What is the seed of Brazil?

The seed of Brazil is the fruit of a tree of the same name, whichprovides special antioxidant and nutritional properties, indicated for those who want to lose body weight, through the elevation of caloric consumption and the decrease in the absorption of fats from food. (1)

What is the seed of Brazil for?

  • The seed of Brazil is mainly usedas a natural slimming agentand among its health benefits is thereduction of body fatthanks to its content of phytochemical components. (2)
  • It is used to treat:
    • Patients with obesity.
    • Imbalance ofcholesteroland glucose levels in the blood.
    • Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in the body.
    • Control the feeling of appetite.
    • Strengthens the immune system.
    • Increases fat metabolism.
    • Decreases the risk of breast or prostate cancer.
    • It produces a feeling of satiety so it decreases appetite.
    • Cellular degenerative damage.

Dosage and routes of administration of seed from Brazil

The dose and route of administration of this natural product is orally with water and without chewingat night before bedtime to achieve an adaptation of the organism. Specifically, the seed of Brazil is indicated as follows:

  • For people over 18 and under 65 with obesity: The seed from Brazil comes packaged in a package of 5 grams, with a content equivalent to 30 pieces of this seed. It is recommended to consume the amount ofa package for30 continuous days, to achieve positive results.

Brazil Seed Side Effects

The consumption of the seed of Brazil, can cause in certain patients some of the following Adverse effects .

  • Allergic reactions due to contact with any phytochemical contained in the Brazil seed.
  • It can cause dehydration due to possible diarrhea .
  • Fatigue and dizziness may occur.
  • It can cause the increase of selenium, with the risk of toxicity.

Important: It is recommended to stop its consumption and consult a doctor if you observe any of these symptoms or any other not included in the list.

Brazil seed contraindications and warnings

The consumption of Brazil seed is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to any of the chemical and nutritional components of the seed.
  • In women it is not recommended to ingest during pregnancy or lactation.
  • Patients with stomach or intestinal ulcers.
  • People with gastrointestinal conditions .

To highlight: It is recommended that this product be prescribed, dosed and supervised by a doctor.

Avoid if you have:

  • Less than 18 years and more than 65 years of age.
  • Anorexia.
  • Anemia.
  • Drowsiness.
  • If you are being medicated with drugs for insomnia .


  • The consumption of this seed is the responsibility of the person who recommends it and for this reason try to seek several opinions before using it.
  • It should be kept in a dry and cool place.
  • Combined consumption with alcoholic beverages should be avoided, as it can cause Vomiting , nausea, dizziness or fainting.
  • Do not consume if the seeds are in poor condition or past the expiration date.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

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