For some time now, prevention campaigns have been carried out in relation to sodium consumption in the daily diet, due to the rise in arterial hypertension that exists.

Note: It is known to everyone that salt is a food that contains sodium, however it is not the only one that has it, in fact, without having the knowledge, many people use little or no amount of salt, but perhaps they consume other foods that they are naturally high in sodium.

In this sense, in the following article we share with you which are the foods that we regularly eat that contain a large amount of sodium and which ones you should consume.

What is sodium?

Sodium is a mineral that occurs naturally in certain foods, or is added during their manufacture (1) . Celery, beets and milk are some of the foods in which you can find it naturally.

Note: On the other hand, in packaged or prepared foods, such as canned soups or frozen dinners, sodium is often added during manufacturing.

Sodium foods you can eat

We have prepared a list of foods that, according to their sodium content, can consume moderate wood, some of them according to individual needs.


The carrot is rich in several nutrients such as vitamin A and carotenoids, it contains 69 milligrams of sodium.

It is a source of minerals such as potassium , phosphorus, magnesium , iodine and calcium. Contains vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin E and K and folates. It should be noted that the consumption of this fat-free food helps prevent weight gain.


Rich in abundant vitamins and minerals, thus providing multiple nutritional values ​​to our body. The sodium in broccoli gives an even higher value if you eat it frequently.


It contains beneficial properties for our health and the one that stands out the most is that of protecting our liver system, thanks to glucosinolates (2) .

Radishes provide few calories and many nutrients, it also contains a low amount of sodium, just 39 mg. per 100 g, making it a healthy option to incorporate into our diets.


Cucumber is a fresh fruit, rich in water, it brings us great benefits, if we incorporate it into our daily diet. Among its vitamins, those of group B stand out, necessary to promote nerve impulse and cellular health.

To highlight: Contains folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc , it is low in sodium since it contains 18 mg. for every 100g, which is equivalent to 1% of the amount that should be consumed daily, all of which is beneficial for our health.


The apple is beneficial for our health since it is rich in phytochemical substances and antioxidants, which help reduce blood sugar levels.

To highlight: In the same way, it allows preventing cardiovascular problems, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, asthma and even muscle contractures.

The apple , in turn, has acids such as tartaric and malic, which help to better digest the fats we consume, it is a low sodium fruit, it barely contains 1 mg. for every 100 g.


The blueberry is the food with the greatest antioxidant power among vegetables, this is due to the combined action of its organic acids and anthocyanins that give it its peculiar color.

This food also contains a variety of essential minerals such as manganese, vitamin C and various B vitamins. The blueberry is a food free of fat and sodium.


The strawberry provides few calories, its most abundant component, after water, are carbohydrates such as fructose, glucose and xylitol. It stands out for its contribution in fiber, helping to improve intestinal transit.

Other nutrients and organic compounds in strawberries are vitamin C, citric acid, salicylic acid, malic and oxalic acid, potassium, and to a lesser extent they contain vitamin E, which is involved in the stability of blood cells and fertility. .

Note: Thanks to its high potassium content and its low sodium content, they are highly recommended for people who suffer from high blood pressure or blood vessel and heart conditions.


Edible fig species have digestive benefits, since they contain a substance called cradina, which is a digestive ferment and high in fiber, which improves intestinal transit, which is why it is also used as a natural laxative .

Note: The fig also contains organic acids such as citric, malic and acetic acid; salts such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, it also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.

It also contains 80% water and a high content of carbohydrates; immature fruits are toxic to the stomach, so care must be taken. On the other hand, it contains a low amount of sodium, barely 1mg per 100g.


Nutritionally speaking, oats are very complete and also surpass other cereals, due to their protein content, healthy fats and high fiber content. It also provides good amounts of vitamins and minerals.

This is why oats are very beneficial for health , it also has a low sodium content which is also beneficial for health.


Corn is a fairly complete food, which contains many vitamins and minerals which promote metabolism, it is a source of antioxidants which helps fight free radicals and cell aging.

It is also rich in carbohydrates and fiber, contains folic acid and other vitamins, corn is an ally of various brain functions. Its vitamin B1 content produces a decrease in homocysteine, therefore reducing the risk of suffering a cardiovascular attack.

It also has a low sodium content, only 2% of the daily total that our body needs.


Lentils have many health benefits, since they are favorable for weight loss diets because they provide only 230 calories, also thanks to its fiber content it increases the feeling of satiety and helps with constipation.

They also help reduce cholesterol, strengthen heart health and minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease, due to its low sodium content.

Note: In the same way they fight anemia thanks to their iron contribution, it is also ideal for diabetic people, since it helps to keep blood sugar levels controlled.


Nuts provide our body with energy, protein, fiber, healthy lipids, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folates; vitamins B6 and E, all very beneficial for our health.

Among some of its benefits we have, that due to its content in Omega 3 fatty acids of vegetable origin it helps to reduce cholesterol, it also helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases and that we have a healthy heart.

On the other hand , they improve neural capacity, thanks to their neuroprotective compounds , they help improve cognitive and motor function typical of aging and also contains very little sodium, just 2 mg.

Chicken breast

This food has a high protein content, it provides 21.8 grams per 100 grams of product, in terms of its salt content it is low, only 81 milligrams of sodium per 100 grams of product.

To highlight: Chicken breast is a type of low-fat meat. Without skin, chicken is one of the meats with the least fat content.

Turkey breast

In 100 grams of turkey breast, you can find 928 milligrams of sodium. This provides 62% of the recommended daily value for the average adult.

To highlight: The turkey breast contains 4.2 grams of carbohydrates in 100 grams of breast, it has no fiber, 17.07 grams of protein, 928 milligrams of sodium, and 74.07 grams of water. It contains 43 milligrams of cholesterol and 1.66 grams of fat.

egg whites

The egg is a highly nutritious and practical food, which should be part of the usual diet, of course, if you suffer from any type of health condition or medical prescription.

Note: Their whites have a ratio of 170.0 milligrams of sodium per 100 grams.

Sodium foods you shouldn’t eat

Sodium is present in a large number of foods that we consume on a daily basis, this is because it is an essential component to control excess water in the body’s cells.

But if it is abused, it can lead to different changes in health and make the person prone to conditions such as high blood pressure, fluid retention, heart problems, among others.

For this reason, we made a list of those products that, due to their high levels of sodium, you should avoid consuming.

Table salt

The main benefit of reducing table salt is the reduction of arterial hypertension, as well as cerebrovascular diseases. Hypertension is one of the direct causes of this type of disease.

To highlight: The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that less consumption of one to five grams of table salt, which is equal to about two grams of sodium, per day.

But they should be careful, since, although salt is the main source of sodium in our diet, many foods are enriched with sodium glutamate .

Processed meats and sausages

As we have been talking about throughout this article, sodium is necessary to a certain extent in various foods, in this case both in sausage meat products, since they are of the utmost importance for the acceptability of these products.

Note: Salt, especially in sausage meat products, has the function of extracting myofibrillar proteins that help to form a good emulsion and a good final product.

Sodium reduction must be established for a person’s balanced health, so experiment with different levels of substitution and addition of other ingredients.

cheeses and dairy

Enjoying cheese in moderation is key to a healthy diet, which is why the sodium in cheese depends on the type you eat.

Note: It is recommended that around 2,300 milligrams of sodium can be consumed for adults and 1,500 for people with high blood pressure problems.

Cookies, breads and cakes

We need sodium to live, but it is well known that in these times added salt is abused, however, when used in a balanced way in a healthy diet, it gives excellent results in the kitchen, also when it comes to desserts such as cookies, biscuits and breads. .

Stock cubes, dressings and sauces

We must be careful with the use of concentrated cubes, since they are loaded with chemical elements that are not recommended for health, such as Monosodium Glutamate (3) .

Important: This chemical contains 78 percent free glutamic acid, 21 percent sodium, and up to 1 percent contaminants, so its use is not recommended.

Soy sauce

Its sodium contribution is important, since it includes 5,720 mg of sodium per 100 grams of product, so it is not recommended if you are looking for a salt substitute (4) .

fast food and fries

Constantly consuming fast food can cause significant health problems in the short and long term. This kind of food contains high levels of sodium that affects the body’s sodium-potassium balance and can lead to hypertension, for example.

This without adding to the kidneys, who are in charge of eliminating toxins from the blood. The consumption of fast food generates many toxins and will affect the functioning of the renal system.

Importance of sodium for health

The Spanish Heart Foundation indicates that sodium is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, which allow the response of the muscles to stimuli (5) .

The primary functions of sodium are varied, among them are that it intervenes in the acid-base balance, helps maintain and balance body fluids inside and outside cells.

In the same way, sodium helps the muscles have an optimal response to stimuli, among others , which we will present below.

Controls blood pressure and blood volume

Studies conducted at the University of Chile , estimated that increased potassium intake can reduce sodium sensitivity in people, affecting the relationship between sodium and cardiovascular diseases (6) .

Consequently, the harmful effects of salt can be counteracted by increasing potassium intake by eating foods rich in this mineral, such as fruits and vegetables.

Contributes to the functioning of the muscles and nervous system

Sodium greatly helps the maintenance and balance of body fluids, important for the transmission of nerve impulses, this helps a better response of the muscles to stimuli.

Contributes to the absorption of nutrients

The absorption of sodium helps in the increase of various minerals and nutrients such as chloride, amino acids, water and glucose.

Associated with chlorine and bicarbonates, it is of great importance in the acid/basic balance. Its essential mission is to maintain the osmotic pressure in the extracellular medium and thus avoid excessive water loss, this according to the research carried out by Cervera, Clapés, & Rigolfas, 2001 (7) .

Collaborates with the digestive process

The correct intake of sodium contributes to a great extent to the digestion processes, since it maintains gases and liquids, which are mixed in a partition or permeable membrane.

Problems Associated With Excess Sodium Intake

Consuming sodium in excess can lead to high blood pressure problems, as well as associated cardiovascular problems due to its vasoconstrictor effect and fluid retention. Therefore, we will give other possible problems when consuming excessive sodium.

Arterial hypertension

As for excess sodium, this has known consequences ranging from hypertension, cardiovascular problems, fluid retention, also inflammation to stones.


Excess consumption is associated with a higher incidence of osteoporosis, since sodium increases urinary calcium excretion. In other words, sodium in large amounts produces a negative calcium balance that will accelerate the loss of bone mass (8) .

Kidney difficulties

Excess sodium generates extra effort for the kidney, since it is responsible for eliminating waste, as well as absorbing and excreting sodium. It is recommended not to consume too much sodium, since over time it can affect the kidneys.

fluid retention

As we know, sodium produces fluid retention, the symptoms of edema range from unexplained weight gain, swelling in the legs and ankles.

gastritis and ulcers

An abuse of sodium can generate heartburn over time and gastritis generate a burning sensation in the upper part of the stomach. Over time it can lead to a wide variety of symptoms that are harmful to the human body.

Key takeaways

  • Sodium is a mineral that occurs naturally in certain foods, such as celery, beets, and milk. On the other hand, sodium is also found in packaged foods that have added sodium during manufacturing.
  • Everyone knows that salt is a food that contains sodium, however it is not the only one that has it, in fact, without knowing it, many people use little or no amount of salt, but perhaps consume other foods that are naturally high in sodium
  • There are a variety of foods that contain sodium but their quantity is low and we can include them in our diet without any problem, among them we find broccoli, carrots, strawberries, figs, nuts, cucumber, radish, apple, oats, corn, lentils, chicken breast. chicken, turkey breast, egg whites, among others.
  • Likewise, there are foods that contain sodium whose level is high and you should avoid or not consume in excess, such as table salt, processed meat and sausages, soy sauce, fast food, fried foods, among others.
  • Sodium is important for our health since it is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, likewise, it intervenes in the acid-base balance; helps maintain and balance body fluids inside and outside cells. It also helps muscles have an optimal response to stimuli.
  • Now, if you have an excessive consumption of sodium, you can present problems with fluid retention, gastritis, ulcers, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and kidney problems.

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