ToggleWhat is allergic cough?
It is a type of dry cough, whichoccurs after being exposed to an allergic component. It is usually more common in spring, winter and autumn, since there are more closed environments and allergic substances are in the environment.
Also, this type of complicationsoccurs because there is a stimulation of the neuronal endingsthat produce coughing, generating an alteration in the nervous system and in the respiratory system. It is presented by the existence of a hypersensitivity to different agents such as dust or moisture.
Important: A study conducted in Cuba, expressed that “Diseases caused by allergies are a public health problem. Every day they affect more different patients. It is increasing and can be considered a serious pathology such as diabetes or obesity.” (1)
What causes allergic cough?
Patients suffering from allergic cough should remain on constant alertso as not to expose themselves to situations and places that produce this pathology. The most common causes will be explained below:
1. Dust and pollen
Generally , the dust contains small animals called “mites”, being these one of the most common causes that produce allergies, since they generate a cough that is accompanied by tearing, eye redness and in some cases fever.
On the subject of pollen, the gametophytes that live in plants during certain times of the year spread through the air,mainly during pollination times. They can be found on trees, grasses, undergrowth, shrubs. These agents produce burning, itchy eyes and abundant mucus in the nasal passages.
2. Environmental fungi
Environmental fungi are present in the airtag. Some of the most common areAlternaria , Cladosporium , and Penicillium , which can be found in smoke, plants, fruits, abandoned buildings, streets, and damp places. They tend to irritate the throat, burn the eyes and cause a sharp cough.
To highlight: A study in Caracas (Venezuela) found that “Air polluting agents are one of the main causes of lung diseases. The variety of pollution in the air along with global warming can initiate respiratory problems in patients.” (two)
3. Mold and humidity
Humidity is a producer of different allergic diseases, this is because they have bacteria such as alternaria and aspergillus, which usually live indoors and outdoors in humid places.
Similarly, when inhaling mold, the body detects bacteria and agents that are not its own, then generates antibodies to avoid them and remove them from the body. For this,nasal complications such as sneezing, coughing and discharge from the nose occur.
Note: In some patients mold may cause asthma or airway obstruction.
4. Animal hair and feathers
In the skin, hair, saliva and urine of animals there is a protein that causes respiratory allergies in some patients. High exposure to pets and animals can cause fever, allergic rhinitis, sneezing, and asthma.
All these effects originate because in the salivary and sebaceous glands of pets, there are secretions that produce dandruff that affects the respiratory system of humans.
Tip: It is recommended that exposure to animals with fur and feathers be avoided or further reduced.
5. Irritating substances
Exposure to irritants causes a variety of conditions of varying intensities. Some patients who are in contact with chemicals high in nickel, methylenediphenyl diisocyanate, chromium and dimethyl fumarate, may present abnormalities in the body
Note:There are products that often cause asthma, skin irritation, burning eyes, itchy throat and constant dry cough. It is recommended not to have contact with jewelry, coating paints and treated leather sofas.
What are the symptoms of allergic cough?
When there is an allergic cough, the immune system is on alert and produces antibodiesto identify and eliminate the offending agent. The body produces an inflammatory response and regulates the entry of the allergen into the body. Some of the most common symptoms are:
1. Dry and persistent cough
A persistent cough occurs, which directly affects the respiratory system. The spasm is accompanied by an unusual hissing sound. He usually gives uncontrollable and desperate allergic attacks.
Note:It can attack children and adults, although it is more common in infants. The greater the exposure to the allergen agent, the coughing spells will increase. It can even develop into asthma.
2. Nasal itching
It occurs when there is an irritation in the inner layer of the nose. This produces itching, burning, stinging, sneezing, tearing, and nasal congestion. They are usually symptoms that do not disappear easily.
Usually this is usually one of the first symptomsthat appear after being exposed to an allergen agent. It is an alteration of the immune system, after detecting abnormalities in the respiratory system.
3. Tickling in the throat
This is a very distressing symptom. It is aconstant discomfort in the throat, which is accompanied by coughing and burning in the nostrils. You may also produce profuse mucus after coughing.
To highlight: It occurs due to inflammation in the larynx and irritation of the throat. It is one of the symptoms that function as detectors, to indicate to the immune system that it is close to an allergen agent.
How to cure allergic cough?
Allergic cough is a condition that people of different ages can suffer from. Today, thanks to advances in science,there are many alternatives to eradicate these effectsfrom our body. Next, we talk about some cures for this disease:
1. Drugs recommended by a specialist
Drugs are an excellent alternative to relieve allergic coughtag. Patients are recommended a personalized treatment based onantihistamine and antiallergic drugs.
On the other hand, they are usually treatments of 1 or 2 weeks, this will depend on the severity of the symptoms and the discomfort that the patient presents. In case of not improving with the prescribed treatment, the specialist indicates much more aggressive medications.
Important: A study carried out in Colombia revealed that “The most effective treatment to prevent allergic reactions are antihistamines, antileukotrienes, adrenergic agonists and controlling the environment to which one is exposed” . (3)
2. Avoid contact with the detonating agent
It is very important not to expose yourself to places where allergens are. Avoid wooded places, gardens and parks. It is also necessary not to live in places that do not have good ventilation and closed or humid places.
Tip: It is recommended that in autumn and spring, avoid exposing yourself to places with large amounts of trees and flowers. It is also conducive to protect the eyes and if necessary use a mask.
3. Increase water consumption
For those patients who suffer from allergic cough, it is recommended that they drink plenty of water. They can be from 1 to 1.5L daily.When you suffer from this type of pathology, you are invited to stay hydrated, since throat irritation and mucous secretion can decompensate the immune system.
4. Take natural infusions
In nature there is a wide variety of plants that haveNatural Anti-allergic properties. You can prepare infusions or syrups of carrot, honey,Oregano , Basilor lemon. These are foods with a high content of vitamin C that helpReduces respiratory discomfort.
5. Go to the doctor if necessary
If after applying the different treatments to cure allergic cough, you do not see results. It is advisable to go to a specialist doctor, since these are the ones in charge of being able to further evaluate your health and determine the steps to follow to alleviate the symptoms.
Important: An allergic cough with complications can turn into asthma or a severe respiratory attackthat can even cause death. It is important to always see a doctor to avoid unpleasant accidents.
Key Findings
- If you suffer an attack of allergic cough, stay calm and do not despair, since nervousness can block the airways.
- Drinking plenty of water and eating foods high in vitamins and minerals is part of the prevention and treatment of this condition.
- Do not expose yourself to places where the agents that produce allergic cough are , such as forests, gardens, smoke and humid or dusty places.
- Take natural infusions, as they help clear the airways
- If you do not see improvement, urgently see a doctor.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.