Plums are ancestrally recognized for the number of benefits attributed to them, their vitamins and minerals contribute effectively in the treatment of various pathologies such as: cardiovascular diseases, treatment of anemia, weight loss, among others .
In this sense, these benefits have given it recognition in the medical-scientific community , which is why various studies have been carried out that account for its properties. By virtue of this, then in the following article we share interesting information about the properties and benefits of plum .
ToggleWhat are plums?
Their sweet flavor and meaty texture make them a delicacy that captivates the palate. In this sense, plums are a food rich in nutrients, fruits of the plum tree (Prunus domestica) belonging to the Rosaceae family . These fruits can be eaten fresh or dried ( prunes ).
Going a little deeper into their origin, plums come from Persia , in fact Charlemagne (European emperor) noticed their nutritional importance for which they planted many species of the plum tree. Currently the largest producer of plums is China, but with big competitors . Its production occurs in countries with a temperate climate and mostly in summer.
Highlights: There are green, yellow, red and black plums. The reddish ones owe their color to anthocyanins and are characterized by their antioxidant power .
Nutritional properties of plums
Plums stand out for the large amount of nutrients they contain . These wonderful fruits offer you the possibility of obtaining their benefits in a single bite. Below we will describe all the nutritional properties that plums contain:
1. Vitamins
Plums provide vitamins that are essential for the body such as: Vitamin A whose benefits are reflected in the bone system (bones and teeth, as well as sight).
Note: They also have vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant, and vitamin K , which is involved in blood coagulation processes.
2. Minerals
Among the minerals that the plum has are: potassium , magnesium , iodine and phosphorus , being the greatest contribution offered by potassium, which intervenes in the cellular processes of the organism, allows waste to be excreted through urine, in addition to contributing with the proper functioning of the nerves and muscles such as the heart.
3. Other compounds
The plum has a large amount of water , in addition to carbohydrates and fiber , as well as polyphenols , flavonoids, anthocyanins, among others.
What benefits do plums have?
Thanks to its great nutritional properties, plum is a fruit with incredible health benefits . For this reason, here are some of its most significant contributions to the human body:
1. They strengthen the immune system
Plums stand out for the contributions they give to the immune system against inflammation, pathogens and the so-called free radicals , all thanks to their antioxidant power that prevents cell aging .
To highlight: This small fruit is recognized worldwide for its nutritional contributions, in fact The Cuban Encyclopedia highlights its properties, stating that: ” It intensifies the functions of the immune system, the one that protects against diseases . ” (1)
2. Prevent cardiovascular diseases
Prunes are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins , substances capable of lowering the levels of LDL ( low-density lipoproteins ) , bad cholesterol, therefore preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Note: This theory is supported by the Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnología Postharvest, which establishes the following: “flavonoids and anthocyanins show a great capacity to capture free radicals that cause oxidative stress, also attributing a beneficial effect in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.” (two)
3. They limit the action of free radicals
The Latin American Society of Nutrition , carried out an investigation entitled “Effect of processing on the antioxidant capacity of Creole plum (Prunus domestica)”, where two types of plums were studied, the red variety being the one that demonstrated the greatest contribution as an antioxidant .
To highlight: This study concluded, highlighting the properties present in the red plum in contrast to the yellow one, the first one has a greater amount of polyphenols and tannins, consequently greater antioxidant capacity. (3)
4. Eliminate fluid retention
In addition to the contributions described above, plums are an effective diuretic thanks to their water content , potassium and the previously described anthocyanins , which allow them to act as a detoxifier.
This quality has been mentioned by the Cuban Encyclopedia, which highlights the diuretic properties of plums that have traditionally been used as an alternative treatment. (4)
5. They improve digestive functions
Plums are fruits recognized since ancient times for their contribution to intestinal discomfort, in fact, they have historically been used as a natural laxative, since they regulate intestinal transit and help combat constipation .
You should know: There is research that approves the use of plum in diseases of the digestive tract, such as functional dyspepsia (recurrent episodes of indigestion), achieving effective results in pathological symptoms. (5)
6. They relieve respiratory conditions
Another of the qualities attributed to plums is their expectorant action , since they contribute to the expulsion of secretions present in bronchial processes , as mentioned before, since plums contribute to strengthening the immune system, reinforcing its action against to infectious agents.
7. They contribute to weight loss
Obesity has become a public health problem due to the negative consequences for health. In this sense, plums benefit the body against weight loss and control due to their low caloric content, since every 100 grams. they are equivalent to 240 Kcal , they are diuretic and benefit the expulsion of toxins thanks to their laxative effect .
8. They fight anemia
In the case of anemia, plums are an extraordinary ally to combat it, since they have vitamin C which facilitates the absorption of iron at the gastrointestinal level, favoring the production of red blood cells responsible for manufacturing hemoglobin.
9. They promote the health of the eyes, skin and hair
Plums also provide benefits for the skin, hair and vision, since they contain compounds such as retinol (vitamin A) which contributes to the optimal state of vision, limiting macular degeneration.
Note: In addition, it also highlights the antioxidant action and the large amount of water that plums have, which benefits the health of the skin and hair by slowing down aging and providing greater hydration.
10. They increase physical and mental performance
Antioxidants play an essential role in preserving the physical and mental state. In this sense, plums stand out for their antioxidant properties, which have been demonstrated throughout this article, which provide energy for physical and mental activities that are carried out daily.
Important: The Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco – México, published a study describing the role of antioxidants in the body, their importance for the performance of our physical and mental functions, likewise, the study recommends obtaining these nutrients of vegetables and fruits such as plums . (6)
How can you eat plums?
Plums have the extraordinary quality of adapting thanks to their sweet and sour flavor , in this sense they are used in the preparation of desserts, jams and wines but they are also used in the preparation of exotic dishes, such as meat pies, dressings, among others .
Note: Additionally, it is recommended not to abuse its consumption , since its high fiber and sorbitol content can intensify its laxative properties if administered indiscriminately.
Key Findings
- Plums are fruits with high nutritional value for the body thanks to their antioxidant capacity.
- They enhance the functions of the immune system against the action of harmful agents such as viruses and bacteria.
- Prunes are an excellent source of energy thanks to their high potassium content.
- Plums prevent skin aging , nourish hair and protect eye health.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.