Currently, iodine is considered one of the most important minerals for human health due to its contributions to the endocrine system. The best way to consume this chemical element is thanks to certain foods that contain it naturally.

Likewise, the implementation of iodine in different treatments that improve health conditions such as cancer and the regulation of the proper functioning of the thyroid, make it an excellent ally to maintain good physical and mental health.

Therefore, below you will learn about the different foods that contain iodine, as well as some benefits it brings to human health, so that you can consume it naturally and obtain its multiple virtues.

What is iodine?

Iodine is a halogen (non-metallic) chemical element, considered a mineral that is obtained through different foods because the body is not capable of producing it, however, it has different benefits for the body that you will learn about later in this article.

Likewise, it is considered a fast-acting nootropic, which means that it is known within the field of health, as an intelligent medicine that, in turn, is quickly absorbed by the body, thus highlighting the improvement in the metabolic functions of the body. .

Its uses vary within medicine, being used to combat skin infections, as a sterilizing medium, it is implemented as a treatment in people who are exposed to radiation, in addition, it is considered a powerful antioxidant and one of the essential substances for the correct function of the thyroid.

Foods with iodine that you can consume

Human beings have the disadvantage of not synthesizing iodine naturally, so its absorption must be through certain foods that contain it within its properties.

In this sense, the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) revealed the results of an investigation carried out by the European Union, where it reveals the first map on iodine deficiency in people born in the United Kingdom, Spain and the countries Low.

All this, in order to reduce problems at the thyroid level and brain development. Therefore, below you will be able to discover which are the main sources of iodine and thus obtain excellent results that will improve your health.


It is a cold-water fish that is very easy for the body to digest, its benefits lie in the fact that its lean meat, that is, with a low level of fat, is located in the liver and not in the muscles, thus making it one of the foods preferred for people of high weights.

Marine animals contain the most iodine compared to other foods, this is due to the high concentration of this mineral present in the sea that is absorbed by fish.

In this sense, for every 85 grams of fresh cod, you can obtain around 100 micrograms of iodine, in addition, it is one of the foods commonly used in the preparation of omega-3-based supplements.


Tuna is one of the fish with the highest amount of protein of high biological value, used in the diets of people who suffer from heart disease or who wish to reduce their weight, because its meat is rich in fat, vitamins and minerals, making it a beneficial for heart health.

In this sense, for every 100 grams of this fish you can obtain up to 10 mg of iodine, in addition to Omega-3, potassium , vitamin A and D, among other benefits that help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.


They are known as marine plants, which have achieved a boom due to their incorporation into different gastronomic dishes of Asian food and for their antioxidant properties, the low amount of calories they have and the large presence of minerals they have, including iodine.

For its part, nori seaweed, which is traditionally used in the preparation of sushi and other foods of Asian origin, has become a food rich in cleansing properties and with a significant amount of iodine that by consuming it you can obtain and enjoy its benefits.

Himalayan salt

This type of salt is of Pakistani origin and at sight it has a characteristic pink hue of this food. It is used in weight loss recipes because it contains less sodium and is rich in minerals.

The iodine present in Himalayan salt is little, however some companies that sell this seasoning add iodine and thus have greater health benefits for those who consume it, and currently they also produce iodized salt for people who need to consume more amount of iodine.


They are fruits from northern Europe, however, there are approximately 200 types of blueberries around the world. The most common is the circular-shaped fruit, which stands out for its dark blue color and its characteristic flavor that is infused between sweet and sour.

On the other hand, said fruit is rich in antioxidants and has a high amount of iodine, therefore, by consuming 11 grams of blueberries, you will be able to absorb 400 micrograms of said mineral, thus making it one of the most recommended fruits for the diet. of people suffering from thyroid.


Strawberries, being one of the fruits commonly used in smoothies, desserts, jams and thanks to its attractiveness, it is also used as a decoration for gastronomic dishes, it is one of the most consumed worldwide.

The presence of iodine in strawberries is high, you can obtain up to 10% of the necessary amount of this mineral just by eating a serving of this fruit, in addition, it has among its properties vitamin K, vitamin C and is a rich source of folic acid.


These legumes are an excellent option if you want to improve your iodine levels, while obtaining a high fiber content, which in turn helps regulate blood cholesterol, as well as being an excellent option for the diet of people who want to lose weight and lower their glycemic index.


This tuber is known around the world for the different ways it can be used in gastronomy. Despite the fact that it contains large amounts of carbohydrates and starches, the potato is also a good resource to absorb vitamin C and iodine.

In this sense, to obtain the minerals present in the potato, it is necessary that you eat it preferably baked. It is necessary to emphasize that the highest concentration of iodine in the potato is found in its peel, to consume it you only have to wash it very well and add it to your favorite dishes.


Broccoli is considered a superfood due to the large number of benefits and the variety of nutrients it provides to the body. Thus, the vitamins of the B complex, vitamin C and vitamin A stand out, it also has a high value of calcium, selenium, magnesium , phosphorus and its great contribution of iodine to the human body.

The latter is present in broccoli in a high percentage, therefore, you can obtain 15 micrograms of iodine for every 100 grams of broccoli that you consume, which sums up in a good amount of the mineral compared to other vegetables.


Chicken eggs are considered one of the main sources of protein, vitamin A, B, D and E, in addition to its excellent contribution of calcium and iodine, making it the preferred food among athletes and children.

For its part, the consumption of eggs, preferably whole, that is, the yolk and white, provides around 16% of iodine that your body needs during the day, thanks to the fact that the producers of this protein complement the diet of laying hens. based on iodine, so the egg will have a higher concentration of this mineral.


Yogurt has become one of the main sources of iodine, both for the amount it contributes to the human body, being considered approximately 50% of the iodine your body needs daily, and for its many uses in food.

In turn, yogurt is one of the foods most consumed by people who do physical activity, pregnant women and is an excellent accompaniment for breakfasts and snacks for the little ones.


Oats are commonly used for their properties that benefit heart health, help reduce weight, regulate intestinal transit, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, balance the amount of glucose in the blood, and also contain the necessary iodine. to counteract thyroid symptoms.

This is how oats have become one of the most used cereals in kitchens worldwide, being its high fiber content what stands out and its easy implementation in different culinary recipes.


This dried fruit, despite being high in fat and calories, contains different vitamins and minerals, including iodine, which make it stand out from the rest. The multiple ways of consuming peanuts have positioned it as one of the foods with the greatest variety of uses in gastronomy and its unmistakable flavor stands out from the other seeds.


This worldwide known fruit has approximately 11 micrograms of iodine per 100 grams of fruit. Apple consumption is common in people with diabetes and thyroid disease due to its large amount of water, it is also implemented in the diet of runners and people who want to lose weight.

The golden apple, for its part, attributes antioxidants to your body, in addition to vitamin C, calcium and a high percentage of fiber housed in the peel of this fruit, which makes it the ideal fruit for consumption by women in period of gestation.


This vegetable is an excellent option to consume iodine, since it has 12 micrograms per 100 grams of ration. The high content of iron, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, folic acid and its low caloric content make it a vegetable with wonderful properties.

On the other hand, spinach is recommended during pregnancy, lactation and, above all, in the diet of elderly people, since it helps to strengthen all the systems of the organism and increases the production of red blood cells, that is, the production of blood necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Importance of iodine in health

Its contributions as a nutrient give it great importance for the proper functioning of the human organism, being considered one of the most important minerals in the treatment of cancer and one of the main agents in the proper function of the thyroid.

Ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid

The American Society Against Cancer , published an article , where it evidences the benefits of the implementation of radioactive iodine as a treatment for thyroid cancer.

This is because iodine inhibits the excessive production of hormones when the person suffers from hypothyroidism, so iodine intake helps reduce the size of the thyroid gland and eliminates overactive cells.

Allows proper development of the brain and other tissues

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that iodine deficiency in humans since they are in the gestation period, is the main cause of brain lesions during their development, even its deficiency impairs brain function and cognitive development in children.

In adults, iodine is responsible for repairing neurons that are not working properly, strengthens tissue development and healing, and prevents brain degeneration.

Involved in psychomotor and intellectual development

Iodine is a powerful producer and regulator of the use of neurotransmitters or brain receptors, these are responsible for making the chemical connection between neurons, therefore, iodine directly interacts in the psychomotor development of people, in turn improving function cognitive and intellectual

Allows the correct development of the fetus during pregnancy

Researchers from the Congress of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Endocrinology , carried out a study where they review that the intake of foods with iodine during pregnancy is necessary to strengthen the brain development of the fetus and thus avoid future pathologies at the neurological level.

In addition, iodine helps pregnant women regulate the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, making its function optimal, taking into account the different changes in the endocrine system that a pregnant woman experiences, it is imperative that she maintain a healthy and balanced diet. .

It is crucial during lactation

An article published by the Venezuelan Society of Child Care and Pediatrics explains that iodine is essential during lactation because its deficiency directly affects the neurological and motor development of the infant, in addition, it is one of the main factors involved in mental retardation. .

Therefore, it is imperative that the mother consume foods rich in iodine, in addition to a balanced diet, so that she can obtain the essential nutrients for the proper development of the baby.

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