ToggleWhat is character?
The dictionary of theRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE), defines the term of character in its sixth meaning as the “Set of qualities or circumstances of a thing, a person or a collectivity, which distinguishes them by their way of being or acting, from the others”.
On the other hand, in a broader concept forpsychology, character is theset of behavioral traits that the subject manifests throughout his life, whichis formed from birth itself, develops through experiences and is alsomolded according to circumstances.
Note: So that there is no confusion between these concepts, charactercan modifytemperamentand is part of thepersonalityof the human being.
What are the types of character?
Before describing the following classification, we must expand the conceptualization of the character termwith the inclusion of the following concepts:
- Active: Person in constant movement.
- Inactive: Passive person.
- Primary: People characterized by their impulsivity.
- Secondary: People who spend a lot of time affected.
For important authors such asRené Le Senne there are 8 types of character of a person, however, below we describe the 10 different types of character that have been identified:
1. Nervous
People with this type of character (emotional, inactive, primary) feel intensely all the stimuli that are perceived from the outside world, which makes them very emotionally sensitive individuals.
To highlight: This character is characteristic of people with A sanguine temperament and they are very active and energetic people, giving them the characteristic of being impulsive and reacting on opportunities without mediating the consequences , acting with indiscipline and disorganization.
2. Choleric
People with a choleric character (emotional, active, primal) are at the head of projects for which they live under constant pressure. They can become impetuous in their personal relationships, they act with improvisation without mediating the consequences of their decisions.
You should know: This type of character is based on a Choleric temperamenttag. They are impatient to finish their activities, so they do not tolerate frustration,impacting their emotional state leading to anger , they are also full of energy and have a great ability to solve problems.
3. Sentimental
A person with a sentimental character (emotional, inactive, secondary) is identified as being shy and having a broad emotional life. They prefer solitude, they are pessimistic and that psychological fear leads them to distrust others.
They are also characterized by being abstracted, reflective and with problems reconciling with their own “I”. They are very introverted and in relation to work they shy away from leadership situations, avoid conflicts and do not dare to make decisions.
Note: These people have strong traits of a melancholic temperament in their personality.
4. Passionate
People of this passionate type character (emotional, active, secondary), are characterized by their high emotional charge and tend to cling to it until the end. They also have among their traits that they are active and independent.
To highlight: Due to their strong emotional state, they are able to maintain their emotions for a long period of time, being proud and have good leadership skills.
5. Blood
People with a sanguine character (non-emotional, active, primary) focus on satisfying their needs promptly,because they are active and intelligent. Due to their greatverbiage , they are extroverted and may resort to lying to manipulate people.
You should know: People with a sanguine character Carry a strongGenetic load of Sanguine temperament .
6. Phlegmatic
The phlegmatic (non-emotional, active, secondary) character type is essentially an individualist, methodical and orderly. They are individuals who adapt to various situations in any activity and for science it is the character of greatest study.
Note: They are generally introverted people and have low flexibilityto changes in the environment. Individuals with these characteristicshave the habit of thinking before acting , enjoy a balanced mood and have a Phlegmatic temperament.
7. Obsessive
This type of obsessive character is very characteristic of people with obligatory rituals in their daily activities, they show a lot of concern for day-to-day problems, making them anxious people .
Similarly, this type of character is usually perfectionist, orderly, manic and with an exaggerated need to maintain order and neatness.
To highlight: This type of character causes a type of behavioral disorder called “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” .
8. Amorphous
People with an amorphous, unemotional, inactive character or also called an apathetic, unemotional, inactive, primary character stand out for their constant lack of concern about life , they lack punctuality, they are lazy and they do not like to follow rules.
In addition, they are not planned, but in terms of interpersonal relationships they enjoy sincerity, kindness and are tolerant.
You should know: The individual with this character has slow reasoning, is irresponsible and tends to be influenced by the opinions of other people.
9. Unsafe
People with an insecure character have difficulty starting, carrying out, or completing any activity, since their insecurity encompasses their cognitive and psychological abilities, since they doubt a lot.
Note: In general they are negative, pessimistic individuals and they see the bad side of any situation.
10. Sensitive
People with a sensitive character are highly susceptible to criticism from other people, are incapable of making decisions but are highly empathetic and compassionate.
To highlight: They do not easily risk experiencing unknown situations, they work very well in a team but they do not like to take leadership.
Key Conclusions
- The character constitutes the set of behavioral traits that the subject manifests throughout his life.
- Character types are characteristics of an individual, which are acquired through learning.
- Character is formed from birth and lasts throughout our lives.
- Character types can modify the temperament of the human being.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.