Kale is one of the plant foods with the most nutrients that nature offers us and at the same time one of the most unknown vegetables at the world population level. Its consumption offers many benefits, but its cardioprotective action is remarkable .
In the following article, we give you all the information you need to know about this vegetable and also learn about its most important benefits.
What is kale?
Kale or kale is a vegetable with a high content of nutrients that favor the well-being of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as strengthening other important functions of the body.
It is a plant with intense green leaves, low in calories, with high antioxidant power thanks to its chemical and nutritional components, among which vitamin C, iron and calcium stand out.
Due to its nutritional composition, kale is considered a superfood because it provides many therapeutic advantages in the prevention of various pathologies.
Note: Kale is in the same family as brussels sprouts ( brassica oleracea ).
What are the health benefits of kale?
Thanks to its nutritional properties, kale is indicated to prevent some pathologies, which we mention below:
1. Prevents heart disease
Among the properties of kale, is that it has a high content of vitamin C, and other antioxidant compounds that help balance LDL cholesterol levels.
The antioxidants in this kale decrease lipid oxidation, preventing the formation of fatty plaques, which can adhere to the walls of veins and arteries, causing atherosclerosis.
Note: The properties of these vegetables prevent the onset of heart diseases such as high blood pressure or heart attacks.
2. Lowers cholesterol levels
Among the properties of kale is its dietary fiber content, since it restricts the absorption of fats through the intestinal tract, regulating the presence of cholesterol in the blood.
Soluble fiber (pectin) traps water and forms a viscous solution in the intestine, coating the intestinal wall in a thick layer. This action decreases the intestinal absorption of some nutrients such as cholesterol.
On the other hand, kale has a high content of antioxidant compounds, including ascorbic acid, carotenes, tocopherols, phenolic compounds, and glucosinolates, which have been associated with a decreased risk of contracting chronic diseases such as arteriosclerosis.
To highlight: Studies show that the consumption of kale prevents diseases such as hyperlipidemia. (1)
3. Regulates blood glucose
Excess sugar in the blood promotes the autoxidation of glucose in the body to form free radicals. Kale vitamins that function as antioxidants are involved in glucose regulation.
Note: Studies have associated antioxidants such as vitamin C, in reducing diabetic complications. (two)
Likewise, kale contributes to the lower absorption of glucose through the digestive tract, thanks to the presence of soluble fiber. The mechanism of action is identical for the regulation of cholesterol absorption, preventing in this case the appearance of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
4. Protects against cellular oxidation
As previously mentioned, kale is one of the foods rich in antioxidant compounds that prevent cell damage (3). The body produces free radicals to defend against cancer cells or to combat some type of virus.
When these free radicals are produced in excess, they attack healthy cells causing oxidative damage. Antioxidants work against cell oxidation , preventing premature aging and death.
Important: Kale should preferably be consumed without cooking , in order to keep intact the chemical components with antioxidant properties. (4)
5. Strengthens the bones
Kale contains vitamins C and K, as well as an important contribution of calcium, essential micronutrients for building and strengthening bones .
Vitamin K helps the body to build healthy bones and tissues, ascorbic acid allows better use of calcium that we know is an essential nutrient for bones as well as reducing bone loss.
You should know: Kale helps prevent diseases of the bone system such as osteopenia and osteoporosis, thanks to the fact that its calcium content is better absorbable than cow’s milk . (5)
6. Stimulates intestinal transit
Thanks to its fiber composition, kale is ideal for those who suffer from stomach and intestinal ailments.
As we know, insoluble fiber has the property of capturing water and increasing the volume of intestinal content, producing a mechanical stimulus in the transit of feces through the colon.
For its part, soluble fiber also traps water, forming a viscous solution in the intestine, improving the digestion of food.
Important: The consumption of kale helps prevent intestinal discomfort such as colic and constipation.
7. Promotes eye health
Thanks to the content of vitamins such as C and E, beta-carotene and zinc, this superfood helps prevent macular degeneration caused by age, but more importantly, it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, a combination of antioxidants that help in your eye health. (6)
8. Helps lose weight
The presence of essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium help the proper functioning of the muscles and reduce body fatigue. These elements are important for the processes of losing body fat.
To highlight: In addition, the antioxidants in kale regulate the presence of bad cholesterol in the blood and the fiber reduces the absorption of fats in digestion.
9. Prevents some types of cancer
Due to its antioxidant property and its dietary fiber content, this healthy superfood prevents the appearance and/or proliferation of cancer cells in the body.
Among its benefits are that it prevents colon cancer (7) , maintains the well-being of the cardiovascular system and the bone system. Likewise, it prevents premature aging of cells or the reproduction of malignant cells due to free radicals.
Note: This food is ideal to include in the daily diet, due to the amount of nutrients it provides.
Kale nutritional properties
The properties of this wonderful vegetable come from its chemical and nutritional composition that we describe below:
1. Vitamins
This food has within its nutritional composition, vitamin A, ascorbic acid, niacin and folates. The greatest presence is represented by ascorbic acid with a contribution of 105 mcg per 100 grams of edible portion.
2. Minerals
The kale contains in its nutritional composition minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. Calcium has the greatest presence with 212 mcg per 100 grams of edible portion, and iron with a contribution of 1.90 mcg in the same proportion.
3. Other nutrients
The kale also contains proteins, fibers, carbohydrates , does not provide fat and is a source of water. In addition, in its chemical composition it has important antioxidant compounds. (8)
How can you eat kale?
Kale can be eaten raw or cooked , essential in dishes of the daily diet, indicated in weight reduction regimens due to its low calorie content.
In the kitchen, it is used in a wide variety of recipes and, thanks to its green leaves, it gives color to salads with other ingredients. It can also be eaten steamed, in soups, sautéed in oil or in juice.
Tip: If you prefer to consume the kale leaf raw, you should take into account that they are quite hard leaves, so it is recommended to season them with lemon and spices , and let them rest to soften.
Key Findings
- Kale is a vegetable with great nutritional properties that favor human health.
- It is considered a superfood due to its low caloric value and the great contribution of vitamins and minerals.
- Kale protects the cardiometabolic system from the appearance of chronic diseases
- The chemical components of kale prevent the body from oxidative damage to cells

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.