Flatulence and belching are completely natural, especially after meals. But in certain cases, in some more than others, it goes from being a normal reaction of our body to something completely uncomfortable. This occurs when many gases are produced .
If you want to avoid excess gas , we will describe here which foods are most likely to cause them.
What are intestinal gases?
The digestive system of a healthy adult contains approximately less than 200 mL of gas, and expels about 600-700 mL of it . The normal range of flatulence per day is 25, although the number depends on the type of food in our diet, the speed at which we eat (more air is taken in), and so on. (1)
In this sense, gases are composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane . 74% of the gases we expel are the result of the digestion of food by intestinal bacteria.
In most cases, the gases pass through the intestines in a pulsatile manner and without causing any type of symptoms. But the intake of certain foods can increase the production of gases, causing discomfort, pain, distension of the abdomen (known as bloating ).
If you frequently suffer from gas, we recommend substituting certain foods for others (as we will explain below), as well as eating slower, avoiding chewing gum or using straws to consume drinks. But for more information, we recommend seeing a doctor.
Important : Excess gases can have multiple causes. Some mild, others more dangerous to people’s health, such as colonic or small intestine obstruction, volvulus, endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism) , etc.
What are the foods that produce gas?
The degradation of some foods at the intestinal level, releases substances that our bacteria use as a substrate, producing the gases that make up belching and flatulence . Here are some of the most common gas-producing foods:
1. Broccoli
Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family , which includes cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts . These contain fermentable sugars and their consumption worsens intestinal gas.
To highlight : Cooking these types of vegetables well favors their digestion . Also, you can replace it with other vegetables that generate less gas, such as carrots , tomatoes or kale.
2. Beans
Beans or lentils (to cite another example), members of legumes, produce gases due to their high content of carbohydrates , particularly those called FODMAPs (fermentable complex sugars). It is not uncommon for a person to experience intestinal gas after eating a certain amount of these.
But in individuals with digestive pathologies, such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease , these foods can be very uncomfortable, since there is an alteration of the intestinal mucosa.
Tip: You can replace the beans with grains that generate less gas, such as black ones.
3. Asparagus
Asparagus is also part of the cruciferous and generate symptoms similar to those of broccoli and grain consumption.
You should know: Cruciferous vegetables are very nutritious. If you don’t want to remove them from your diet, try cooking them a little to facilitate digestion, or try alternatives such as lettuce, spinach or cucumbers .
4. Whole grains
Cereals are rich in fiber , a type of complex sugar that can be categorized as fermentable fiber or not .
Note : Fiber cannot be easily digested in the small intestine and becomes food for bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium , which is broken down by enzymes. The products of this breakdown aid bowel movement and form more solid stools .
But, they simultaneously produce more gas, which is a problem for those with conditions such as gluten intolerance, who may experience bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain . (two)
5. Apple
The first sugar in this fruit is fructose , a type of FODMAP , and it also contains fiber. As an alternative, you can consume the following fruits: bananas, tangerines, oranges or strawberries . They provide nutrients, vitamins and minerals, necessary for your body.
6. Plums
Plums are fruits that contribute to intestinal transit due to their fiber content, however they also contain high concentrations of fructose which, upon reaching the large intestine, is quickly fermented, releasing gases.
Tip : We recommend eating other kinds of fruit if you suffer from gas, such as blueberries, tangerines or oranges. The reason why these fruits are preferred is that they also contain high levels of glucose, which helps the absorption of fructose and decreases gas production .
7. Banana
The cause is similar to those of foods already mentioned; Bananas are fruits with high concentrations of sugars and carbohydrates, such as sorbitol (also used as a sweetener and responsible for gas in certain people).
To highlight: The consumption of fried plantains , known in certain countries as slices , increases the amount of gases that are produced in the intestines.
8. Peas
They are also vegetables that contain fermentable oligosaccharides (FODMAPs) , and excessive consumption of peas is connected with the appearance of gases. They contain fructose, polyols, fructans, and galactans, all of which are fermentable sugars . They are frequent foods in common dishes of Mexico or the subcontinent of India. (3)
9. Dairy
Dairy products are a frequent cause of gas, especially for those who are lactose intolerant . A single glass of cow’s milk can be enough to trigger uncomfortable symptoms for these types of people.
But not all dairy products have large amounts of lactose. Hard and mature cheeses contain a lower proportion and, therefore, a less marked effect.
Important : Consult a nutritionist or a doctor about the inclusion of certain products with lactose or, if you suspect that you are intolerant to these, we recommend having a check -up .
10. Onion
This vegetable contains fructosans or fructans, carbohydrates made up of glucose and fructose. They are also known as fructooligosaccharides . Due to its biochemical characteristics, the onion passes into the colon relatively intact , where it is fermented by the intestinal microbiota , in a process that forms gas. (4)
You should know : This problem is exacerbated when these carbohydrate-rich foods come in meals high in fatty acids , which delay the absorption and breakdown of carbohydrates.
11. Processed foods
Processed foods cause gas particularly because fructose , a type of carbohydrate we mentioned earlier, is added to them. Junk food such as hot dogs , sweets or desserts , produced at an industrial level, are clear examples of foods high in refined carbohydrates.
To highlight: Processed food leads to poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits with widespread repercussions.
12. Fizzy Drinks
These types of drinks cause gas, since they contain a high amount of carbon dioxide . Therefore, when you consume soft drinks you introduce more gases into your system. Other similar drinks include beer or carbonated water .
Tip : You can try alternative drinks , such as water, coffee, black, green or white tea, for example. (5)
Key Findings
- All food produces a certain amount of gas, but there are certain foods that make it worse.
- Gas-producing foods are vegetables such as onion, garlic, brussels sprouts , cabbage, etc.
- Some fruits are also responsible, such as bananas, apples, and plums.
- Legumes such as lentils, beans, and peas produce gas because their sugars have the ability to ferment in our intestines.
- In general, the consumption of foods rich in FODMAPs are responsible for symptoms associated with excess gas, such as bloating, pain and discomfort.
- Introducing changes in the diet and our way of eating can help eliminate excessive gas and discomfort. For more information, consult your doctor .
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.