It is very likely that you have heard of it, since it is found in a huge amount of media as well as in the history of old civilizations , going through the indigenous people, not to mention the existence of their vegetation for many years.

Amaranth is therefore one of the most famous crops that exist and in this article you will learn what it really is and what this curious plant is used for or distributed.

What is amaranth?

Accurately known as Amaranthus spp. , amaranth is a plant whose roots derive from America, considered the oldest crop used by civilizations such as the Aztecs and even the Incas, due to its high nutritional values.

It is a plant which grows with immense ease, with the advantage of adapting to any environment , being favorable for its cultivation in many nations , in fact it is a food used by space crews, according to sources from NASA itself.

Note: According to one analysis, the following is known “From an agronomic point of view, amaranth is a crop that thrives in temporary regions of low rainfall where staple crops have little success” . (1)

amaranth properties

Amaranth is a carrier of innumerable nutritional elements and required by the body, which makes it very important. These are the main properties of said plant:

1. Vitamins

It is an incredibly rich plant in vitamins, in which we find several of the B complex, such as thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and a great nutritional content of vitamins C.

Important: A study mentions that “Amaranth has a high percentage of protein, which is around 15 to 17%, as well as the presence of vitamin A and C” . (two)

2. Minerals

Amaranth has a variety of essential minerals in the body, highlighting a high content of calcium and sodium, as well as elements such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium and, to a large extent, calcium salt.

To highlight: Many of the minerals are mainly housed in the leaves of the amaranth.

3. Other compounds

Amaranth has other compounds apart, such as dietary fiber , as well as certain levels of lysine and niacin , where the presence of starch stands out, being very relevant in the cultivation of this plant.

Note: A study also adds the following “The leaves have an interesting protein content, which provide certain amino acids such as aspartic acid, glycine, lysine and glutamic acid . ” (3)

What is amaranth used for?

Amaranth is considered a medicinal plant , since its properties are very beneficial and curative for various conditions. Here are the main benefits of amaranth:

1. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Amaranth is a good means to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular conditions, those that are closely related to the organ of the heart , veins, arteries and blood flow.

You should know: Amaranth is considered a heart- healthy food , due to its vitamins C (with a high degree of antioxidants), specific components such as phytosterols and carbohydrates are also added .

2. Reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels

Amaranth, being directly linked to reducing cardiovascular diseases, can also balance blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), maintain a balance in triglycerides and level sugar in red blood cells.

This is thanks to phytosterols , components that are partly for cholesterol absorption (due to similar chemical structures). For their part, antioxidants help to level triglycerides and glucose, on the other hand, calcium and potassium relax hypertension .

3. Delays cell aging

Amaranth is a great element to counteract the effects of free radicals , molecules in our body that favor cell oxidation or, failing that, premature aging.

To highlight: Thanks to the antioxidant properties (see vitamin C and even E in a lesser proportion), these free radical molecules are eliminated , therefore it slows down cell aging and maintains the vitality of the cells themselves.

4. Improves digestive processes

The digestive process is important for the body, it can be favored by the consumption of amaranth.

Note: This has an incredible degree of dietary fiber , the key element for improving the digestive process.

Fiber is specifically responsible for dragging toxic agents and microorganisms through the entire intestine to eliminate them and thus prevent infections in the colon, in addition to hydrating the mucous walls of the intestine and stomach.

5. Strengthens bone health

The bone tissues or the skeletal structure are favored after the consumption of amaranth, since its iron and calcium content are of great advantage for the nutrition and strengthening of the bone tissue in the organism.

You should know: When the bones are strengthened and their health is prolonged, it can counteract the sudden appearance of diseases such as osteoporosis , which is nothing more than a wear of bone tissue in the bone, making it weak.

6. Protects against infections and decreases inflammation

Amaranth is a key factor in strengthening the immune system , which, when protected by the elements that exist within this plant (such as zinc), increases defenses against infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Note: The same happens with the reactions of the immune system to these microorganisms, such as inflammations.

Amaranth has the ability (through vitamin C) to have an anti-inflammatory effect , especially in cases of infectious cellulite, to give an example.

7. Helps lose weight

The fibers and proteins of amaranth are an essential element to contribute to weight loss, although it is not an immediate effect , in the long run, its moderate consumption can bring the results that a person really wants.

Apart from the fact that proteins are transformed into energy that boosts metabolism, fat burning and the transport of nutrients to the body become faster and it is nutritional for many people, especially athletes or physically active people.

Note: It also decreases ghrelin , the hormone responsible for hunger.

8. Fights anemia

The reduction of cardiovascular conditions also prevents anemia, so amaranth is advantageous to deal with this condition , which causes a decrease in red blood cells and therefore the organs do not receive sufficient oxygenation.

To highlight: The greater formation of red blood cells is due to the component of vitamin C and the vitamins of the B complex, related in turn to iron, since the deficiency of this mineral is also the direct cause of anemia.

9. Promotes healthy skin and hair

Not only does amaranth help the body through the organs and the nervous system, by protecting the body against infections and other toxic agents, it also favors the health of the skin and hair.

These are constantly aging and protect us against the various microorganisms that are loose in the air throughout the environment. In this sense, the properties of amaranth provide hydration to both skin and hair, as well as protect them from cellular oxidation.

How can you eat amaranth seeds?

There are three essential ways to consume amaranth, starting with the seeds, which are the most common means, where they are cooked for approximately 20 minutes , 1 measure of amaranth submerged in water, which can be used in rice or stews legumes.

Note: We also get amaranth in the form of flour , where approximately 30% amaranth flour is mixed with other types of flour in order to create a special dough for biscuits, cookies and other desserts .

Finally, it can be used as a substitute in the form of oil , which is an extract of the oil seeds and can be used in the kitchen to prepare stir-fries for various foods with a very pleasant flavor.

Important: Amaranth can be used and enjoyed in different preparations, as long as it is not in excess and with the appropriate measures for its preparation.

Key Findings

  • Amaranth or (Amaranthus spp. ) is a crop known by indigenous communities for medicinal purposes.
  • It has many nutritional elements for the body, such as amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  • It is used to combat conditions and promote the general health of the body and the nervous system.
  • It can be consumed in different preparations through the seeds, the use of oil and amaranth flour.

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