Salt has been one of the most used elements over the years, especially in the field of cooking, achieved in various ways and being a very essential condiment for food in general.
But salt is not just one and that is the subject that concerns us in this article, since there are several types of salt that can be consumed and whose flavor, appearance, and nutritional value help to improve the way we eat food. .
For this reason, here is some interesting information about some of the best types of salt that are suitable for human consumption.
ToggleWhat is salt?
Salt (by its chemical name “sodium chloride” ) is a mineral or condiment used both to season a food and to preserve it, being a fairly old element used since the time of the Roman Empire.
Outside of the diet, it offers various benefits for the body to function properly, however its excess can also be harmful , leading to pathologies such as edema or better known as fluid retention.
Note: An analysis highlights that: “Salt, as a basic ingredient in the diet , has a very wide field of applications whose benefits have a direct impact on the well-being and quality of life of people” . (1)
What are the different types of salt?
It is time to know the types of salt, since they are obtained in various ways and these offer many advantages, facilitating food and other uses of human habits. Here are 10 of the best types of salt:
1. Table salt
The first is, of course, common salt or also table salt, it is the one that is used daily for all our food , from breakfast to dinner. It is crystalline in appearance and mostly pulverized, making the seasoning process easy.
To highlight: It is composed of essential minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, among many others, however its use should not be abused , it is recommended 6 grams of table salt per day for all foods.
2. Sal marina
The second best-known type of salt in the world is sea salt, which is used in a variety of dishes, but mostly for grilled meats . Although the texture is crystalline, it differs by being thicker.
Sea salt is used to season dishes in small amounts, in order to prevent excessive sodium and strong flavors. It is estimated that a maximum of 5 grams of sea salt should be used , a curious fact is that sea salt is obtained with the evaporation of sea water (salt water).
You should know: A study provides this important information: “Sea salt contains the 84 minerals found in our body , such as iron, bromine, zinc, iodine, etc. ” (two)
3. Coarse salt
Coarse salt is obtained from salt water (it does not go through any evaporation process), but it has great differences with respect to sea salt , since its appearance is usually much thicker and it has a more careful extraction process because it has minerals that are not they are edible.
Note: Coarse salt has its great qualities, in cooking it is used to enhance the flavor of meat and fish , at the same time to protect them from high temperatures and in the case of the body it helps to control blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.
4. Himalayan salt
This is a very interesting type of mineral, since Himalayan salt is a pink salt that is abundantly available in the mines of Pakistan , its color is due to the amount of iron it has in its structure, sometimes it is He calls it pink or Himalayan pink salt.
To highlight: It is a very peculiar but also relevant salt, in addition to iron, it is the purest salt in the world and is used very frequently to combat asthma , cardiovascular diseases and even to reduce the symptoms of lung diseases.
5. Sal kosher
Once again we return to the type of coarse salts, in this case kosher salt has a great difference compared to the others, and that is that it does not have additives such as iodine or even fluoride , in addition to this its appearance becomes similar and at the same time differs from sea salt.
You should know: Kosher salt has a particular use, especially for meat, since it absorbs its blood (either goat or lamb), which has been part of the culture of Judaism, both in rituals as in the kitchen and has spread to other cultures.
6. Black salt
It is difficult to imagine a salt that is not white, correct? The origin of black salt is not from the sea or lakes, on the contrary, it is of volcanic origin, lacking fluoride and iodine, resulting in a light flavor and larger size.
Note: It is used abundantly in Indian cuisine, mainly, but on the other hand it has antioxidant properties , vermifuge actions (ie the expulsion of intestinal parasites) and even contributes to weight loss.
7. Smoked salt
Common or sea salt is not the only ones that are relevant in gourmet cooking, but smoked salt made through a process of up to 12 days , where the salt is flavored with untreated wood (apple wood) and thus obtains a strong flavor in it.
This smoked salt is commonly used to grill meats, giving them a wood-like flavor, but it is also used to cook seafood or as a special seasoning for certain types of salads .
Important: A technical sheet highlights that: “Smoked salt is used as condiment and seasoning. It is used to give a salty taste , crunchy texture and a smoky smell at the same time. Appropriate for meat, vegetables, fish, pasta, soups and salads . (3)
8. Hawaiian salt
Hawaiian salt is considered a type of sea salt, only with a reddish appearance that even in the Hawaiian Islands is called “alaca”. It is mostly used in meat and fish to give an extra touch and highlight its flavor, especially for the grill.
To highlight: In addition to having a large amount of sodium chloride, it is also composed of calcium and potassium , as well as other essential minerals that provide health benefits such as exfoliating and antioxidant effects, as well as being special for hypertensive patients.
9. Sal Maldon
Maldon salt is very special in its existence, it is also called flake salt (since it forms crystals with this texture ) and it is highly popular in ancient cuisine, having a great flavor for food and impeccable purity.
You should know: It is obtained in the English town of Maldon, in the Blackwater River estuary, being a salt with pure and low levels of sodium , providing various levels of magnesium and iodine, ideal for kidney problems and to stimulate metabolism in great measure.
10. Flor de sal
Finally, we present a type of sea salt called Flor de sal, also considered an ecological type salt obtained from the main layers of sea water, apart from having 80 minerals and various trace elements in its composition.
Note: Fleur de sel is almost unique in providing benefits that help the nervous system and prevent dehydration of the body. In addition, it is very organic and there is no need to worry about the presence of minerals or other toxic substances lodged in it.
Key Findings
- Salt or sodium chloride is an essential mineral and condiment in feeding and preserving food.
- It is divided into several types of salts such as common or table salt, as well as marine-type salts that are coarse in appearance.
- Many provide essential minerals such as magnesium and iodine , among other compounds.
- The salts are beneficial for cardiovascular problems, kidney problems and are boosters of the nervous system, but their consumption should be moderate.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.