The sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato or Ipomoea batatas is a tuber cultivated in much of the world and with multiple gastronomic applications. It grows in tropical climates and is an important source of carbohydrates.

In the following article we will delve into the sweet potato, its properties and beneficial contributions to the body of its consumers.

What is sweet potato?

The sweet potato is, as we previously mentioned, a tuber. It is usually collected in autumn times and does not get along very well with low temperatures. The origin of this vegetable seems to have been between the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico and the Orinoco river of Venezuela.

It has a sweet flavor and a soft texture when cooked, due to its high starch content. It is also an incredible option to vary the diet, thus providing a large amount of nutrients and antioxidants.

Note: The sweet potato has different varieties, different flavors and the color of its skin and what is known as its meat , can range from orange to very pale tones. 

What are the properties of the sweet potato?

The sweet potato has an important nutritional contribution , characterized by a high content of micronutrients, antioxidants and carbohydrates that we will detail below:

1. Vitamins

Sweet potato is an incredible source of vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6 and folates . Its vitamin A content is remarkable, since the more yellow its meat , the greater the contributions, reaching 79 to 99% of the recommended daily intake.

To highlight: It also contains folic acid and antioxidants, as well as flavonoids and beta-carotene. (1)

2. Minerals

The sweet potato is rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium , magnesium, iron and copper. These minerals allow the proper development and functioning of the organism , in addition to benefiting the immune system.

3. Other compounds

As we previously mentioned, the sweet potato is characterized by being rich in carbohydrates and sugars , hence its characteristic flavor and texture. It contains a high energy intake, protein, fiber and fat.

What does the sweet potato give us?

With the nature of its nutritional composition, the sweet potato brings great benefits to the health of its consumers. They will be mentioned and described below, allowing their knowledge and use:

1. Regulates blood sugar

The content of natural sugars that are present in the sweet potato maintains stable glucose levels in the body , in addition to being a carrier of a hormone called adiponectin that regulates the production of insulin and favors metabolism. (two)

2. Reduces the action of free radicals

The bioactive and antioxidant compounds present in sweet potatoes reduce cell oxidation and the action of free radicals in the body , which greatly favors the health of its consumers. Its antioxidants are even extracted and applied in many areas of the food industry to extend the useful life of many products. (3)

You should know: Lutein is responsible for the color of the sweet potato and has an antioxidant effect and protection against free radicals, with a wide variety of therapeutic uses.

3. Fights anemia

As we previously mentioned, the nutritional content of sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes is quite diverse and beneficial. Its content of vitamins and minerals reduce the risk of disorders such as liver disease and anemia.

To highlight: The Los Angeles Department of Public Health carried out a physical-chemical study where it verified the high concentrations of essential minerals in sweet potatoes that promote arterial, blood, bone, muscle and nerve health . (4)

4. Promotes digestive health

The fiber content of the sweet potato allows the prevention of constipation, favors intestinal transit and therefore leads to the regularity of an extremely healthy digestive tract. It even allows the reduction of the risk of suffering from cancer in areas of our digestive system. (5)

5. Improves eye health

The great contribution of vitamin A and antioxidants are responsible for the benefit of sweet potato for vision health. Also allowing the prevention of night blindness, which is caused by a deficit of these micronutrients in the body. (6) 

Important: However, lutein also has an important effect in this area, and that is that this component prevents macular degeneration and cataracts , as well as preventing premature aging that would have consequences for the health and quality of the ocular system. (7)

6. Increases physical energy

One of the main sources of energy for the proper functioning of our body are carbohydrates, so its high content is essential for its processing and use. The nature of these carbohydrates present in the sweet potato, which are complex, allow the energy obtained to be long-lasting and with great biological activity. (8)

You should know: Every hundred grams (100 gr) of sweet potato or sweet potato consumed, provide 116 calories to our body.

7. Contributes to weight loss

Including the sweet potato in our diet not only obtains medicinal effects on our body, but also allows us to obtain benefits by contributing to weight loss . 

Its contribution of fiber, contribution to metabolism, high capacity for a feeling of satiety, the energy it provides and that it allows to complement with physical activity, is an ideal set for the stated objective of weight loss.

8. Improves skin, hair and nails

Vitamin E present in sweet potato is a micronutrient that influences the protection of the skin from oxidation. Vitamin A and beta-carotene promote the production of collagen, which is ideal for maintaining skin health, softness and shine.

Note: However, these micronutrients also enhance hair growth and nail strengthening, providing thicker, stronger cells.

9. Protects against cancer

The bioactive compounds of sweet potato have been subjected to multiple studies with favorable results. They play an important role in the health of their consumers, reducing the risk of developing diseases, which includes their use as hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and anticancer.

Important: High concentrations of polyphenols depress the proliferation of cancer cells , in addition to the fact that there are studies that indicate the anti-cancer qualities of sweet potato by inhibiting cell multiplication and simulating apoptosis (programmed cell death). (9)

How is the sweet potato consumed?

The sweet potato, sweet potato or sweet potato can be cooked, boiled, steamed, baked, roasted and even fried . It can be processed as a puree or added as a complement to preparations of legumes and doughs. It is quite alternative and its flavor usually stands out when it is included in different recipes.

The sweet potato can also be used as a contour and protein companion, as well as accompanied with healthy salads   and vegetables to promote the health of its consumers and help increase muscle mass.

Note: In the case of diabetic patients it is important to take care of the portions consumed, since when cooked their glycemic index rises in small quantities.

Key Findings

  • The sweet potato is a tuber of high consumption and recognition worldwide. Contains micronutrients and macronutrients of high biological quality .
  • The nature of the sugars provided by the sweet potato benefits and regulates glucose levels in the body.
  • The sweet potato can be consumed by diabetic patients because they have a low glycemic index, although it must be in regulated portions.
  • The antioxidant and vitamin content of the sweet potato protects and benefits the health of the skin, hair and nails, as well as protecting the body from free radicals and reducing the risk of developing cancer cells.

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