There are foods that, due to their nature and composition, naturally confer anti- inflammatory properties . These are usually of vegetable origin due to the interaction of their biological molecules and their active principle.
In the following article, we will talk about which are the ten anti-inflammatory foods that also help fight pain naturally and why this property is attributed to them.
What are the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories?
Anti-inflammatory foods are those that, due to their active biological components and molecules, allow them to intervene with their medicinal properties in the body of their consumers.
There are different factors that influence this process, but we present and explain them below, for their recognition and use if necessary:
1. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice from India , known for giving curry its yellow color. However, in recent years, turmeric has been gaining particular popularity for its anti- inflammatory properties, which have already been analyzed on numerous occasions.
You should know: Turmeric contains a biologically active compound called curcumin, which manages to reduce inflammation at the molecular level. More specifically, curcumin blocks the NF-kB molecule, an inflammatory signaling molecule that enters the nucleus of cells and activates genes associated with inflammation. (1)
Several studies have shown that curcumin can be as effective as some anti-inflammatory drugs, but with an extra: without side effects . (two)
To highlight: Turmeric consumption has been associated with an improvement in inflammation levels caused by rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, among other diseases. (3)
Likewise, it is important to note that the human body is not capable of correctly absorbing curcumin, so it may be useful to accompany the turmeric with a little black pepper . Black pepper contains a substance called piperine, which has been shown to increase curcumin absorption by 2,000%. (4)
2. Olive oil
Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils out there , along with coconut oil. It stands out for its high content of vitamin K and vitamin E , as well as healthy monounsaturated fats, of which the most abundant is oleic acid.
Highlights: According to experts, oleic acid and oleocanthal , a powerful antioxidant present in olive oil, are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of this healthy fat.
For one, oleic acid has been shown to help lower levels of C-reactive protein , an important marker of inflammation (5). On the other hand, oleocanthal is an active compound that works in a similar way to the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen. (6)
Note: According to research, 3-4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (50 ml) would be equivalent in anti-inflammatory effect to 10% of the recommended adult dose of ibuprofen. (7)
3. Ginger
Ginger has been used as a natural remedy against many ailments and diseases over the years. Its history of use is extensive, and one of its best-known properties is its ability as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Note: Ginger contains a bioactive compound called gingerol , which is responsible for its positive effects on inflammation (8) . In patients with osteoarthritis, the consumption of ginger extract reduces pain, as well as the dose of medication. (9)
Likewise, ginger can be used topically along with cinnamon, mastic, and sesame oil as an effective treatment for pain and numbness caused by osteoarthritis (10) . In another study, 2 grams of ginger daily decreased exercise-induced muscle soreness. (eleven)
4. Avocado
Avocados are a special fruit. They contain a unique combination of healthy fats , most notably oleic acid, which has been shown to help lower levels of the inflammation marker C-reactive protein. (12)
To highlight: Eating avocado provides you with large amounts of fiber , vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and certain amounts of B vitamins and minerals.
Recent studies have revealed the action of AV119, a natural sugar found in avocados that can positively alter the inflammatory response of younger skin cells. (13)
5. Romero
Studies carried out at the University of Maryland Medical Center, obtained results demonstrating the anti-inflammatory capacity of rosemary , even reducing cortisol levels in the body.
To highlight: Rosemary confers antispasmodic, healing and antiseptic properties, so an extract with leaves and stems of this plant will really be very beneficial for the consumer’s health. (14)
6. Arnica
Arnica is a very famous commercial product from a plant with the same name. It is applied to blows or bruises due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic power. It can be consumed but in regulated quantities, since it can be toxic. (fifteen)
Note: It is famous for not having steroids and anti-rheumatic properties, and the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherap strongly approves its topical use for treating bruises, sprains, and inflammations.
7. Honey
Honey is a natural product, which in general terms is a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants , which is why it is used as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent.
Scientific research recognizes the presence of ribonucleic acid or micro RNA as one of the main anti-inflammatory charges, which promotes blood circulation and reduces swelling. (16)
8. Tomato
Tomatoes are a very common vegetable rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K and several minerals such as magnesium or potassium. However, other tomato compounds are responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties.
You should know: Lycopene is a natural pigment, an antioxidant that stands out for its ability to reduce proinflammatory responses associated with cancer . (17)
In research carried out by several scientists, lycopene consumption through tomatoes and tomato products was found to be much more effective than lycopene supplements in reducing inflammation levels . (18)
In addition, the effects are further increased if you prepare the tomatoes with olive oil, since lycopene dissolves in fat and, therefore, its absorption by the body increases. (19)
9. Red fruits
Red berries are a group of fruits that traditionally grew in the wild, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries , etc.
This species of fruit stands out for its high content of water, fiber, vitamin C and other plant compounds. Red fruits contain antioxidants from the anthocyanin family, a natural pigment responsible for their color, but also with anti- inflammatory effects . (twenty)
To highlight: Several studies have confirmed that the daily consumption of red fruits considerably improves certain markers of inflammation. (twenty-one)
10. Laurel
Laurel has a long list of health benefits, as it confers bactericidal, antiseptic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties . It is rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamins B6, B9 and vitamin C, in addition to having antioxidants and therefore generates a reduction in cell oxidation activity and the presence of free radicals.
To highlight: A study conducted at the University of Vienna determined that laurel essential oils have analgesic and sedative effects . It has been having medicinal applications since antiquity against local inflammations and mainly, from bee stings. (22)

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.