Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system in the world, and with unfortunate consequences for our lifestyle if it is not controlled in a timely manner.
It is characterized by an increase in normal values of systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg, and/or diastolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 90 mmHg.
Note: Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity are among the factors that cause it.
Fortunately for us, nature provides us with food to lower stress , as well as helping us to modify our eating habits, with a view to improving our quality of life.
In the following article, we give you all the information you need to know about these foods and their beneficial effects on regulating blood pressure.
What to eat to lower high blood pressure?
As previously stated, hypertension is a condition that can seriously affect the life of those who suffer from it if it is not properly controlled. In this sense, diet is fundamental and for this reason we are going to describe the foods that nature provides us to reduce and control our blood pressure naturally :
1. Olive oil
Among the foods to lower high blood pressure, is extra virgin olive oil. Its chemical composition of fatty acids, especially triolein , is the main component of this oil.
This component (triolein) improves the fluidity of the membrane and the formation of proteins involved in the transduction of the cellular signal, which are involved in the regulation of blood pressure, due to the composition and structure, both lipid and protein, of the cell membrane after consumption of this food. (1)
Note: It is recommended to consume 4 to 5 teaspoons a day of this oil to enjoy the maximum benefits.
2. Cucumber
One of the vegetables that help us lower high blood pressure is cucumber, due to its electrolyte content and its high potassium content, a mineral that helps reduce the tension of the blood vessel walls. (two)
In addition, cucumber contributes to the balance regarding the amount of sodium in the blood, a very essential aspect in the regulation of blood pressure.
To highlight: To maintain a stable blood pressure in the body, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of common salt in people with high blood pressure, in addition to the consumption of a diet rich in potassium.
3. Garlic
Garlic is one of the foods most used to regulate blood pressure, thanks to its chemical components. This vegetable has allicin , a compound with vasodilator effects on veins and arteries, which help to reduce hypertension. (3)
Tip: It is recommended to eat approximately 4 grams of garlic during the day , to favor the regulation of arterial hypertension.
4. Onion
The onion is part of the vegetables with direct benefits on cardiovascular health, especially related to hypertension. This vegetable contains in its chemical composition, an antioxidant called quercetin , which prevents the oxidation of low-density lipids. (4)
This property prevents the formation of atheromas and the consequent narrowing of the walls of veins and arteries, one of the main causes of high blood pressure.
Tip: The consumption of at least 300 grams of onion is recommended during the day to benefit from its properties.
5. Kefir
Kefir , also called Bulgarian yogurt, is a fermented milk rich in bacteria and probiotic yeasts that improve the intestinal flora, since the imbalance of the intestinal flora has been associated with diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. (5)
The consumption of this fermented milk has been related to the decrease in blood pressure, because this food maintains the balance of intestinal microbiota, preventing cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. (6)
Important: The consumption of dairy products or their derivatives should be done in moderation , due to the presence of saturated fats in their content.
6. Cinnamon
Surely at some point you have heard that cinnamon raises blood pressure. These comments arose at a time when there were no studies on the real effects of this spice.
Cinnamon has a high content of antioxidant compounds, many of which prevent the oxidation of low-density lipids, which cause the formation of atheromas on the walls of blood vessels, a risk factor that generates elevated blood pressure values. arterial.
Note: The consumption of dietary fibers through whole grains combined with cinnamon help balance blood pressure in hypertensive people.
7. Banana
This fruit is another of the fruits with nutritional components capable of regulating the balanced levels of some vital signs of the organism, such as blood pressure.
The banana is a source of potassium, fiber and water, compounds that are directly involved in the regulation of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. (7)
Note: The consumption of this fruit has no contraindications, so you can easily include it in your daily diet.
8. Blueberries
Among the benefits of blueberries , is its high content of antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cell damage and therefore, the decrease in its functional capacities.
This fruit contains anthocyanins, a compound that protects endothelial cells, improving their functions, such as synthesizing and releasing vasoactive substances that regulate vascular tone, blood pressure, and local blood flow. (8)
Important: For good cardiovascular health, it is advisable to stop bad eating habits, reduce excessive consumption of red meat and eat foods rich in antioxidants.
9. Hemp seeds
Another healthy food for heart health are hemp seeds , which help you avoid diseases that affect the heart such as hypertension.
This food contains arginine , an amino acid with vasodilator properties that help improve blood flow through veins and arteries, improving pressure in blood vessels.
Note: Its contribution of dietary fibers also reduces the absorption of cholesterol, an important aspect for cardiovascular health and blood pressure.
10. Coconut water
Thanks to its contribution of potassium, coconut water has become a very healthy and pleasant-tasting option to reduce high blood pressure.
Its high potassium and water content and its low sodium content make it an ideal drink to deal with cardiovascular problems . It also contains dietary fiber even though it is water, helping to reduce fat absorption.
Note: It also contains vitamin C and other antioxidants that regulate the presence of bad cholesterol in the blood , and its negative effects on blood pressure.
11. Pear
The pear also helps reduce high blood pressure levels. Its consumption provides dietary fiber, which contributes to the reduction of fats through the digestive tract.
It also contains a lot of water and most importantly, it is a good source of potassium and vitamin C, micronutrients that are involved in regulating blood pressure.
12. Dark chocolate
Undoubted are the benefits of cocoa , through the consumption of dark chocolate. This food contains a higher amount of polyphenols (particularly flavonoids such as procyanidins, catechins and epicatechins) than tea and blueberries.
This food improves the endothelial function of cells, through the antioxidant property of its polyphenol compounds, improving blood pressure levels in hypertensive people. (9)
Important: The consumption of any of the foods described above must necessarily be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle that includes eliminating stress, avoiding alcohol consumption, minimizing caffeine consumption, eliminating saturated fat, and exercising for at least 4 times a week.
Key Findings
- Foods to lower blood pressure are characterized by containing antioxidants, potassium, fiber and water, nutrients to regulate hypertension.
- Food consumption must be accompanied to control hypertension, with healthy eating habits and lifestyle.
- Foods that work to regulate blood pressure also balance the cardiovascular and digestive functioning of the body.
- Among the most effective foods to lower tension are olive oil, cucumber, garlic and onion .

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.