We live in a world where priorities are reversed. Where we are used to focusing on being productive, while neglecting ourselves. We refuse to listen to each other, as it seems to us a waste of time.
However, in this swing we forget the most fundamental thing, which is that if we do not manage to inhabit ourselves, there will come a time when everything that matters to us will go into the background. Since denying the body and soul, makes us neglect what we could not live without, our health.
It is in this context that positive attitudes intervene, which have an unimaginable influence on everything that makes up our being.
Next, we present an article where you can know the importance of positive attitudes for a life in well-being, as well as a list of recommendations for you to learn to develop them effectively.
What are positive attitudes?
A positive attitude is the ability to face a situation focusing on the benefits and lessons of it. It is basically facing reality in a healthy and detached way, without criticizing or judging it.
You must also understand that it is normal to feel bad, discouraged or sad but this is no excuse for not getting up. You must learn to love and accept each of your emotions without clinging to them.
Remember that, as the philosopherHeraclitus said, becoming is the only permanent thing, while everything else flows and is constantly changing.
Positive attitudes that increase well-being
Facing life with a positive and optimistic attitude, will make you able to take good health both mentally and physically. Thanks to the fact that the body of a happy person responds in a healthy way.
This has been validated by science, since several studies show that those patients who have a higher degree of optimism have a greater degree of response to treatments and better results.
Therefore, you must learn to look at things differently in order to develop positive attitudes and remember that after all there is nothing more important than being healthy.
always thank
In this unbridled maelstrom that is life, we often forget to be grateful. For the Hawaiian philosophy, theO’ponopono , gratitude is one of the most powerful feelings that exist.
Every situation we face, whether it is a positive experience or a bad experience, is necessary to bring us closer to an achievement or leave us a lesson.
Remember to be Grateful , and in the face of a bad drink learn to look at the little things and find the little diamond that is hidden.
A good exercise is to get up in the morning and thank and greet the Sun, life or whoever you consider for the simple fact of existing in this present moment.
Assume mistakes without victimizing or blaming yourself in extreme
According to the writer Milan Kundera, man can never know what he should want since he only lives one life. It is necessary to understand that as humans we have the right to make mistakes, but that you should not judge yourself for the mistakes made.
Have faith that all those bad situations were necessary for you to be the person you became today. Learn to look all your decisions in the face and embrace them, because without them you would not be the same person today.
I invite you to question yourself and analyze if those actions that you regret are the same ones that have left you a valuable lesson.
Free yourself from prejudices
We have been repeating actions and words of our parents and they have been imitating them from their ancestors and assuming them as their own. It is time for you to realize what your beliefs and values are, and which are simply an action per repetition.
Don’t judge yourself, we all face the same issues as we are learning to let go of the extremes and beginning to understand the grays in the middle.
An action without conscience and by imitation is much worse than doing something bad but with a good intention. Remember that you should not judge or be judged since nobody is perfect and after all, as Saint Augustine said,“To err is human”
leave the past behind
The past has already happened. We cannot bring it to the present or redo the same actions over and over again thinking of changing destiny, much less clinging to it. As the phrase of the poetJorge Manrique says , “in our opinion, any past time was better”
It is important to understand the phrase from the point of view of the artist, who suggests that simply thinking about the past as if it had been better is an illusion. Given that, surely we have faced similar situations and even worse than those of the present.
However, today that we find ourselves oblivious to that time, we have learned to see it with different eyes.
focus on the present
The present is the only thing that is real, since the past is over and the future is always one step ahead. We must define and choose our actions with intelligence. Learn to enjoy the present, to create the future that we long for but with each step we take and enjoying the path we choose.
A good exercise to learn to focus on the present is to connect with your breathand perform Vipassana meditation, which consists of connecting with your breath and letting go of all thoughts or worries. However, if any of them appear you just have to accept it and release it.
Strengthen self love
We learn to love others, but we do it in a clumsy and contradictory way since we have not learned the main thing, to love ourselves.
If there is something that we have learned in this necessary confinement due to the COVID situation, it is that we only have ourselves. Or at least, that in order to help and collaborate with others we must be well with ourselves.
Lovingyou is the first step to be able to lead a healthy life and be able to offer the other genuine solidarity. We suggest you do the following activity: write down those things you like and admire about yourself.
Highlight qualities and virtues
Understanding virtue as the disposition of people to act against certain projects and ideals such as good, truth and justice. We must think about what our qualities and virtues are and how we can recognize and shape them.
What is it that is noble about yourself?
Value what you have
We are used to thinking and feeling like victims of a world where we never have what we want. We learn to look at what we lack and not at what we have been achieving. Our focus is on lack, on our bad luck, or on the problems we face
Have you ever thought what would happen if you changed the focus? Begin to value each small achievement since everything you have today is the result of each step you have taken.
Enjoy the Little Things
Thinking big is possible only if we learn to enjoy all our decisions and begin to take a more active stance in our lives.
Learning from bad experiences and being reborn from our ashes is growing.
Set goals and objectives
No dream or project hangs in the air. We need to translate it into the material and put our feet on the ground to carry it out.
Set short and long term goals. First set a goal and then the small activities you should do to carry it out. Do not forget to focus on goals and short deadlines, since it will be the sum of them that will lead you to the greatest objective.
Communicate assertively
Communication is of vital importance to carry out healthy and transparent relationships. Language cannot only be interpreted and assumed by another. We must be clear when expressing ourselves and not give false impressions, since this can lead us to negative scenarios or that have not been sought.
Learn to communicate and say what you think in front of others. After all, it is better that those who do not resonate with you walk away, rather than maintain some kind of bond merely out of habit.
Stay in positive environments
Energy is scarce and people, like everything on this plane, respond and resonate by vibration. Those negative environments can affect our emotions and therefore our health.
Try to surround yourself with transparent people and form healthy bonds. The importance lies in the quality and not in the quantity, since it is useless to surround yourself with people with different facets.
You should not judge, nor is it necessary to take drastic measures, but you must learn to set limits. After all, taking care of yourself and choosing those you want to relate to is love for you and for others, since we all deserve the sincerity of others.
Recommendations to develop positive attitudes
The butterfly effect is the power of small changes, where something as simple and insignificant as the flutter of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane. In this case, having a daily and positive attitude can make you achieve great changes in your life. As huge as unpredictable.
To develop a positive attitude, you must first stand tall and understand that only you have the power to decide how to live your life. Begin to take a place of power and love in each of your actions.
suppress negative thoughts
Surely you think that it is impossible to suppress negative thoughts when everything seems to be going wrong. However, suppressing them does not imply not having them, but rather it is simply the fact of accepting that today you feel that way but tomorrow or another day you probably will not feel the same way, since everything is temporary.
Repeat positive affirmations
By speaking we decree. Not for nothing is the word so remembered and revered by ancient civilizations. We must get used to the fact that by talking to both another and talking to ourselves, we focus on the positive. Do not quote merely by repetition and connect with our creative power.
Have determination and perseverance
Nothing is built overnight. We must be patient and calm and understand that everything is necessary in the process. To build a house we must go step by step, setting the foundation and laying brick by brick. The same thing happens in life.
Avoid toxic environments and people
Everything that hurts you, that causes you discomfort or discomfort does not belong in your life. Learning to set limits is a process of love and care for you as well as for others. Remember to be honest and choose who you want to relate to and in what way.
Don’t worry about what they’ll say
We learned from our parents or guardians that the gaze of others was important and we imitated their behavior. However, that brought us more problems than solutions. Learn to speak what you think and always act coherently based on your beliefs, desires and individuality.
Always smile
When smiling our body generates endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin; the former known as those of pleasure and the latter as that of love. By expressing our smile we not only generate these substances, but it is also likely that people by imitation smile with us since we are social beings.
Therefore, smiling will make our environment become more positive along with us.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.