ascorbic acid also participates in the production of collagen, one of the proteins that gives firmness and elasticity to the skin (6) .
9. Protects against cancer
Another of the properties of broccoli is that it has compounds with beneficial anticancer characteristics for people.
Important: Vitamin C, folic acid and selenium have the property to combat free radicals, preventing the proliferation of malignant cells and thus the appearance of some types of cancer. Likewise, the content of sulforaphane, a substance scientifically considered anticancer. (7)
Insoluble fiber must also be considered, which helps in digestive and intestinal function, preventing the appearance of colon cancer, boosting the immune system.
To highlight: The consumption of this food, in addition to providing vitamin C and folic acid, its anticancer properties come from the content of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds and glucosinolates.
Broccoli properties
All its properties and benefits come from the following nutritional compounds that we mention below:
1. Vitamins
Broccoli contains the following vitamins: vitamin B1 or thiamine, vitamin B2 or riboflavin, vitamin B3 or thiamine, vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, folates, vitamins A, C and E. The most representative vitamin in this vegetable is vitamin C, with 87 mg per 100 grams of edible portion.
Note: Additionally, broccoli is a source of vitamin K equivalent to 141μg per 100-gram serving of edible food. (8)
2. Minerals
This food contains minerals such as calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, sodium , potassium and phosphorus. The most prominent mineral in broccoli is potassium with 370 mg per 100-gram edible portion. (9)
3.Other compounds
It also contains proteins, carbohydrates, water , antioxidant nutrients such as beta-carotene and phytochemical substances, among which sulforaphane stands out.
Key Findings
- Among the properties and benefits of broccoli, is its variety of healthy nutrients that help prevent many chronic diseases.
- Broccoli can improve bowel function, as well as prevent iron-deficiency anemia, strengthen bones, and protect against some forms of cancer.
- Broccoli helps in the prevention of diseases in the cardiovascular system, as well as diabetes.
- The most notable nutritional compound in this vegetable is vitamin C.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.