The apple is the edible fruit of a tree of the Rosaceae family, of the Malus domestica species known as apple tree. This fruit has a somewhat sweet and sour flavor, depending on the variety, and its shape is round.
Note: This fruit is rich not only for its flavor, but also for the properties that make it up and the benefits it brings to health. Among them we have its antioxidant effect, due to the content of phenols and flavonoids, it is rich in nutrients and a natural source of energy (1) .
The varieties of apples that exist provide us with many benefits and are recommended to be included in our daily diet.
But in the case of the green apple, it is considered an ally to help lose weight, it stands out for its low calorie intake and high concentration of phytonutrients.
In this article we will talk more about the benefits and properties that this delicious fruit brings us.
green apple benefits
Apples provide multiple health benefits and all varieties are equally nutritious. In this case, green apples are liked by many people due to their sour flavor, which turns out to be refreshing.
Its fiber content makes it suitable for weight loss, it also helps regulate blood sugar, improves digestion, thanks to the fact that its multiple nutrients help improve metabolism, which makes it easier to burn calories.
Among the benefits of consuming green apple we have the following.
Reduces heart conditions
Consuming fruits and vegetables contribute to improving health and reducing cardiovascular risks, so apple consumption represents a protective effect, since it provides flavonoids which reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.
In the same way, studies carried out determined that the consumption of this fruit reduces the risks of cerebrovascular diseases. It also decreases the molecules that cause inflammation, which often cause difficulties in the heart , circulation and brain (2) .
Balances blood sugar levels
Its high content of soluble fiber known as pectin that contains the green apple, keeps glucose levels stable.
On the other hand, it has a fairly low glycemic index, so eating green apples is ideal for those with diabetes (3) .
promotes digestion
Fruits and vegetables with their fiber content help to keep the digestive system in good working order, in this case the green apple with its water content, minerals and pectin help to improve digestion, regulating intestinal movements and favoring the expulsion of waste.
To highlight: The apple is rich in tannins, a substance that occurs when it oxidizes when it comes into contact with air.
Its function is to reduce inflammation and dry the intestinal mucosa, so it has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, something that helps in the treatment of cases of diarrhea.
Eliminate fluid retention
Fluid retention occurs mostly in people with kidney problems, pregnant women, the stress of everyday life, among others.
Note: There are various medications that help with this condition, but they can be supplemented by consuming foods that help mitigate fluid retention.
In this case, we have the green apple, which is perfect for draining the fluid that is retained in the interstitial space, parts external to the cells, which inflame the body, which requires stimulation for its drainage.
Contributes to weight loss
The green apple contains a large amount of carbohydrates, fibers and amino acids, which makes this fruit a source of energy.
Its consumption on an empty stomach is recommended due to the concentration of fibers, which not only help with digestion, but also prolong the feeling of satiety, ideal for losing weight , since eating between meals is avoided.
Note: A balanced diet must be maintained to achieve the ideal weight and we could see that the apple is a great ally when it comes to losing weight, which is why everyone should include it in their daily diet.
Protects bone health
The contribution of calcium and boron that the green apple gives us helps to improve bone health and maintain good bone density.
Avoid oral diseases
This variety of apples, due to its compounds, stimulates the production of saliva and regulates the PH of the mouth, which prevents bad breath. This also helps to decrease bacteria or infections that can be caused.
On the other hand, the natural acids of this fruit keep the teeth clean.
To highlight: It has important benefits for dental health and diseases such as gum infections or cavities, since it helps reduce bacterial concentration.
Moisturizes and improves the skin
Thanks to the contribution of antioxidants and vitamins a, b and c that the green apple gives to our body, it turns out to be a good ally against premature aging of the skin, since it helps cell rejuvenation avoiding the early appearance of wrinkles and spots.
In the same way, thanks to its water content and to the fact that it promotes the production of collagen and elastin, it is a great ally to help keep the skin hydrated, free of toxins, firm and young, in order to show off radiant skin.
Green apple properties
The green apple is a fruit that stands out not only for its refreshing citrus flavor, but also for its multiple benefits and properties which provide a great nutritional contribution to our body.
Among the properties that this fruit has, is its high content of insoluble fibers that are obtained from the peel and soluble fibers, which are obtained by peeling it (4) . In the same way , it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, potassium , calcium, among others.
It also has the presence of malic and tartaric acids, this fruit provides carbohydrates, significant amounts of flavonoids, such as flavonols, catechins and procyanidins, among others.
As for the vitamins that it gives us, it is found that it contains small amounts of vitamin E or tocopherol and vitamin C, with an antioxidant function.
Note: The amount of vitamin C content varies depending on the type of apple, in this case the green apple contains 7.3 mg.
On the other hand , group B vitamins that favor nerve functions are also present.
Among the minerals provided by this fruit we have potassium, important for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses and necessary for muscle activity, while favoring kidney function.
On the other hand , it also has small amounts of zinc , manganese, sulfur, fluorine, iodine, boron or selenium, which have an important role in the functional processes that take place in cells.
The green apple is rich in fibers, including insoluble fibers, which are found in the skin of the apple and help speed up intestinal transit.
To highlight: If it is eaten peeled, the fiber it provides us with is soluble, known as pectin, this helps with fluid retention.
These fibers are effective to stimulate the intestine and help detoxify the body and also to help fight diarrhea.
How to consume green apple?
As we could see, the apple has many properties that are beneficial to health and especially the green apple. The way to consume it is very varied, whether it is cut into pieces with everything and its skin or peeled, in salads, smoothies accompanied by other fruits, juice, among others.
The important thing is to include it in our daily diet, since it is perfect at all hours, even at night, since it contains fewer calories than other fruits.
Smoothie with green apple and flaxseed
This smoothie is recommended for those people who want to lose weight, since the green apple, due to its high fiber and water content, acts as a natural laxative.
Note: Flaxseed, which also has a high fiber content and therefore combined with apples, helps improve intestinal transit.
- 1 green apple
- 1 tablespoon flaxseed
- 300 ml of water
- sweetener to taste
- Wash, peel the green apple and remove the seeds, then cut it into small pieces.
- Place the already cleaned and cut apple in the blender, with the rest of the ingredients, blend until everything is well integrated.
It is recommended to consume this smoothie on an empty stomach and also at night for dinner, without having to eat anything else, since thanks to its contribution of fibers and nutrients it produces a feeling of satiety.
Smoothie with green apple and celery
Both celery and green apple make this smoothie full of benefits, it is diuretic, helps reduce cholesterol, provides fiber and vitamins A and C. It also provides antioxidants, potassium and calcium.
- 1 green apple
- 1 slice of pineapple
- 1 stalk of green celery
- 250 ml of water
- sweetener to taste
- Wash very well, peel and cut into small pieces, the green apple, the pineapple and the green celery.
- Place everything in the blender, along with the water and the sweetener, blend until everything is very homogeneous.
Tip: It is recommended to consume immediately and can be taken at any time of the day.
Smoothie with green apple and oats
We have in this smoothie a combination that provides us with nutrients to improve health, which range from vitamins and fiber, to protein, good fats and vitamins with antioxidant function. As if that were not enough, it helps us reduce cholesterol levels.
- 1 green apple
- 4 tablespoons rolled oats
- ½ cup of orange juice
- sweetener to taste
- Wash the green apple very well, cut it into not so large pieces, peel it and remove the seeds.
- Squeeze the orange.
- Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend them very well until it is a homogeneous mixture.
Tip: It can be consumed at any time of the day, also add a little ice if desired.
As we were able to see, apples and especially green apples have many properties that are beneficial to our body, especially when it comes to dieting, we don’t have to sacrifice ourselves and stop eating sweets, when we can get it naturally from fruits. and without harming health.
Thanks to its nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants, among others, green apples are an ally when it comes to having a healthier, more balanced eating style and also allows us to feel great throughout the day.
Key takeaways
- The apple is the edible fruit of a tree known as the apple tree. This fruit has a somewhat sweet and sour flavor, depending on the variety, and its shape is round. It is not only rich for its flavor, but also for the properties that make it up and the benefits it brings to health.
- The green apple enjoys the taste of many people for its sour flavor, which turns out to be refreshing. It is rich in fibers which makes it suitable for weight loss.
- Other benefits of the green apple is that it reduces heart conditions, eliminates fluid retention, protects bone health, prevents oral diseases, hydrates and improves the skin, among others.
- Among its properties, the green apple is rich in vitamins such as vitamin E and C, as well as group B vitamins. It is rich in minerals such as potassium and small amounts of zinc, manganese, sulfur, fluorine, iodine, boron or selenium. And finally, it is rich in insoluble fibers (in the skin) and soluble if you eat it peeled.
- The green apple can be consumed in different ways, either cut into pieces with everything and its skin or peel it, in salads, smoothies accompanied by other fruits, juice, among others. The important thing is to include it in our daily diet, since it is perfect at all times.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.